(Sir?) Hugh SAWYER
Born: c1270 (8gdad of Sir Edmund b1540, 9gens @ 30yrs/gen = 270yrs)
Died: c1350 (if 80yo)
Father: ? SAWYER (b. c1240)
Mother: ?
Spouse: ?
- ? SAWYER (b. c1300)
At right, pic? ===>>
tba |
This file originated as a place-holder for a number of 14C figures and to provide a place to add 'Contemporary Events' from BN HT.
Contemporary 14C (aka quattrocento MDB p65) Events (mostly from BN HT and CHME):
- cf Sawye13c for earlier events
- 1300 KoP Wenceslas II to ?
- 1301 KoE Edw I titles his baby son Edw PoW (thereafter means heir to throne)
; Ottoman fndr Osman defeats Byzantines in Turkey
- 1302 Battle of Courtrai, Flemish defeat French knights, prevent occupation
- 1303 Guillaume de Nogaret captures/mistreats Pope Boniface VIII at Anagni, Italy on KoF Philip IV's orders, Pope rescued by citizens but dies soon after in Rome
- 1304-74 Italian poet Francesco Petrarca (Petrarch), key (fnd-ing) Renaissance figure
- 1305-13 Pope Gascon Clemens V 'ever hesitant, ever supine before royal will' (Temp p22), French competitor to Pope Benedict XI named 1303, so 05 begin 'Babylonian Captivity' in Avignon til 1377; English capture/execute Wm Wallace 05
- 1306 KoF Philip IV expels Jews from France; new Scot rebellion against English rule led by Robt Bruce, crowned KoS as Robt I at Scone, rules to 1329
- 1307 (13 Oct) R45 French King Philip IV the Fair r1285-1314 cracks down hard on the Templars, accusing them of heresy (Temp p49, but coveting their wealth); KoE Edw I dies on march N to crush Bruce, so KoE Edw II rules to 1327
- 1308 HRE Henry VII to 1313 (House of Luxemburg)
- 1310 English barons appt 21 peers - the Lords Ordainers - to manage Edw II's household
- 1312 Forced dissolution of 192yo Templars (Temp p185)
- 1314 (18 Mar) last Templar Grand Master Jacques de MOLAY and loyal lt. Geoffrey de CHARNY burned at the stake (Temp p142, after 1204 sack of Const. in which Shroud was taken, it next appeared in 1353 at Lirey in C France, owned by Sir Kgt Geoffrey de CHARNY!); Battle of Bannockburn, Bruce defeats young Edw II, winning Scot indep (tho war continued to 1328 when England finally recognized it); KoF Louis X the Quarrelsome to 1316; HRE Louis IV of Bavaria to 1347, civil war w/rival Frederick of Austria
- 1315 Swiss defeat Leopold of Austria at Morgarten
- 1316 RCC sends 8 Dominican friars to Ethiopia in search of legendary Chr emp Prester John; KoF Philip V the Tall to 1322; Pope John XXII to 1334
- 1318 Swiss make peace w/Hapsburgs
- 1321 Dante Alighieri dies (b1265 56yo), author of classic 'Divine Comedy'
- 1322 KoF Chas IV the Fair to 1328
- 1325 Tenochtitlan (now Mexico City) fnd'd by Aztecs
- 1326 1st Polish War v. TK, latter win 1333; Q Isabella and Roger Mortimer sail from France w/army to rebel against KoE Edw II
- 1327 Parliament declared KoE Edw II deposed, his son t/o as Edw III, Edw II murdered 9mos later; HRE Louis VI invades Itay, deposes Pope John XXII
- 1328 KoF Philip VI to 1350, 1st of House of Valois
- 1329 KoS David to 1371 42yrs! son of Robt Bruce
- 1332 Edw Balliol, son of John, tries to seize Scot throne w/English help, but rebuffed
- 1333 KoE Edw III invades Scotland on Balliol's behalf, defeats Scots at Halidon Hill
- 1334 Pope Benedict XII to 1342
- 1337-1453 'Hundred Years' War' England v. France (actually 4 subwars: 37-60 60-96 15-22 and 22-53) over English claims to French throne
- 1338 Declaration of Rense: HRE Electors declare (pol.) indep from RCC; Treaty of Coblenz allies England w/HRE
- 1340 English naval victory at Sluys (over Dutch) gives England cmd of English Channel; Parliament passes laws saying only IT can impose taxes
- 1341 Petrarch crowned Poet Laureate in Rome
- 1342 Pope Clement VI to 1352
- 1343 Peace of Kalisch gives TK land cutting off Poland from Baltic access
- 1344 1st known use of term Hanseatic [trading] League (led by Luebeck, Cologne)
- 1346 KoE Edw III invades France, wins at Crecy; K of Serbs Stephen Dushan crowned Emp of Serbs and Greeks; English defeat/capture KoS David at Neville's Cross
- 1347 English capture Calais; Black Death reaches Cyprus (from E Asia); HRE Chas IV to 1378
- 1348 KoE Edw III est. Order of Garter; Black Death ravages Europe, reaches England (k. ~1/4 Europeans!)
