The earliest known ancestor of this branch is 33 Aimon (viscount) de Dinan c973-1030 ~57yo (geni: map, son of ?, 13 kids) m. Hildeburge de Belleme. A family anecdote of this branch is that members have the right to wear the "Stewart plaid", having descended from that royal line. I'm still researching these "royal" roots. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
The wiki Clan_Stewart page says the Earls of Galloway are today seen as the principal branch of the STEWART Clan (which has no ofcl clan ldr). The 2 other major branches are Bute and Appin. The Royal STUARTs of Dol (in Brittany) acquired English estates as FitzALANs and Earls of Arundel e.g. Walter Flaad aka Walter FitzAlan. In the 14-5C 3 main branches of STEWARTs settled in the Scottish highlands: Appin, Atholl and Balquhidder. Appin fdnr was Sir John S of Bonkyl, son of Alexander 4th High Steward of Scotland. Atholl fndr was the Wolf of Badenoch. Balquhidder fndr Sir Wm S of Baldorran c1440-c1500 arrived there c1490, ggson of 2nd DoA Murdoch S (this is the Perthshire branch of the STEWARTs). Wm was fleeing from persecution by KoS James I. Finally, Bute fndr John was the younger son of KoS Robt II.
In 1513 KoS James IV invaded England, seeking to take advantage of KoE Henry VIII's absence on a campaign in France. Bad idea as he and his army were destroyed at Flodden (in Northumberland) 9/9, one of the most cataclysmic events in Scottish history. Scotland was now again under the nominal rule of an infant (James V) and run in fact by feuding families, notably the STEWARTs, DOUGLASes and HAMILTONs (tTLP p3).
Notes from MM Scot: After KoS Malcolm III r1058-93 was k. Nov 1093 (ambushed near Alnwick Castle by the Norman Earl of Northumbria, Robt de MOWBRAY), his death threw Scotland into a virtual civil war (67-8). His younger bro 60yo Donald III claimed the throne, backed by the native aristocracy as a Celtic backlash against the anglicization of Malcolm's court (assoc. w/Malc's Q Margaret). Malc's surviving children (by Marg.) fled to the English court for safety. But Duncan, Malc's son by Ingibjorg of Orkney, got Wm Rufus' (WmConq's son) support to invade Scotland and oust Donald. He was accepted as Duncan II only by agreeing to oust his alien supporters. A fatal promise since he was murdered Nov 1094, Donald III resuming his reign (r1094-7). Wm Rufus then sent his next candidate, Edgar, oldest son of Malc/Marg. This time he and his army defeated Donald's, hunted down and captured him, blinded and threw him into prison (at his d. he was the last KoS to be buried on Iona). The accession of KoS Edgar 'the Peaceable' r1097-1107 began rule by 3 bros (Alex I 'the Fierce' r1107-24, David I 'the Saint' r1124-53) there, a period of stability in English/Scottish relations (i.e. all vassals of KoE). Their sister Edith (Matilda) m. KoE Henry I r1100-35, youngest and only English-born son of WmConq (69). Scotland was voluntarily 'normanizing'. David was the most 'English' of the 3 bro kings. He'd spent most of his youth in England, groomed as a Norman knight and an 'insider' there. He m1114 Maud de SENLIS, C of Northampton and a ward of the KoE, a wealthy 40yo widow and dau (and heiress) of Waltheof, E of Huntingdon. This made David one of the greatest barons in England. When he became KoS, David brought many friends from England to help him run the country, so we meet for the 1st time the families who were to mold Scotland's future e.g. the BRUCEs, BALLIOLs and STEWARTs (David's 1st 'Steward' in Scotland was Walter FitzALAN, originally brom Brittany, whose dad had acquired lands in Norfolk and Shropshire). David granted them huge land grants to est. their authority: to the BRUCEs Annandale around the river Annan (runs from S uplands to Solway Firth), to the STEWARTs what is modern Renfrewshire (73 i.e. the area to the W and S of Glasgow). The 1138 Battle of the Standard (aka Northallerton) was David's attempt to add lands in N England to Scotland in the general chaos and confusion created by KoE Henry's d1135 i.e. 19yr civil war among forces supporting Henry's dau Matilda and KoE Stephen ('when God and his Saints slept'). David lost that battle (but lived, the English viewed it as a 'holy war') and it cemented deep-rooted English prejudices of Scots (and Picts, who participated) as backward, murderous barbarians (78). Some of David's own knights (Robt de BRUS, Bernard de BAILLEUL, both ancestors of future Scot ldrs) were so appalled they deserted to the English.
