(Sir?) ? SAWYER
Born: c1120 (13gdad of Sir Edmund b1540, 14gens @ 30yrs/gen = 420yrs, gggdad of Hugh, gggson of orig SAWYER who came w/WmConq)
Died: c1200 (if 80yo)
Father: ? SAWYER (b. c1090)
Mother: ?
Spouse: ?
- ? SAWYER (b. c1150)
At right, pic? ===>>
tba |
This file originated as a place-holder for a number of 12C figures and to provide a place to add 'Contemporary Events' from BN HT.

Contemporary (12C) Events (mostly from BN HT and CHME):
- cf Sawy1066 for earlier events
- 1099 Crusaders capture Jerusalem; Godfrey of Bouillon elected KoJ
- 1100s Gothic arch. style evolves i.e. lighter, pointed arches, slender pillars (evoke grace) and elaborate decoration; painting aimed at realism; lit. Dante, Petrarch, Chaucer; monks illuminated manuscripts
- 1100 Henry I, youngest son of WmConq, KoE (to 1135); Godfrey of Bouillon dies (1st Latin Crusader king in Palestine, kingdom lasts to 1291 when Acre falls), Baldwin of Bouillon is C of Edessa, Raymond of Toulouse is C of Tripoli, Bohemund of Otranto is P of Antioch; Polynesia being colonized
- 1104 Crusaders capture Acre
- 1106 HRE20 Henry V (to 1125); Henry I defeats bro Robt, D of Normandy, at Tinchebrai (latter remains captive for life)
- 1107 Alexander I (younger bro of Edgar) KoS to 1124
- 1108 Louis VI KoF to 1137
- 1109-13 War between England and France
- 1111 HRE20 Henry V forces Pope Paschal II to ack pwr of emperor
- 1112 Bernard of Clairvaux arrives at Cistercian abbey of Clairvaux [fnd'd 1098 near Cistertium, France], revitalizes it by his good example and mgt, became very infuential 'ruled RCC for 30yrs' (CHME p64)
- 1113 fnd'ing of Order of [the Hospital of] St John (aka The Knights Hospitallers) ack'd by RCC (fnd'd 1080)
- 1114 Matilda (Maud, dau of Henry I) m. HRE20 Henry V
- 1115 Stephen II K of Hungary to 1131; St Bernard fnds Clairvaux Abbey and is 1st abbot
- 1118 BE71 John II Comnenus to 1143
- 1120 Templars informally fnd'd by French knight Hugues de PAYNS (see note below, or 1119?); Wm, heir of Henry I, drowns in 'White Ship' wreck
- 1122 Concordat of Worms, conference of German princes ends HRE/RCC investiture dispute
- 1123 Persian poet Omar Khayyam dies; 1st Lateran Council confirms C of Worms
- 1124 David I, younger bro of Alexander I, KoS to 1153
- 1125 Lothair of Saxony elected HRE21 to 1137
- 1126 Alfonso VII K of Castile (Spain) to 1157 (cf KRGG p177)
- 1127 Song Dynasty forced S by Jurchen (nomad) raids overrun N China (Hyby p93)
- 1128 Alfonso Henriques, C of Portugal, makes [it] indep of Spain by 1143
- 1129 Templars become an official RCC order (Temp p41); Empress Matilda, widow of HRE20, m. Geoffrey the Handsome, C of Anjou, nicknamed 'Plantagenet'
- 1129-51 Geoffrey of Monmouth (a town in SE Wales) lived at Oxford, d. c1155, wrote c1136 'History of the Kings of Britain' (br-doka, includes Arthurian legends)
- 1130-41 Orderic Vitalis writes his 'Historia Ecclesiastica' (Temp p139); 1130 Almohad Dynasty, fnd'd by preacher Ibn Tumart, comes to pwr in Morocco to 1169
- 1135-83 Maldred FitzDolfin Lord of Raby m. ? de STUTEVILLE; 1135 Stephen of Boulogne seizes English crown at d. of his uncle Henry I, civil war ensues (dark time)
- 1136 Dolfin of Carlisle (wiki Dolfin_of_Carlisle) 1st Lord of Raby dies
- 1137 Louis VII KoF to 1180
- 1138 HRE22 Conrad III to 1152; Battle of the Standard i.e. KoS David I defeated while fighting for Matilda's cause (Uhtred line: Gos I sons Dolfin of Carlisle and Gos II of k., cf Bamburgh.html)
- 1139 Matilda lands in England; 2nd Lateran Council ends dual pope-dom ([illeg] Anacletus II v. [legit] Innocent II)
- 1140s Krak de Chaveliers built [in Syria]
- 1141 Matilda captures Stephen at Battle of Lincoln, but reigns badly, driven out by popular uprising, Stephen restored
- 1143 BE72 Manuel I Comnenus to 1180 (zenith of Comneni); Alfonso KoP to 1185; Peter Abelard dies (b1079 64yo)