- 1349 Jews persecuted in Germany
- 1350 KoF John II to 1364; K of Castile Pedro the Cruel to 1369
- 1351 Black Death sweeps Russia; English remove Pope's pwr to give English benefices to foreigners
- 1353 Statute of Praemunire i.e. English Parliament forbids appeal to Pope
- 1356 The Golden Bull i.e. new constitution for HRE w/7 Electors; Edw the Black Prince, son of KoE Edw III, defeats French at Poitiers, captures KoF John II
- 1357 French Estates-General, led by merchant Etienne Marcel, attempts reforms (i.e. pressure building); Scots ransom K David from English
- 1358 Jacquerie revolt by French peasants suppressed by Regent Chas, son of K John II
- 1360 Treaty of Bretigny ends 1st stage of 100yrs War, Edw III gives up claim to French throne
- 1363 Philip the Bold, son of John II, becomes D of Burgundy; Tamerlane begins conquest of Asia
- 1364 KoF Chas V the Wise to 1380 (dad d. John II in captivity in London)
- 1364-1437 Niccolo Niccoli, Florentine friend of Poggio's (MDB p69)
- 1367 Confederation of Cologne; 77 Hanse towns prep for trade war w/Denmark
- 1368 Chinese rebel against Yuan (Mongol) Dynasty, Ming t/o til 1644 276yrs
- 1369 Tamerlane becomes K of Samarkand; 2nd stage of Engand/France war begins
- 1370 Hanse towns est right to veto Danish kings; Black Prince sacks Limoges; Pope Gregory XI to 1378
- 1371 KoW Robt II to 1390, 1st Stuart monarch
- 1372 French recapture Poitou and Brittany, naval battle of La Rochelle, French regain cntl of English Channel
- 1373 John of Gaunt leads new invasion of France
- 1374 John of Gaunt returns to England, t/o govt since Edw III senile, bro ill
- 1374-1460 Guarino of Verona, fellow humanistic book-hunter (MDB p70)
- 1375 Truce of Bruges between England/France
- 1376 Good Parliament introduces many reforms; called by Black Prince who d. that year 45yo; Oxford don John Wyclif pub's Civil Dominion calling for church reforms
- 1377 KoE Richard II to 1399; Pope Gregory returns to Rome, ending Bab. Captiv. in Avignon
- 1378 Grt Schism to 1417 w/rival Popes Urban VI at Rome to 1389, Clement VII at Avignon to 1394; HRE Wenseslas IV to 1400
- 1380 KoF Chas VI to 1422 42yrs
- 1381 Peasants' Revolt in England, preview of chgs to come
- 1380-1459 Poggio Bracciolini, Italian humanist ('umanista') hunter of ancient classics e.g. Tacitus (MDB p67 pic)
- 1382 John Wyclif expelled from Oxford due to opposition to RCC doctrines; KoP John I to 1433, fndr of Avis Dynasty (dad of Henry the Navigator); Scots w/French army attack England
- 1386 Battle of Sempach; Swiss defeat/kill Leopold III of Austria
- 1387 Poet Geoffrey Chaucer begins work on The Canterbury Tales
- 1389 Truce among England, France and Scots; 22yo KoE Richard II t/o; Pope Boniface IX to 1404 (Rome); Turks defeat Serbs at Battle of Kosovo (still remembered bitterly)
- 1390 KoS Robt III to 1406; Turks complete conquest of Asia Minor (today's Turkey)
- 1392 KoF Chas VI goes insane
- 1394-1460 66yo Henry the Navigator part of 1415 raid on N Africa, sparks his interest in exploration, 1419 on sends more explorations of W Africa (sparks Age of Exploration -> trade-based empires)
