(Sir?) ? SAWYER
Born: c1210 (10gdad of Sir Edmund b1540, 11gens @ 30yrs/gen = 330yrs, gdad of Hugh, 5gson of orig SAWYER who came w/WmConq)
Died: c1290 (if 80yo)
Father: ? SAWYER (b. c1180)
Mother: ?
Spouse: ?
- ? SAWYER (b. c1240)
At right, pic? ===>>
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This file originated as a place-holder for a number of 13C figures and to provide a place to add 'Contemporary Events' from BN HT.
Contemporary [13C] Events (mostly from BN HT and CHME):
- cf Sawye12c for earlier events
- 1200s Cathars (aka Albigensiens) thrived til later persecuted (Temp p227)
- 1202 famine in Egypt to 1204; 4th Crusade to 1204 as crusaders, unable to pay Venice for transport, agree to conquer [E Chr] Constantinople on its behalf!
- 1203 KoE John orders the murder of his nephew Arthur, D of Brittany
- 1204 4th Crusade and [Latin Chr] sack of [Greek Byz Chr] Constantinople, called 1199, left Venice 10 Oct 1202 for Jerusalem, but sidetracked to Const., reached 18 Jul 1203, sacked 14-6 Apr 1204, install Latin ruler #1 Baldwin I r1204-5 (Temp 147-51)
- 1206 Temujin proclaimed Genghis Khan, 'Emperor w/in the Seas' [uh oh]; Dynasty of slave kings in India to 1290
- 1207 Pope Innocent III appts Stephen Langton AoC, but K John doesn't let him take ofc -> RCC lays England under interdict 1208
- 1208 (5 Jan) Papal legate Peter of Castelnau murdered by a man tied to Cathars, igniting the furious French royal response against Cathars under K Philip II Augustus i.e. 1000s massacred, military conquest of Provence and Languedoc, 'Albigensian Crusade', last ldr d1321 (Temp p227; RCC anti-Cathar crusade 1208-13)
- c1208-65 Simon de Montfort, father of Parliament (esp. the Commons), cf note below
- 1209 Cambridge University fnd'd in England; RCC excom's K John for attacks on its property
- 1210 RCC excom's HRE25 Otto IV; [St] Francis of Assisi fnds Franciscan Order; Mongols led by GK begin invasion of China
- 1211 KoP Alfonso II to 1223 12yrs
- 1212 HRE26 Frederick II to 1250 38yrs; Children's [4.5] Crusade, 30k kids lv France/Germany for Palestine - probably origin of 'Pied Piper' legend, thousands sold into slavery
- 1213 RCC declares K John deposed, but John hurriedly makes peace; K of Aragon James I 'the Conqueror' to 1276 63yrs
- 1215 Magna Carta in England (15 Jun, at Runnymede by Thames, 'rule of law', 'limited govt', 'consent of governed', proto-'separation of powers'); [St] Dominic fnds Dominican Order, a body of preaching friars, at Toulouse
- 1216 9yo KoE Henry III to 1272 56yrs; Pope Honorius III to 1227 11yrs
- 1217 5th Crusade (ends 1222) fails to capture Egypt
- 1218 GK's Mongols conquer Persia, Bokhara 1219; Hojo clan rules Japan to 1219-1333 114yrs, following Minamoto clan
- 1223 KoF Louis VIII to 1226 3yrs; Mongols invade Russia
- 1224 War between France - England to 1227 3yrs
- 1226 KoF [St] Louis IX to 1270 44yrs
- 1227 Pope Gregory IX to 1241 14yrs; KoE Henry III begins personal rule in England. GK dies, and his [Mongol] empire is divided among his sons
- 1228 6th Crusade to 1229 led by HRE26 recaptures Jerusalem; Teutonic Knights begin conquering Prussia
- 1229 Ogadai, son of GK, elected Khan to 1241 12yrs
- 1232 earliest known use of [gunpowder-fueled] rockets in Mongol v. Chinese war
- 1234 Mongol armies conquer N China (i.e. annex Chin Empire), attack S Song (Hyby p93)
- 1236 Alexander Nevski, Prince of Novgorod to 1263 37yrs
- 1240 p/u here (BN HT p81)
- 1247 Bethlehem Hospital fnd'd in London, world's oldest psychiatric hospital (later became 'Bedlam' in cockney slang)
- 1260-70 Sultan Baibars cuts the Crusader kingdom down to a thin strip of coast land headed by the town of Acre in Syria (Temp p46, today's Haifa, Israel)
- 1265-1321 56yo Dante Alighieri, Florentine author of 'The Divine Comedy'
- 1266-1308 42yo Duns Scotus, RCC scholar/theologian
- 1279 Mongol conquest of China completed after last Song emperor drowned in battle (Hyby p93)
- 1291 Acre taken by Muslims, last gasp of Crusades, Templars and Hospitaliers head to Cyprus, Teutonic Knights to NE Europe (Temp p46)
- 1298-1337 Outbreak of German anti-Semitism (Temp p212)
- cf HughSAW for later events
The development of the English Parliament owes a great deal to French-born nobleman Simon de Montfort, E of Leicester c1208-65. He was m. to Eleanor, sis of K Henry III. After Henry began ruling dictatorially in 1227, influenced by foreign advisors whom he made his favorites, his actions angered many of his barons. De Montfort became their ldr, and in 1258 forced Henry to agree to the reformist 'Provisions of Oxford'. But when Henry later reneged, civil war broke out in early 1264. W/in a few weeks Henry and his heir (Edw) were captured at the Battle of Lewes. De Montfort then ruled England for >1yr, calling Parliament in Henry's name in 1264-5. In addition to lords, a new group of 'burgesses' (leading citizens from main towns) were invited, becoming the 1st commoners to join Parliament. But Edw soon escaped, raised an army and k. de Montfort at the Battle of Evesham (BN HT p80).
- BN HT = History's Timeline, Barnes & Noble, 1981, own.
- KRGG = Knights, Romans, Greeks and God, Brian Daniel Starr, Xlibris, 2011, own.
- CHME = Christian History Made Easy, Dr Timothy Paul Jones, Rose, 2005, 165pp, own.
- Hyby = History Year by Year, DK, 2013, FHL.
- Temp = The Templars, Barbara Frale, Skyhorse, 2012, FHL.
cf ahnen-sg, Roman