- 1145 Almohades begin conquest of Moorish Spain to 1150
- 1147-9 2nd Crusade sparked by appeal from St Bernard of Clairvaux
- 1148 Crusaders fail to capture Damascus; Matilda lvs England for last time
- 1151 Toltec Empire in Mexico ends; Geoffrey of Anjou dies
- 1152 marriage of KoF Louis VII - Eleanor of Aquitaine is annulled on grnds of blood relation (also Qs of EoA infidelity w/Raymond in Tripoli, cf HMW); EoA then m. Henry of Anjou, adding her Aquitaine to his Anjou and Normandy; HRE23 Frederick I Barbarossa to 1190
- 1153 Malcolm IV 'the Maiden' (gson of David I) KoS to 1165; Henry of Anjou (Matilda's son) invades England, forces KoE Stephen to make him heir; Bernard of Clairvaux dies (b1090 63yo)
- 1154 KoE Henry II to 1189, also r. > 1/2 of France, Henry est. circuit courts and a central appeals court -> 'common law'; Pope Adrian IV (Nicholas Breakspear, only English pope) to 1159
- 1155 KoE Henry II appts AdC Thomas a Becket as Chancellor; Pope Adrian grants Henry II right to r. Ireland
- 1156-85 Civil wars ravage Japan
- 1158 Alfonso VIII K of Castile to 1214 56yrs
- 1159 Pope Alexander III to 1181; Henry II levies scutage = pay cash v. military svc
- 1161 explosives (gunpowder) 1st used in China at Battle of Ts'ai-shih
- 1162 Becket apptd AoC, then immed. quarrels w/Henry re RCC rights
- 1164 Constitutions of Clarendon chg laws on trial of churchmen, Becket flees to France
- 1165 KoS WmLion (younger bro of Malcolm IV) to 1214
- 1167 KoJ Amalric captures Cairo, but Arabs take it back 1168
- 1169 Saladin (Salah-al-Din Yusuf ibn-Ayyub) vizier of Egypt to 1193, sultan from 1174
- 1170-1248 Robt FitzMaldred LoR m. Isabel de NEVILLE d1254 (this is when Raby Castle passed from Dolfin's [Uhtred] line to the NEVILLE's, later of Hornby Castle); 1170 Becket reconciles w/Henry II, returns to Canterbury, but is k. by 4 knights (for Henry?)
- 1171 Henry II annexes Ireland
- 1173 Peter Waldo of Lyon, France, has a religious experience, later fnds Waldensians; EoA supports rebellion of Henry II's older sons Henry, Richard, Geoffrey; Becket canonized
- 1174 Saladin conquers Syria [uh oh]
- 1177 KoJ Baldwin IV defeats Saladin at Montgisard
- 1179 Grand Assize of Windsor increases pwr of royal courts in England; Saladin besieges Tyre
- 1180 BE73 Alexius II Comnenus to 1183; Baldwin IV - Saladin truce; KoF Philip II to 1223; European society stabilized in late 12C, merchants, monks and scholars travelled widely, new Scholastic thinkers try to meld reason + experience + revelation
- 1182 KoF Philip II banishes Jews from France
- 1183 BE74 Andronicus I Comnenus to 1185
- 1185 BE75 Isaac [II] (1st) Angelus to 1195; KoP Sancho I to 1211; Kamakura period in Japan to 1333
- 1187 Crusaders are defeated by Saladin at the 'Horns of Hattin' W of Sea of Galilee, Jerusalem taken shortly after (til 1918), Templars move HQ to Acre
- 1189 KoE Richard I 'Lionheart' (oldest living son of Henry II) to 1199; last recorded Norse visit to N America; 3rd Crusade to 1192 (ldrs F Barbarossa, KoF Philip, KoE Richard)
- 1190 Mongol ldr Temujin [aka Genghis Khan] begins to create an empire in E Asia; Barbarossa drowns en route to Palestine; HRE24 Henry VI to 1197; K of Ethiopia Lalibela to 1225
- 1191 KoE Richard I conquers Cyprus and captures city of Acre
- 1192 KoE Richard I captures Jaffa, makes peace w/Saladin, but on way home is captured by his enemy D Leopold of Austria; Minamoto Yoritomo Shogun of Japan
- 1192-1867 pwr in Japan exercized by Shoguns i.e. military cmdrs (warlords)
- 1193 Saladin dies; Leopold gives Richard to HRE24, who demands huge ransom from England; Muslims capture Bihar and Bengal; Al-Aziz Imad al-Din succeeds Saladin to 1198
- 1194 HRE24 conquers Sicily; Richard I ransomed and returned to England