Regents of Scotland:
1513 KoS James IV k. at Flodden (wife Margaret TUDOR t/o but -> Civil War)
1515-28 John STEWART, 2 D Albany c1481-1536, gson of KoS James II
[tLTP p14 summer 1517 Albany to France to care for his sick wife, leaves James HAMILTON, 1st E of Arran as pres. of Scot Council (so Regent?) w/Angus also on Council, but 2 couldn't get along, constant feuding]
1528-42 KoS James V b1512 (he t/o at 16yo, right?)
1542-54 James HAMILTON, 2 E Arran, D of Chatelherault c1516-75
1554-60 Marie de GUISE 1515-60 (for dau Mary QoS)
1560-? LotC (Ch. figurehead, real pwr Moray and KNOX)
1570-1 Matthew STUART, 4 E Lennox 1516-71 m. MD
1571-2 John ERSKINE, 1st E of Mar d1572
1572-81 James DOUGLAS, Master of Morton, later 4 E Morton c1516-81
Lyman STEWART was the publisher of the early 20C series 'The Fundamentals'. Connected to this line?
5 1808-1842 STEWART, Lucinda Emaline - KAYNER, Jacob
6 1763-1848 STEWART, John C - CASTLE, Phebe
7 1737-1775 STEWART, John A - STORY, Lois
8 1713-1770 STEWART, Alexander - SPAULDING, Amy
9 1675-1742 STEWART, Alexander b. Ireland d. CT [Winston Churchill desc. from older bro James b1673] - DIXON, Margaret (he m2 Jannet ROGERS)
10 1643-1690 STEWART, Alexander [of] Galloway 3 E Galloway 47yo b/d Galloway - DOUGLAS, Lady Mary 1655-94 39yo
11 1610-1671 STEWART, James 2 E G 61yo b/d Wigtown [Scotland] - GRIERSON, Nicola
12 1580-1649 STEWART, Alexander 1 E G 69yo b. Garlies d. Galloway (coa) - GORDON, Grizel
13 1551-1598 STEWART, Sir Alexander Lord S 6 E Garlies 47yo b/d Garlies, Wigtonsh, W Lothian, Scotland - DOUGLAS, Christiana of Drumlanrig
14 1527-1571 STEWART, Sir Alexander [Younger] of G 44yo b. Garlies d. Stirling (map) - HERRIES, Catherine
15 1507-1581 STEWART, Sir Alexander of G 74yo b/d Garlies - DUNBAR, Margaret of Clugston
16 1481-1513 STEWART, Sir Alexander 4th of G ~32yo b. Wigtown d. B of Flodden (aerial pic) - KENNEDY, Eliz of Blairquhan
17 1434-1500 STEWART, Sir Alexander 3rd of Dalswinton & Garlies ~66yo b/d Garlieston - DOUGLAS, Eliz of Cavers (dau of Sir Kgt Archibald D of Cavers
18 1408-1479 STEWART, Sir Wm S 2nd of D/G ~71yo b/d Garlieston (genealogy sheet) - ?, Eliz
19 1381-1420 STEWART, Sir John 1st of D/G ~39yo b. Garlies k. in action France (plaid, big note) - STEWART, Marion
20 1366-1402 STEWART, Sir Wm of Jedworth ~36yo b. Darnley d. 9/14 B of Homildon Hill, Northumberland, England (aka 'of Teviotdale', note) - ?
21 1342-1402 STEWART, Sir Alexander of Darnley 60yo (coa) - TURNBULL, Janet of Minto (he m1 Jonetta KEITH)
22 1320-1374 STEWART, Sir Alexander of Galston ~54yo (coa) [2c of KoS Robt II] - BAIRD, Joanna
23 1272-1333 STEWART, Sir Kgt Alan of Dreghorn 61yo b. Scotland d. B of Halidon Hill (coa, big note) [1c of Walter 6 HS m2 Marjorie BRUCE] - CAMERON, Marion
24 1246-1298 STEWART, John of Bonkyl & Garlies 52yo (plaid) [bro of James 5 HS] - de BONKYL, Margaret (i.e. how John got title)
25 1214-1283 STEWART, Alexander 4 HS of Scotland 69yo (coa, 9 kids) - ?
