(Sir?) ? SAWYER
Born: c1030 (16gdad of Sir Edmund b1540, 17gens @ 30yrs/gen = 510yrs, 6gson of Hugh, original SAWYER who came w/WmConq)
Died: c1110 (if 80yo)
Father: ? SAWYER (b. c1000)
Mother: ?
Spouse: ?
- ? SAWYER (b. c1060)
At right, pic? ===>>
tba |
This file originated as a place-holder for a number of 11C figures and to provide a place to add 'Contemporary Events' from BN HT.
Contemporary (11C) Events (mostly from BN HT and CHME):
- cf Rollo for earlier events
- 1000s Romanesque architectural style developed i.e. massive bulk, sturdy pillars, round arches
- 1000 Battle of Svolder: Sweyn k. Olaf of Norway, annexes Norway to Denmark; Ethelred II ravages Cumberland; gunpowder perfected by Chinese c. now
[- 1001 sudden d. of HRE15 Otto III r983-1002 creates pwr vacuum, KoN Olaf v. KoD Sven rivalry, HKV p259]
- 1002 Leif Ericsson, son of Eric the Red, leads exp. W poss. as far as MD; Ethelred m. Emma, sis of D Rich. of Normandy (ggdau of Rollo); Ethelred-ordered St Brice Day massacre of Danes in S England; (spring) Scot usurper Gillacomgain k., but wife Gruoch is pregnant (HKV p265)
- 1003 Sweyn and his army land in England, wreak terrible vengeance
- 1005 Kenneth III k. in battle w/his successor (Malcolm II 'the Destroyer' r1005-34)
- 1006 Battle of Durham, Uchtred the Bold displays heads, defeats Scots
- 1007 Ethelred buys 2yrs peace from Danes for 36k# slv ($11.5M @ $20/oz)
- 1012 Danes sack Canterbury, bot off for 48k# slv ($15.3M @ $20/oz)
- 1013 Sweyn lands in England and is proclaimed K, Ethelred flees to Normandy
- 1014 English recall Ethelred II as K on d. of Sweyn; Canute retreats to Denmark; Battle of Clontarf in N Ireland (K Brian Boroime dies, but it did help purge that land of Danes)
- 1015 Canute again invades England; war between Danes and Saxons
- 1016 Edmund Ironside, son of Ethelred II, KoE; he and Canute divide kingdom, Canute holds N, Edm Wessex, but then Edm is ass., so Canute KoE to 1035 19yrs; Olaf KoN to 1028; Uchtred the Bold (7th Earl of Bamburgh) is k. en route to pay homage to K Canute I
- 1017 Canute divides England into 4 earldoms (Canute in Wessex, Eadric Streona in Mercia, Thorkell the Tall in E Anglia, Eric of Hlathir in Northumbria)
- 1018 Battle of Carham on River Tweed, KoS Malcolm II defeats Saxons, gaining Lothian; also gained Strathcylde for gson/heir Duncan when its K d.
- 1019 Canute m. Emma of Normandy, widow of Ethelred II
- 1021 [Fatimid?] Caliph al-Hakim proclaims himself divine, fnds Druse sect
- 1024 Conrad II, German King and HRE17 (1st Salian) to 1039 15yrs
- 1025 BE60 Constantine VIII to 1028
- 1027 Robert le Diable (the devil), Duke of Normandy to 1035 8yrs
- 1028 BE61 Zoe, Byzantine Empress to 1050 22yrs; Canute conquers Norway, and his son Sweyn becomes KoN
- 1030 Olaf tries to regain throne of Norway, but is k. at Battle of Stiklestad
- 1031 Henry I KoF to 1060 29yrs
- 1034 Malcolm II dies (of battle wounds not long after defeat at Stirling by Cnut), last of House of Alpin, no son, so succession passes to House of Dunkeld via m. of his dau Bethoc to Crinan, lay Abbot of Dunkeld, Duncan KoS to 1040 6yrs (k. by Macbeth, Dunkeld dynasty lasts to 1290, when K Edw I chose John Balliol)
- 1035 Canute dies, his possessions are divided; Wm[Conq], bastard son of Robt, becomes DoN to 1087 52yrs; Harold I Harefoot KoE to 1040 5yrs; Hardicanute KoD to 1042 7yrs
- 1039 HRE18 Henry III the Black to 1056 17yrs
- 1040 Hardicanute KoE to 1042 2yrs, dies of drink; Macbeth, Mormaer [Earl] of Moray, k. Duncan in battle at Elgin, is KoS to 1057 17yrs
- 1041 E of Bamburgh absorbed into E of Northumbria (after #10 Eadulf, cf ahnen-sf)
- 1042 Edw the Confessor, son of Ethelred II, KoE to 1066 24yrs, but real pwr in hands of Earl Godwin and sons; Magnus the Good, son of Olaf II KoD to 1047 5yrs
- 1045 Maldred born? (gson) or entitled? (son of Uchtred the Bold)