- 1195 BE76 Alexius III to 1203 (appeals to W for help v. Turks -> 4th Crusade)
- 1196 Marimid Dynasty in Morocco to 1464 268yrs (fnd'd at Fez); K Pedro II of Aragon to 1213 17yrs
- 1197 K Ottakar I of Bohemia to 1230 33yrs; civil war follows d. of HRE24 Henry VI in Germany
- 1198 HRE25 Otto IV to 1212 14yrs; Pope Innocent III to 1216 18yrs (one of the most pwrfl popes, claimed pwr over all secular rulers 1201, init. 4th Lateran Counc. 1215, inspired 4th Crusade)
- 1199 John Lackland, youngest son of Henry II, KoE to 1216 17yrs (Robin Hood era)
- cf Sawye13c for later events
Not long after 1140 AD, the Italian scholar Gerard of Cremona [Italy] traveled to the Spanish peninsula, hoping to find a rare copy of the 1kyo Greek astronomy text known as the Almagest. His chances were better there than anywhere else in Europe. The S half of [Spain] had been in Arab hands for centuries, and [their rulers] had brought w/them 1000s of classical texts, translated into Arabic but long lost to the vernacular languages of the West. The libraries of Toledo, in the center of [Spain], housed scores of these valuable volumes - and Toledo had now been recaptured by one of the Christian kingdoms of the N, meaning that W scholars could visit ... in safety. Gerard found [even] more than he [had hoped] ... Euclid, Galen, Ptolemy and Aristotle ... Overwhelmed, he settled into Toledo and learned Arabic ... to the end of his life he [translated] ... whatever books he thought finest ... Renaissance had begun (HRW p xxiii). Much later, the 1st Italian to give a name to this reawakened interest in classical learning was the poet Petrarch in the 1340s. SWB ack's that even before Gerard, Western scholars (mostly Italian) had been working thru Arabic libraries, reacquainting themselves w/the classics. Its likely that this interest was sparked by Western contact w/the Muslim world in the recently completed 1st Crusade 1096-9.
The Order of the Temple was fnd'd at the beginning of the 12C. In the years that followed the 1rst Crusade [1096-9], a French knight named Hugues de PAYNS, lord of a fief near the city of Troyes and vassal of the Count of Champagne, had brought together a few comrades in the city of Jerusalem, just taken back by Christians, to found a brotherhood of lay soldiers who lived as lay people w/the Canons of the Holy Sepulchre. [Then] In 1119, a gang of Saracen robbers slaughtered a caravan of Christian pilgrims traveling to the Holy Places. The event had an enormous resonance ... The govt of the Kingdom of Jerusalem was growing increasingly concerned about [this chronic Holy Land problem] ... It was perhaps as a result of this tragedy that the following year, 1120, Hugues de PAYNS and his comrades committed themselves before the patriarch of Jerusalem to fight in defense of Chr pilgrims ... embrac[ing] poverty [and chastity, obedience] ... the lay knights took the name 'poor fellow soldiers of Christ' and lived on alms ... a few years later [there were] some 30 [of them] ... too many to remain [at] ... the Holy Sepulchre ... [to the 2nd KoJ Baldwin II r1118-31 invited them to] move to a wing of the royal palace ... near ruins of Solomon's Temple ... [which lead to their nickname] the Templars (Temp p38-9). They were to become 'barely 50yrs after their founding, the most powerful monastic and military order of the Middle Ages' (18, 21).
- BN HT = History's Timeline, Barnes & Noble, 1981, own.
- KRGG = Knights, Romans, Greeks and God, Brian Daniel Starr, Xlibris, 2011, own.
- CHME = Christian History Made Easy, Dr Timothy Paul Jones, Rose, 2005, 165pp, own.
- HRW = The History of the Renaissance World, Susan Wise Bauer, Norton, 2013, Mustang.
- Hyby = History Year by Year, DK, 2013, FHL.
- Temp = The Templars, Barbara Frale, Skyhorse, 2012, FHL.
cf ahnen-sg, Roman