26 1183-1241 STEWART, Sir Walter 3 HS ~48yo (coa, 9 kids) - Bethoc nic Gille Crist, Countess of Angus
27 1150-1204 FitzWalter, Alain 2 HS ~54yo (pic, 8 kids) - Alesta nic Morggan of Mar
28 1106-1177 FitzAlan, Walter 1 HS ~71yo b. England d. Scotland (coin, 7 kids) - Eschyna de Londoniis
29 1078-1114 FitzFlaald, Alan Sheriff of Shropshire 36yo (Mont St Michel, 7 kids) - Avelina de HESDING, domina Norton
30 1050-1xxx Flaald, Seneschal de Dol en Bretagne (coa, 2 kids Alan & Sibil) - ? dau of Ava MacALPIN, domina Norton
31 1024-1080 FitzFlaald, Alain 'Dapifer' Seneschal de Dol ~56yo (coa, 1 kid) - ?
32 1005-1064 Flaald, seneschal de Dol ~59yo (coa, 1 kid) - ? (possibly dau of Crinan/Bethoc) and Constance
33 c973-1030 Aimon (viscount) de Dinan ~57yo (map, son of ?, 13 kids) - Hildeburge de Belleme
Descent Chart
- early ancestors from
- 33 Aimon (viscount) de Dinan c973-c1030 (map, son of ?, 13 kids) m. Hildeburge de Belleme
- 32 Flaald, seneschal de Dol c1005-c64 (coa, 1 kid) m. ? (possibly dau of Crinan/Bethoc) and Constance
- 31 Alain 'Dapifer' fitz Flaald, Seneschal de Dol c1024-c80 (coa, 1 kid) m. ?
- 30 Flaald, Seneschal de Dol en Bretagne c1050-[1080-1106] (coa, 2 kids Alan & Sibil) m. ? dau of Ava MacALPIN, domina Norton
- 29 Alan FitzFlaald Sheriff of Shropshire 1078-1114 (Mont St Michel, 7 kids) m. Avelina de Hesding, domina Norton
- 28 Walter FitzAlan 1 HS c1106-77 b. England d. Scotland (coin, 7 kids) m. Eschyna de Londoniis
- 27 Alain FitzWalter 2 HS c1150-1204 (pic, 8 kids) m. Alesta nic Morggan of Mar
- 26 Sir Walter S 3 HS <1183-1241/6 (coa, 9 kids) m. Bethoc nic Gille Crist, C of Angus
- 25 Alexander S 4 HS of Scotland 1214-83 (coa, 9 kids) m. ?
- 24 John S of Bonkyl & Garlies 1246-98 (plaid) m. Margaret de BONKYL (dau of B's, so that's how John got title)
- 23 Sir Kgt Alan S of Dreghorn 1272-1333 61yo b. Scotland d. B of Halidon Hill (coa, big note) m. Marion CAMERON (dau of John C ...)
- 22 Sir Alexander S of Galston c1320-74 ~54yo (coa) m. Joanna BAIRD
- 21 Sir Alexander S of Darnley 1342-1402 60yo m2 Jonetta KEITH of Galston (geni: Alex b. Darnley d. bef 5/24 Scotland (wht/blu coa, note) m1 Janet TURNBULL of Minto)
- w/Janet
- 20 Sir Wm S of Jedworth c1366-1402 ~36yo b. Darnley, Renfrewsh d. 9/14 B of Homildon Hill, Northumberland, England (aka 'of Teviotdale', note) m. ?
- 19 Sir John S 1st of Dalswinton & Garlies c1381-1420 ~39yo b. Garlieston, Minnigaff, Kirkcudbrighsh, Scotland k. in action bef 10/23 in France (plaid, big note) m. Marion STEWART (dau of Sir Walter S of D ...)
- 18 Sir Wm S 2nd of D/G c1408-79 ~71yo b/d Garlieston d. Oct (genealogy sheet) m. Eliz ?
