The earliest known ancestor of this branch was Rudolph BOLLINGER, born in Switzerland around 1700. He seems to have arrived in Lancaster County, PA in the early 1700s (all his children were born there), although no record of his immigration has yet been found. The family later spread to many parts of the U.S., although the branch mainly represented in this index (i.e. Daniel) moved during the early 19th century from PA to eastern OH. Daniel's son Benjamin later moved from Akron, OH to the vicinity of Lansing, MI.
There are two theories as to the origin of the name BOLLINGER. The first is that the name derives from the French word for the occupation of baker. This is the old French "bulenger", modern French "boulanger", old Latin "bulengarius", Latin "bulla". This was the original conclusion taken by the primary source of family information (The History of the Clan of Rudolph BOLLINGER from Switzerland).
Sometime after the 1951 version of the source was distributed, Mr. Louis BOLLINGER of Richland, PA provided information from a letter written by Dr. Fritz BRAUN of Kaiserslautern, Germany in response to a query. Dr. BRAUN was a professional investigator of family genealogy for his government at the time. He made the following observations:
The name BOLLINGER is not of French origin, nor did the BOLLINGERs belong to a French group of Huguenots who scattered into Switzerland (the original theory).
The name originated in the German-speaking part of Switzerland, where there is a small village named Bollingen in the Canton Sankt Gallen. This may be the place from where a member of the family went to another place during the time when family names were being adopted, perhaps during the 14th or 15th century. The villages with the suffix -ingen were Frankonia settlements, started more than 1200 years ago (early 700s).
The big question is from where did Rudolph BOLLINGER emigrate? There is no doubt that he is from Swiss stock, but it is possible that he or his parents lived in the Palatinate before moving to PA. The family history suggests that Rudolph had come from the Palatinate (i.e. there is a record of a Jacob BOLLINGER, believed to be a brother of Rudolph, coming from there 14 Sep 1753 aboard the ship Edinburgh under Capt. James Russel of Rotterdam).
There was a Johann Rudolph BOLLINGER in Neupel near Zweibrucken that could have been born around 1705. A Jacob BOLLINGER lived in Hornbach (near Zweibrucken) in 1725. Unfortunately, the Zweibrucken church books were destroyed in WWII.
Place were BOLLINGERs lived in Switzerland before 1800 are: Niederhasli (Zurich), Schaffhausen, Oberentfelden (Aargau), Lehr (Bern), Beringen and Lohningen (Schaffhausen), Biberist (Solothurn), Hofstetten, Neftenbach and Turbenthal (Zurich).
3 1874-1965 BOLLINGER, Rosa - BROKAW, Delmer
4 1818-19xx BOLLINGER, Benjamin - CHISNELL, Leah
5 1780-1835 BOLLINGER, Daniel - MOONSHOWER, Mary
6 1757-1839 BOLLINGER, Peter - BOWMAN, Mary
7 1728-1791 BOLLINGER, Daniel - MOORE (m1 DIERDORF), Elizabeth
8 1700-1772 BOLLINGER, Rudolph - ?, Catherine
Descent Chart
- 8 Rudolph 1700-72 m. Catherine ?
- 7 Daniel 1728-91 63yo m. Elizabeth (MOORE) DIERDORF
- 6 Peter 1757-1839 82yo m1. Mary BOWMAN m2. Catherine GREBILLE
- with Mary:
- 5 Daniel 1780-1835 55yo m. Mary MOONSHOWER
- 4 Mary 1808-82 74yo m. Mr. BOWERS 9 children
- 4 Daniel 1810-92 82yo m. Elizabeth BROWN 8 children
- 3 Gideon 1832-84 52yo m. Lydia BOWSER 5 sons 9 daus
- 2 Elizabeth 1853-1905 52yo m. Peter FOUTZ
- 2 Daniel b1855 m. Elizabeth MOYER bef. 1886 at Elkhart, IN 4 sons 5 daus
- 1 Elsie b. 27 Jul 1886
- 1 Elnora b. 31 Jan 1888
- 1 George Melvin b. 8 Dec 1890 d. 8 Sep 1892 at Centerview, Johnson, MO
- 1 Galen G. b. 10 Nov 1892 Centerview d. 20 Oct 1975 82yo Payette, ID m. Wilma HISEY 1893-1979
- 0 male b. 15 Apr 1916 living? m. living? (Elder at various churches) 1 son
- 0 female b. 8 Feb 1918 living?