- 1394-1471 Panormita [of Palermo], fellow humanistic book-hunter (MDB p70)
- 1394 Pope Benedict XIII to 1423 (Avignon); KoE Richard II leads expedition to subdue Ireland, returns 1395
- 1396 29yo KoE Richard II m. 7yo Princess Isabella of France; Turks conquer Bulgaria
- 1397 Union of Kalmar unites Norway, Denmark and Sweden under K Eric of Pomerania
- 1398 Tamerlane ravages kingdom of Delhi, 100k massacred, returns home 1399; absolute rule of 'tyrannical and wildly extravagant' KoE Richard II
- 1399 John of Gaunt dies, eldest son Henry of Bolingbroke lands in Yorkshire w/40 followers, soon has 60k, forces Richard to abdicate, KoE Henry IV to 1413 14yrs
- cf Sawye15c for later events
After the fall of Rome til the rise of the West c15C, China and India (and Islam from 8C on) were the top civilizations in the world w/~75% of world GDP to the West's ~10% (from Dinesh D'Sousa's 2014 bk 'America', quoting Angus Maddison's 2007 'The World Economy' pub'd by Brookings Inst. Press). So the 'top 4' Great Powers of the 14C were the Ottomans, Ming China, Mogul India and W Europe (incl. Muscovy), all of comparable power and stage of development, and all far ahead of the scattered societies of Africa, the Americas and Oceania (see ToN.html).
John of Gaunt, 3rd son of K Edw III, had a quiet but dominating effect on English politics in the 2nd half of the 14C. Born at Ghent in Flanders, his name is a corruption of that city's name. He was created Earl of Richmond and m. Blanche, dau of D of Lancaster, so John inherited those estates and title at latter's death. Blanche d1369 so John m2 (1371) Constance, dau of Pedro I of Castile/Leon. By that time John virtually ruled England since Edw III was growing senile and his heir, the Black Prince, was also ill. By 1377 both Edw's were dead, leaving the Black Prince's 10yo son Richard II as king, w/John as regent. From 1386-8 John led an expedition to Castile to overthrow its ruler Juan I, whose father had murdered Pedro and usurped the throne. That failed so John returned to England, his loyalty to his nephew playing a large part in keeping the ineffective Richard on the throne. Constance d1394 but in the 1370s John had several illeg kids by Katherine Swynford, believed to be a sis-in-law of the poet and diplomat Geoffrey Chaucer. When Constance d. John m. Katherine, and the illeg kids, the Beauforts, were declared legit. It was via the Beauforts that Henry VII derived his shadowy claim to the throne [many other descendents of JoG also claim royal ancestry]. When John d1399, his son Henry by his 1st marriage overthrew his cousin Richard II and made himself K Henry IV (BN HT p90).
- BN HT = History's Timeline, Barnes & Noble, 1981, own.
- KRGG = Knights, Romans, Greeks and God, Brian Daniel Starr, Xlibris, 2011, own.
- CHME = Christian History Made Easy, Dr Timothy Paul Jones, Rose, 2005, 165pp, own.
- MDB = A Most Dangerous Book, Christopher B Krebs, W W Norton, 2011, Mustang.
- Temp = The Templars, Barbara Frale, Skyhorse, 2012, FHL.
cf ahnen-sg, Roman