- 17 Sir Alexander S 3rd of D/G c1434-c1500 ~66yo b/d Garlieston m. Eliz DOUGLAS of Cavers (dau of Sir Kgt Archibald D of Cavers ... m. Eupheme GRAHAM, Lady HAMILTON ...)
- 16 Sir Alexander S 4th of G c1481-1513 ~32yo b. Wigtown, Dumfries, Scotland d. B of Flodden (aerial pic of Wigtown? Flodden?) m. Eliz KENNEDY of Blairquhan (dau of Alex K of B ...)
- 15 Sir Alexander S of G 1507-81 74yo b. 9/19 Garliestown d. Jan same m. Margaret DUNBAR of Clugston ...
- 14 Sir Alexander S [Younger] of G 1527-71 44yo b. Garlies d. 9/4 Stirling (map) m. Catherine HERRIES ...
- 13 Sir Alexander Lord S 6 E Garlies 1551-98 47yo b. Garlies d. 7/19 Gairsleis Galston Wigton, W Lothian, Scotland m. Christiana DOUGLAS of Drumlanrig (dau of Sir James D 7 Drumlanrig ... m. Christian MONTGOMERIE ...)
- 12 Alexander S 1 E Galloway 1580-1649 69yo b. Garlies d. 10/9 Galloway (coa) m. Grizel GORDON (dau of Sir John G of Lochinvar ... m. Eliz MAXWELL ...)
- 11 James S 2 E G 1610-71 61yo b. Corsewall, Wigtownsh d. bef 2/15 Wigtown m. Nicola GRIERSON ...
- ... above to 20 extra info discovered Mar 2019, added recently to geni ...
- 10 Alexander S 3 E G 1643-90 47yo b. Galloway sh, Wigtown, Dumfries, Scotland d. c Sep Dumfries sh (coa wht cross on blu b/g again) m. Lady Mary DOUGLAS 1655-94 39yo (dau of James D 2 E Queensbury ... m. Marg STEWART ...)
- 9 James S 1673-1746 73yo 5 E Galloway, Comm. of Treasury, Privy Council (blu/wht cross) m. Lady Catherine MONTGOMERIE
- 9 Alexander S 1675-1742 67yo b. Ballymena, Antrim, N Ireland d. Voluntown, New London, CT m. Margaret DIXON (he m2 Jannet ROGERS)
- w/Jonetta
- 20 Sir John S 6? Siegneur d'AUBIGNY 1368-1429 61yo (coa) m. Eliz C of Lennox (dau of Donnchadh 8 E L)
- 19 Sir Kgt Alan S of Darnley 1387-1439 52yo b. Scotland d. France (pic) m. Catherine SETON
- 18 John S 1 (and 10) E Lennox, L Darnley 1430-95 65yo m. Margaret I Christian MONTGOMERIE 1436-61
- 17 Marg Eliz b1450
- 17 Eliz 1460-1510 m1? Gillespie Archibald CAMPBELL 2 E Argyll 1466-1513
- 16 Janet CAMPBELL 1468-c1546 m. John STEWART >1475-1521 2 E Atholl
- 15 Janet S of Atholl c1515-80 65yo m3 'Harry' STEWART 1 L Methven (also m1 Alex GORDON m2 Hugh KENNEDY m3 LM m4 Patrick RUTHVEN)
- ... path to 1 JCS, cf below
- 17 Matthew 1460-1513 d. Flodden m. [17-25-18 6c 1x rem, cf below] Eliz HAMILTON (dau of Mary [dau of KoS James II] m. Lord H, Eliz also gma of MD, gggma of KoE James I)
- 17 John 1460-1513 d. Flodden
- 18 Alan S Lord Cardonald b1437 m. Agnes ?
- 17 John S b146x m. Agnes ?
- 16 James S 3 Laird Cardonald 1497-15xx m. Alice REID C of Huntly (parents of Margaret S C of Atholl)
- 23 Sir Kgt James S of Pierston 1276-1333 (plaid) m. Isabel GRAHAM (dau of ?)
- 22 Sir Kgt Robt S of Innermeath c1325-c88 (plaid) m. Margaret, heiress of Holkettle
- 21 Sir Kgt John STEWART of I (Perthsh) 1358-1421 (coa) m. Isabel MacDOUGALL of Argyll
- 20 Robt S 1 L Lorn 1379-1449 (red plaid, son of John/Isabel) m. Joan S dau of Robt 1 D Albany m. Muriella de KEITH ...