- 0 female b. 7 Jun 1923 living?
- 0 Kenneth b. 3 Sep 1925 d. 20 Feb 1926
- 0 female b. 15 Apr 1927 living?
- 1 Wilber R. b. 21 Jan 1896 (twin)
- 1 Wilma M. b. 21 Jan 1896 (twin)
- 1 Amsey Floyd b. 10 Feb 1898 Shipshewana, IN m. Florence T. MOYER (Amsey moved to ID 1913 w/family)
- 1 Mary E. b. 1 Dec 1899
- 1 Vesta E. b. 23 Mar 1903
- 2 Susanna 1858-71 13yo
- 2 Jonathan b/d 1857
- 2 Angeline 1860-1933 73yo m. John OVERHOLTZER
- 2 Anna 1861-65 4yo
- 2 Melissa Ellen 1863-1912 49yo m. Samuel J. KESTER
- 2 Catherine 1864-1941 77yo m. Kenneth COLLINS
- 2 Samuel 1866-1948 82yo m1. Emma Matilda SAMPSEL 14 ch (div. 1914 after 5 sons d. of a MD-like disease!?) m2. Lillian McCONAUGHEY
- 1 John Gideon b. 4 Jul 1889 MO d. 30 May 1968 78yo CA m. Neva Lydia SMITH 1898-1990 92yo
- 0 female b. 29 Jun 1918 living m. living
- -1 male b. 8 Jun 1938 living m. F7
- -1 male b. 16 Jun 1943 living m1. F1 m2. F2 (JLC)
- 0 female b. 22 Jun 1920 living? m1. F26 m2. F27
- 0 female b. 20 Oct 1923 living? m1. F28 m2. F29
- 0 female b. 13 Mar 1927 living? m. F30
- 0 male b. 29 Sep 1932 living?
- 1 Curtis b. 2 Jun 1891 MO d. 15 Dec 1905 OH
- 1 Pearl Claudia b. 15 Apr 1893 MO d. 26 Aug 1960 m. F174
- 1 Samuel b. 20 Nov 1894 MO d. 22 Jun 1908 OH
- 1 Herbert B. b. 1896 MO d. abt. 1910 ID?
- 1 Ruth b. 5 Oct 1898 MO d. 5 Oct 1979 m. F171
- 1 Daniel Rudolph b. 26 Jul 1899 MO d. 8 Sep 1972 CA m. F186 (reg. for WWI draft)
- 1 Ellen b. 24 Jun 1902 MO m. F175
- 1 Fay b. 26 Jul 1903 OH (twin) d. 5 Jul 1970 CA m. F173
- 1 Ray b. 26 Jul 1903 OH (twin) d. 4 Sep 1904 OH
- 1 Lydia Ann b. 29 Nov 1904 OH d. 16 Oct 1968 CA m. F179
- 1 Everett b. 1905 OH d. 1907 OH F189?
- 1 Catherine b. 1907 OH
- 1 Ernest b. 23 May 1910 ID d. WA (left home 1926, m. OR girl, 2-3 kids, divorced)
- 2 Emanuel Orin (twin) 1869-72 3yo
- 2 Amanda Norah (twin) 1869-1951 82yo m. Samuel HUMER
- 2 Lydia 1871-1953 82yo
- 2 Nicodemus b/d 1874
- 2 Lucinda 1875-1927 52yo m. William STUTTSMAN
- 3 Benjamin B. 1834-1906 72yo m. Elizabeth 'Betsy' ROYER (BOYER) 2 sons 2 daus
- 2 Phares
- 2 Ozias
- 2 Anna
- 2 Amanda
- 3 Mary b1836 m. John KURTZ 1 dau
- 3 Rudolph 1840-1910 70yo m. Sophia MOHLER
- 3 Molly 1842-97 55yo m. Jacob B. SNYDER 4 sons 1 dau
- 3 Richard b1844
- 3 Elizabeth b1850 m. Henry SNYDER
- 3 Daniel b1853
- 4 Gideon b1810s
- 4 Jacob b1810s m. Mary Ann STONER
- 4 Aaron 181x-42
- 4 Isaac b1810s m. Catharine ? 1 child
- 4 Benjamin b1818 m1. Anna DISLER m2. Leah CHISNELL
- with Anna:
- 3 Isaac (?)
