(Sir?) ? SAWYER
Born: c1420 (gggdad of Sir Edmund b1540, 4gens @ 30yrs/gen = 120yrs)
Died: c1500 (if 80yo)
Father: ? SAWYER (b. c1390)
Mother: ?
Spouse: ?
- ? SAWYER (b. c1450)
At right, pic? ===>>
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This file originated as a place-holder for a number of 15C figures and to provide a place to add 'Contemporary Events' from BN HT.
Contemporary (15C) Events (mostly from BN HT and CHME):
- cf HughSAW for earlier events
- 1400 Geoffrey Chaucer dies (b. c1340 ~60yo) 'father of English poetry'; KoE Richard II murdered at Pontefract Castle; Owen Glendower calls himself Prince of Wales and revolts; HRE Wenceslas IV deposed for drunkenness
- 1401 Tamerlane conquers Damascus and Baghdad
- 1402, last [medieval] German intervention in Italy, HRE defeated by Lombard militia (Germans had tried to reunite old RE under THEIR ldrshp); KoE Henry IV enters Wales to pursue Owen G; Tamerlane overruns most of Ottoman Empire
- 1403 Percy family rebels, KoE Henry IV defeats/kills Harry 'Hotspur' Percy
- 1405 Tamerlane dies
- 1406 KoS James I to 1437 (captive in England 06-23); Henry, PoW defeats Welsh
- 1409 Council of Pisa called to resolve Great Schism, deposes rival popes, elects 3rd
- 1410 Battle of Tannenberg, Poland defeats Teutonic Knights
- 1412 Jeanne d'Arc born (d1431 19yo)
- 1415 KoE Henry V r1413-22 invades France, wins at Agincourt ('we happy few')
- 1416 Venice conflict w/Turks begins, worsens after 1453; Owen Glendower dies
- 1417 Discovery of ancient writings of Lucretius i.e. 'On the Nature of Things' or 'De Rerum Naturalis', sparking rush to find more ancient writings, key driver of Renaissance; Great Schism ends w/Pope Martin V (to 1431)
- 1420 Treaty of Troyes ack's KoE Henry V as heir to French throne, he m. Chas VI's dau Catherine
- 1428 English begin siege of Orleans
- 1434 Cosimo de Medici becomes ruler of Florence
- 1440 Johann Gutenberg invents printing press
- 1444 Sandro Botticelli born (d1510 66yo) Renaissance painter of Florence; Leonardo Bruni dies (b1370 74yo) humanist ldr
- 1449 Lorenzo the Magnificent born (d1492 43yo) the [Medici] prince who best incarnated the spirit of the Renaissance
- 1451 Christopher Columbus born (d1506 55yo in poverty!?)
- 1452 Leonardo da Vinci born (d1519 67yo), debuted at Florence; Dominican friar Girolamo Savonarola born (d1498 46yo), arrived Florence summer 1489, railed against corruption
- 1453 Constantinople sacked by Muslims i.e. fall of E RE (Byzantium); England's 100yrs War w/France ends (only Calais left), but internal 'Wars of the Roses' begins (1453-85 32yrs)
- 1456 Turks capture Athens
- 1458 KoH Matthias Corvinus to 1490 32yrs
- 1459 Ottoman Turks conquer Serbia
- 1460 Henry The Navigator [Portugal] dies (b1394 66yo) pioneered 'Age of Discovery'; Richard of York k. in battle, Earl of Warwick 'the Kingmaker' captures London for Yorkists
- 1461 Richard's son Edw of York defeats Lancastrians, becomes KoE Edw IV to 1483
- 1462 Ivan III the Great, Duke of Moscow to 1505
- 1463 Pico della Mirandola born (d1494 31yo) humanist ldr; Turks v. Venetians war to 1479
- 1464 Cosimo the Elder dies (b? ?yo)
- 1466 Peace of Thorn, Poland gains much of Prussia from TK; Warwick's quarrels w/KoE Edw IV begin, W allies w/KoF Louis XI
- 1467 Chas the Bold becomes Duke of Burgundy, chf rival to KoF Louis XI
- 1468 Johann Gutenberg dies (b. c1398 70yo), inventer of movable type; ChBold m. Margaret of York
- 1469 Niccolo Machiavelli born 5/3 (d1527 58yo); Ferdinand of Aragon m. Isabella of Castile (Spain later rose to superpower status 1516-98 under Chas V r1516-56 and his son Philip II r1556-98)
- 1470 Warwick turns Lancastrian, defeats KoE Edw IV and restores Henry VI
- 1471 Albrecht Duerer born (d1528 57yo) German painter; Edw IV defeats/kills Warwick; Portugese under Alfonso V, take Tangier from Muslims; Vladislav of Poland elected K of Bohemia (after d. of K Podiebrad)
- 1472 Turks beat Persians, chf ally of Venice
- 1473 Sistine Chapel built by Giovanni de DOLCI
- 1474 KoF Louis XI v. ChBold/KoE Edw IV war; Triple Alliance of Florence, Venice, Milan; nautical almanac by German astronomer Regiomontanus pioneers method of finding longitude via lunar distances
- 1476 Wm Caxton sets up printing press at Westminster
- 1477 1st printed atlas, pub'd in Italy from Ptolemy's pictures (Forbes Life Nov 2011); ChBold k. at Nancy by Swiss
- 1478 Sir Thomas More born (d1535 57yo) English RCC martyr/hero; Spanish Inq begun by Ferdinand/Isabella; Ivan III conquers Novgorod; Hungary gains Moravia, Silesia; Turks conquer Albania