- 1046 Harald Haardraada KoN to 1066 20yrs
- 1047 Sweyn II (Canute's nephew) KoD to 1076 29yrs
- 1048 3 shoeless pilgrims walk thru gates of Rome ... (see story below)
- 1050 BE62 Constantine IX Monomachus r1042-55 (co-rules to 1050, wife Theodora BE63 to 1056)
- 1051 Earl Godwin exiled to 1052, but he returns w/a fleet and wins back pwr
- 1052 Edw the Confessor fnds Westminster Abbey near London
- 1053 Earl Godwin dies, his son Harold succeeds him as Earl of Wessex
- 1054 The Great Schism i.e. RCC w/E (Byzantine) Church
- 1055 Harold's bro Tostig becomes E of Northumbria
- 1056 HRE19 Henry IV to 1106 50yrs, his mom Agnes acts as regent to 1065; BE64 Michael VI 'the aged' to 1057
- 1057 Battle of Lumphanan, Malcolm Canmore (son of Duncan) defeats and k. Macbeth. Lulach (stepson of Macbeth) KoS to 1058; BE65 Isaac I (1st) Comnenus to 1059
- 1058 Boleslav II the Bold KoP to 1079 21yrs, conqueror of Upper Slovakia; Malcolm Canmore
III KoS to 1093 35yrs, having k. Lulach in battle
- 1059 BE66 Constantine X D[o]ukas to 1067
- 1060 Philip I KoF to 1108 48yrs
- 1061 Muslim Almoravid Dynasty in N Africa, later conquers Spain; Malcolm Canmore invades Northumbria
- 1063 Harold and Tostig subdue Wales
- 1064 Harold is shipwrecked in Normandy, and swears a solemn oath to support Wm of N's claim to England (uh oh)
- 1065 Northumbria rebels against Tostig, who is exiled
- 1066 Harold II crowned KoE, but Tostig and Harold Haardraada of Norway invade England, Harold defeats them at Stamford Bridge, k. both, but 19 days later loses at Hastings to WmConq I, who then becomes 1st Norman KoE to 1087 21yrs (ending Saxon rule)
- 1067 Tower of London begun; rebuild of Monte Cassino monastery in Italy begun; BE66 d., BE67 Romanus IV Diogenes r1068-71
- 1068 WmConq's 'Harrying of the North' subdues N England
- 1069 Norman Conquest ends in England (WmConq est.); Famine in Egypt to 1072 3yrs
- 1070 Hereward the Wake begins a Saxon revolt in the Fens (swamps) of E England
- 1071 Battle of Manzikert, Seljuk ldr Alp Arslan def. Byz., conquers most of Asia Minor; BE68 Michael VII Parapinakes to 1078
- 1072 WmConq invades Scotland, rcv's submission of Hereward the Wake; Norman conquest of Sicily to 1091 19yrs; Alfonso VI 'the Brave' King of Castile to 1109 37yrs
- 1073 Pope Gregory VII (Hildebrand of Soana) to 1085 12yrs
- 1075 Seljuk ldr Malik Shah conquers Syria and Palestine; Pope/HRE investiture dispute; Uchtred FitzMaldred born (d1129 54yo), likely dad of Dolfin and Gospatric
- 1076 Synod of Worms, bishops declare Pope Gregory deposed, Gregory excom's HRE Henry IV; Investiture dispute 1076-1123 (CHME p48)
- 1077 HRE Henry IV, fearful of throne, does penance to Pope Gregory at Canossa (N Italy); civil war in HRE to 1080 3yrs
- 1078 BE69 Nicephorus III Botaniates to 1081
- 1079 Peter Abelard born (d1143 64yo), prof. of theology, affair w/Heloise
- 1080 Canute IV KoD to 1086 6yrs; Pope Gregory again excom's Henry IV and declares him deposed
- 1081 BE70 Alexius I Comnenus to 1118 37yrs
- 1083 HRE Henry IV storms Rome
- 1084 Robert Guiscard, Duke of Paulia, forces HRE Henry to retreat to Germany
- 1085 Alfonso VI captures Toledo from the Moors
- 1086 Canute IV of Denmark ass., ending Danish threat to England; Domesday Book finished
- 1087 Wm II Rufus KoE to 1100 13yrs, younger bro of Robert, Duke of Normandy
- 1088 Pope Urban II to 1099 11yrs
- 1090 Hasan ibn al-Sabbah, 1st 'Old Man of the Mtn', fnds Assassin sect in Persia; Bernard of Clairvaux born (d1153 63yo), pwrfl abbot of Clairvaux monastery, obtained approval for Templars 1128
- 1093 Donald Bane KoS to 1097 4yrs, following d. of bro Malcolm III in battle w/English (ambushed by 'lawless and violent' Robt de MOWBRAY, cf Mowbray.html); [St] Anselm, an abbot from Normandy, becomes AoC in England