- 3 Jacob
- 3 Emanuel
- 3 Joseph
- 3 Sarah
- 3 Mary E.
- with Leah:
- 3 Anna
- 3 John P.
- 3 Matilda
- 3 Moses
- 3 Emma
- 3 Rosa C. 1874-1965 90yo m. Delmer BROKAW
- 2 'Margie' m. Eldon GEARHART
- 1 Rosena m. JCS
- 4 Susan(nah) b1819 m. Harrison PENDICOST
- 4 Lydia (or Lynda) b1824 m. Sam BAKER
- 5 Susanna 1782-1817 25yo m. Jacob ROYER
- 5 Benjamin 1787-1865 78yo m. Catharine NISSLEY 2 sons 3 daus
- 5 Jacob b1790 m. Catharine EBERLY 4 sons 1 dau
- 5 Christian b1794 m. Rebecca WEAVER 4 sons 3 daus
- 5 Elizabeth 1800-3x m. Jacob HAUCK
- 5 Samuel b1808 m1. Catharine BAUMER m2. Mary DISLER 6 sons
- with Catherine:
- 5 Anna 1814-68 54yo m. Samuel ROYER 4 sons 3 daus
- 6 Anna b1760 m. John MOHLER
- 7 Magdalene b1730 m. Abraham DEERDORF
- 7 Anna b1732 m. Christopher BECKER (BAKER)
- 7 Elizabeth b1734 m. Alexander FRANTZ 1 son
- 7 Barbara b1736 m. Mr. ZUG 2 dau
- 7 Christian 1738-96 58yo m. Elizabeth ?
- 6 Abraham b. 27 Jan 1761
- 6 Christine b. 3 Nov 1762
- 6 Christian b. 3 Dec 1765
- 7 Sophia b1741 m. Henry KILMAN (KELMER)
- 7 Maria(n) b1743 m. John HANMACHER (HAMMACKER)
- 7 Hans Rudolph b1745? m. Catharine HAMMATHER
- 6 John b. 12 Mar 1773
- 6 David b. 25 Apr 1775 d. Sep 1819 m. Hannah FAHNESTOCK 3 children
- 5 John b. 12 Mar 1799 d. 18 Oct 1850 51yo
- 5 Emanuel
- 5 Samuel
- 6 Catharine b. 5 Jan 1777
- 6 Mary b. 2 May 1782 d. 1847 65yo m1798 Jacob MOHLER
- 6 Samuel b. 30 Dec 1783 m. Catharine SCHWARTZ
- 6 Anna b. 21 Sep 1785
- 6 Daniel b. 23 Nov 1786 d. 1832 46yo Stark Co., OH?
- 6 Rudolph b. 24 Jun 1787 m. Mary ARNOLD 25 May 1809 7 children
- 5 Catharine b. 22 Apr 1810 (twin)
- 5 Mary b. 22 Apr 1810 (twin)
- 5 Elizabeth b1812
- 5 David b. 27 Jun 1814 m. Rebecca ?
- 4 Oliver b1841
- 4 Josiah b1842 (twin?)
- 4 Manlius b1842 (twin?)
- 5 Rudolph R. b. 1 Jun 1817 m. Susanna HARTZELL
- 5 John b. 21 Jul 1818 m. Martha Jane LEONARD
- 5 Emanuel b. 16 Mar 1823 m. Margaret MISHLER
- 6 Elizabeth b. 18 Dec 1788
- 7 Abraham 1756-1814 58yo m1 Magdalene NAIS m2 Mary PFOUTZ
- 6 all w/Magdalene:
- 6 Elizabeth b. 10 Jan 1780 at Lancaster Co. m. George WEIDLER
- 6 Sara b. 26 Jan 1784 at Cocalico Twp. m. Jacob HAASS
- 6 Abraham b. 12 Jul 1786 at " m. Elizabeth LAIN
- 5 Joel b. 11 Jun 1816 m. Elizabeth WIDDER
- 5 Susan m1 Jacob OVERHOLSER 1 son 6 dau m2 Jacob KELLER 4 dau
- 5 Mary m. Michael YENGST 1 dau
- 5 Abraham m. Sarah ACHY
- 6 Isaac b. 13 Mar 1790 at "
- 6 Joseph b. abt. 1790 at Lancaster Co.
- 6 Benjamin b. 10 Jan 1809 at "
- 6 Mary
- 6 Catharine