- 1480 Ferdinand Magellan born (d1521 41yo); Turks besiege Rhodes, held by Knights of St John
- 1481 Mohammed II dies (b? ?yo) fndr of Ottoman Empire (leading Muslim pwr 1518-1918)
- 1483 Martin Luther born (d1546 63yo) German monk who sparked Reformation in 1517; fanatical Dominican monk Tomas de Torquemada appt'd grand inquisitor in Spain; KoE Edw IV dies, Edw V deposed by uncle Richard [III] who r. to 1485, Edw V and bro k. aka 'Princes in the Tower'
- 1484 Caxton prints Morte D'Arthur by Sir Thomas Malory
- 1485 Battle of Bosworth Field, Henry [VII] (1st Tudor monarch) defeats/kills Richard; Hungary captures Vienna, lower Austria, becomes 'most pwrfl state in C Europe'
- 1486 Henry VII m. Eliz of York, uniting 2 houses and ending 'War of the Roses'
- 1488 Bartolomeu Dias rounds Cape of Good Hope i.e. new trading route (uh oh Venice)
- 1492 Christopher Columbus's famous voyage (b. Genoa, est. W hemisphere pop. 40-112M); Ferdinand V of Castile conquers Granada, ends Muslim influence in Spain (reconquista)
- late 15C Age of Discovery begins (GPs build trade networks -> empires, led 1st by Portugal [later Spain, TDR, UK]), Venice declining, prefers to 'pay off' Turk raiders v. fight them
- 1494 KoF Chas VIII invades Italy, Machiavelli ashamed of lack of Florence resistance, French driven out next yr after Battle of Fornovo
- 1495 KoF Chas VIII invades Italy, but forced to withdraw next year
- 1496 KoE Henry VII joins Holy League, commercial treaty w/Netherlands
- 1497 John Cabot discovers Newfoundland
- 1498 KoF Chas VIII dies; Machiavelli's pol. career begins; Vasco da Gama of Portugal reaches India; Columbus discovers Trinidad and S America; Savonarola burned at stake
- 1499 new KoF Louis XII ('most pwrfl K in Christendom') forms alliance w/Venice, Pope Alex VI and Florence; Pope's son Cesare BORGIA aka Duke Valentino begins to build his personal dominion w/conquests in Romagna (E Italy, S of Venice, N of Rome), impressing Mach. i.e. prototype for 'the Prince'
- 1500 20M copies of books in print! (WoW p151)
- cf EdmundS for later events
15C aka 'Quattrocento' (i.e. Italian for '1400s'). For 3 centuries (13-16C) Florence was the cradle of the Renaissance, producing Dante, Giotto, Pico della Mirandola, Michelangelo, Lorenzo the Magnificent and many other ldrs. Founded by Julius Caesar in the 1C BC, it became an important center of Tuscany in the early 11C when Count Ugo took up residence there. During the 12C Florence prospered under a new class of merchants and trade guilds. These became the ruling class when Florence became indep. In the 13C 1/3 of pop. there was engaged in wool or silk trades, both exported worldwide generating fantastic wealth. These tradesmen were in turn supported by Florentine moneyhouses which succeeded Lombard and Jewish ones. They issued the 1st-ever bills of exchange and the famous florin, replaced by the 15C by the Venetian ducat. The main banking families were the Bardi-Peruzzi, then later the Pitti, Strozzi, Pazzi and of course the Medici. Despite the prosperity, Florence didn't escape the strife between the [pro-HRE] Ghibelines and [pro-Pope] Guelphs. The latter managed to take control of the city by AD 1266, creating a republic led by a single family. But then an intra-Guelph split saw the (anti-papacy) White Guelphs split from the Black Guelphs. Dante (White G) was exiled in 1302. Then in 1348 the Black Death k. > 1/2 pop. and ended internal strife. Among the many leading wealthy families, the Medici came out on top. Its founder was Giovanni de Bicci, a prosperous banker who d1429, leaving his fortune to his son Cosimo the Elder, who leveraged his wealth and acumen to assure Florence a kind of peaceful hegemony. A key aspect was his ability to attract (and support) scholars and artists, making the city a cultural center. Cosimo's son Piero II Gottoso (the gouty) only survived him by 5yrs, when HIS son Lorenzo the Magnificent took over [r1449-92]. Lorenzo was the quintessential Renaissance prince. His d. sent shock waves throughout Europe, as the Dominican monk Savonarola used the resulting period of confusion to provoke the fall of the Medici. He railed against luxury and incited the famous 1497 'bonfire of the vanities' in Florence, and was himself burned at the stake a year later on the same spot. The Medici returned to power w/help from HRE Chas V, reigning til the mid-18C. Machiavelli 1469-1527 was another famous Florence citizen. Jacob Fugger b1459 Augsburg to a banking family also became famous for banking success as well as pioneering charity houses (Florence info from Michelin Italy Guide, Fugger ref from Aug 2015 Economist article).