- 1095 Pope Urban II calls for 1st Crusade to free the Holy Places [1st] in a field at Clermont, France; the crowd responded by chanting 'Deus et Vult!' = 'God wills it!' (lasts 1096-9)
- 1097 Edgar (2nd son of Malcolm III) KoS to 1107 10yrs; he defeats Donald Bane w/help from Wm II 'Rufus' of England
- 1098 St Robert [Molesme] fnds 1st Cistercian monastery at Cistertium-Citeaux, France (aka 'White Monks', an attempt to purify the by-now corrupted Cluny 'brand'); Crusaders defeat Saracens at Antioch (modern Syria)
- 1099 Crusaders capture Jerusalem (15 Jul), Godfrey of Bouillon (d1100) elected 1st Latin KoJ (1st crusader kingdom, lasted to 1291 when Acre [Haifa] lost)
- 1100-36 Dolfin of Carlisle, rcv'd Raby Castle from Cnut 1092, lands from Henry I c1100
- 1100 Wm II Rufus ass., Henry I (youngest son of WmConq) KoE to 1135; Baldwin of Bouillon named Count of Edessa, Raymond of Toulouse C of Tripoli (on Lebanese coast), Bohemund of Otranto P of Antioch; Colonization of Polynesian islands under way; Godfrey of BOUILLON dies (b?), 1st KoJ
- cf Sawye12c for later events
'A Roman Bull Gores the East': In AD 1048 3 shoeless pilgrims - Bruno, Humbert, and Hildebrand - walked thru the gates of Rome. Each one would, in his own way, transform the RCC. In Rome, Bruno was acclaimed as Pope Leo IX. To prevent priests from [corruptly] passing [RCC] positions to their children, Bruno banned priests from marrying. Bruno didn't want nobles to exploit the church again, so he fought to free the RCC from all outside controls. Bruno and his successors sincerely believed that God had given the pope authority over all Christians, and that belief contributed to a [1054] church-wide split that still exists today. Michael [Cerularius], the new bishop of Constantinople [i.e. 'pope of the E'], refused to recognize Bruno as pope and closed every church in Constantinople that was loyal to the Roman bishop. Bruno sent envoys [chf Humbert] to Const. to restore peace, but before he left Rome, Humbert wrote a 'brash bull' i.e. a notice written in the pope's name (the English word 'bulletin' comes from the Latin 'bull'). On Su 16 Jul 1054 [34 28yr cycles before Su 16 Jul 2006] Humbert marched into the Church of Holy Wisdom [Hagia Sophia] during the Lord's Supper and flung it on the communion table. Then, as he left, he brushed the dust from his sandals and bellowed 'Let God look and judge!' ... this was the 2nd of 3 events that led to the E/W split i.e. 1st was the altered creed (i.e. removing 'and the Son') and 3rd was the Crusades (esp. the 4th which sacked Const.) (CHME p53).
In an age where religion was the mainspring of daily life, the occupation of Palestine, scene of Jesus' life, by the 'infidel' Muslims filled many Christians w/horror. Interference by Seljuk Turks w/bands of Christian pilgrims en route to/from Jerusalem inspired Pope Urban II to call for a Crusade to free the Holy Land from the Saracens, as the Muslims were known. There were 8 crusades in all: the 1st captured much of Palestine from the Saracens, but after nearly 90yrs the Saracens [Saladin] recaptured Jerusalem [1187]. Later crusades were less successful and the 4th [disastrously] ... sack[ed] the Christian city of Constaninople ... The 1rst Crusade was 1096-9; the last [8th] was in 1271. In the Children's Crusade of 1212, 50k children from France/Germany set off for the Holy Land. The Germans were turned back, while the others were sold into slavery from Marseille, a tragedy said to be the origin of the story of the Pied Piper (BN HT p71). The 1291 recapture of Acre by the Muslims ended the Palestine crusades.
- BN HT = History's Timeline, Barnes & Noble, 1981, own.
- KRGG = Knights, Romans, Greeks and God, Brian Daniel Starr, Xlibris, 2011, own.
- CHME = Christian History Made Easy, Dr Timothy Paul Jones, Rose, 2005, 165pp, own.
- HKV = High Kings and Vikings, Nigel Tranter, Coronet, 1998, own.
cf ahnen-sg, Roman