Founder of Medici was Giovanni di BICCI, a prosperous banker who left his fortune in 1429 to his son Cosimo the Elder, who turned the business into the city's most successful business, in effect becoming its political ldr, tho exercising his authority discreetly via intermediaries (i.e. a new kind of 'prince' w/a new kind of feudal estate). It was a peaceful hegemony. He was a great patron of artists and scholars and architects and left many great monuments. His son Piero Il Gottoso 'the gouty' only survived him by 5yrs and left all to HIS son Lorenzo 'il magnifico' 1449-92. Having escaped the 26 Apr 1478 Pazzi conspiracy (ass. attempt), L ruled like a true Renaissance prince, tho always unofficially. He was an excellent businessman, politician, humanist, patron and man of great sensitivity (wow, need more like him). When he d., the Dominican monk Savanarola emerged from a period of confusion and provoked the fall of the Medici (claiming corruption and evil). He so convinced Florentines that they made a 'bonfire of vanities' in 1497 for musical instruments, paintings and books were burned [:-(]. But a year later, S himself was burned there (same spot, cf Harring).
By 1434, 'The [still unofficial] power of the Medici became virtually absolute from 1434 on, after Cosimo the Elder returned triumphantly from an exile to which he'd been banished by his enemies, quickly vanquished the latter, and declared that those who wish to hold/expand power can't always respect Christian morality (hmmm, so of course this made a strong impression on Machiavelli and many others) i.e. 'states can't be held w/rosaries' (Viroli p13, cf Harring).
In 1464, Cosimo the Elder died, 'vastly rich and greatly honored, mourned by citizens as a great Florentine, and solemnly proclaimed the Father of his Country' (Viroli p13). Succeeded by his son Piero, who was sickly and d1469, survived by 2 sons Lorenzo [il magnifico], Giuliano. Lorenzo reduced Volterra in 1472, proving his ldrshp mettle. But this prompted the famous Pazzi (another pwrful family) conspiracy, an ass. attempt on Sun 26 Apr 1478. Giuliano was k. but Lorenzo escaped. The Pazzi tried but failed to 'raise a revolt of the Florentine people in the name of liberty and against Medici tyranny' (14, like always, not interested in 'liberty' or 'tyranny' but only their OWN power!). Machiavelli was 9yo. Lorenzo retook pwr but faced Pope Sixtus IV, who'd actively supported the Pazzi. When the Pope tried to ally w/Naples against Florence, Lorenzo himself traveled to Naples Dec 1479 and concluded peace w/King Ferdinand Mar 1480. When he got home he was hailed as 'savior of his homeland and honored as true lord of the city' (16). War averted, the citizens returned to their 'trivial pursuits' i.e. making money, court intrigues, ... (here comes Savonarola, cf Harring).
Spring 1492, bad omen, bolt of lightning strkes dome of Santa Reparata, sending large stones down near Medici family home. A comet appeared in the sky, wolves heard howling. S said all portended d. of Lorenzo, who did in fact d. 6 Apr 1492. Lorenzo had crafted a fragile yet wonderful equilibrium among the 5 leading states of Italy - Rep of Florence, Kingdom of Naples, Duchy of Milan, Rep of Venice and papal states of Rome. He'd played their ambitions to keep power balanced, but with him gone, no one else could, so the balance in Italy began to wobble (Harring).
Age of Discovery (or Exploration) was done mostly using Portugese caravels, only 70ft long (pic BN HT p104). CC's Santa Maria was only 117ft long.
There were 3 important native civs flourishing among American Indians before Europeans arrived in late 15C. Aztecs of Mexico fnd'd their capital Tenochtitlan in 1325 where Mexico City now stands. Fine architects and a system of picture writing. Maya of C America had a much older civ, dev'd from c500 BC to a peak in 8C AD. Reached a high standard in architecture, math and astronomy, but weak politically, in decline by 15C. Inca of Andes in Peru ruled perhaps 7M, fine architects, potters and metal-workers w/well-org'd govt and superb roads. Spanish conquistadors took >30yrs to subdue them (BN HT p107).
Its trading empire probably made Portugal the leading Great Power of the 15C, tho Ming China, Mogul India and Islam were rivals. Also, Poland-Lithuania under the Jagiellonian dynasty became by the mid-15C the greatest power in Central Europe (see ToN, bl-aewh).
- BN HT = History's Timeline, Barnes & Noble, 1981, own.
- KRGG = Knights, Romans, Greeks and God, Brian Daniel Starr, Xlibris, 2011, own.
- CHME = Christian History Made Easy, Dr Timothy Paul Jones, Rose, 2005, 165pp, own.
- WoW = The Way of the World, David Fromkin, Knopf, 1999, Mustang.
cf ahnen-sg, Roman