- 19 John S 2 L L 1397-1463 (pic of Dunstaffnage C) m. Agnes MacDONALD ...
- 18 Isabel STEWART of Lorn 1437-1510 b. Glenorchy Castle, Lorn, W Dumbartonsh (pic) m. Colin CAMPBELL 1 E Arg (cf ancestors in Campbell.html right?)
- 17 Lady Helen CAMPBELL m. Sir Hugh M 1 E Eg c1460-1545 b/d Eg C (coa)
- 16 John M Master of Eglington 1483-1520 b. Edlinton Castle, Ayrsh d. Edinburgh m. Lady Eliz EDMONSTONE
- 15 Christian MONTGOMERIE m. Sir James DOUGLAS 7 of D
- 14 Christiana DOUGLAS of Drumlanrig 1555-98 b. Glamis, Angus d. 12/9 Edinburgh m. Alex STEWART 6 E G
- 13-2 JCS (cf path above)
Note: familypedia: James' mom, John's wife is Isabel de ERGADIA
- 20 Sir James STEWART aka Black Knight of Lorn 1394-1451 (pic) m. QoS Joan BEAUFORT c1406-45 ~39yo (dau of John B m. Marg HOLLAND, John son of John of GAUNT m. Cath De ROET)
- 19 John S c1440-1512 ~72yo 1 E Atholl m. Eleanor SINCLAIR c1457-1518 ~51yo (dau of Wm S ... m. Marjory SUTHERLAND ...)
- 18 John S >1475-1521 ~46yo 2 E Atholl m. Janet CAMPBELL 1468-c1546 (dau of Gillespie Archibald C 2 E Argyll 1466-1513 m. [18-24-17 5c 1x rem, cf above] Eliz STEWART c1464- dau of John S 1 E Lennox <1430-95 m. Marg MONTGOMERIE)
- 17 John S 3 E Atholl 1509-42 m. Grizel RATTRAY 1511-42
- 16 Sir John St 4 E Atholl, Lord Darnley, Chanc 1530-79 m. Lady Eliz GORDON 1530-57
- 15 Eliz S 1550-1622 Lady of Lovat [and sis Eliz 1549-95 m1 Hugh FRASER 5 Lovat c1550-75 m2 James STEWART E Arran m3 Robt STEWART E March, same Eliz?] m. Archibald CAMPBELL 1580-1645 [geni 1576-1640 63yo] b. Skipness, Argyll
- 14 Isabel C 1603-63 m. Col Gilbert KENNEDY 1593-1627
- 13 Hugh K 1626-85 m. Mary UPTON
- 12 Priscilla K 1647-1700 m. Robt DICKSON
- 11 Margaret DIXON 1677-1729 m. Alexander STEWART 1675-1742
- 10 Alexander S 1713-57 m. Amy SPAULDING
- 9 John A S 1737-75 m. Lois STORY
- 8 John C S 1763-1848 m. Phebe CASTLE
- 7 Lucinda S 1808-42 m. Jacob KAYNER
- 6 Mariett K m. Henry Allen RACE
- 5 Carrie RACE m. JDS
- 4 CBS m. Mabel
- 3 JCS m. Rosena
- 17 Janet S of Atholl c1515-80 65yo (also m1 Alex GORDON m2 Hugh KENNEDY m3 LM m4 Patrick RUTHVEN) m. 'Harry' STEWART, 1 Lord Methven
- 16 ... to 3 JCS m. Rosena (cf below)
- 19 James S 1 E Buchan 1442-99 b. Lorn, Aberdeensh d. Angus, Perthsh m. Margaret OVILVY
- 24 James S 5 HS c1260-1309 b. at/near Durisdeer, Dumfriessh d. 7/16 Dundonald C (coa, 5 kids - Walter S 6 HS; Sir John S; Sir Andrew S; Sir Kgt James S of Durisdeer and Gilles 'Egidia' S) m1 Cecilia de Dunbar m2 Muriel of Strathern m3 Gille de Burgh of Ulster
- 23 Walter S 6 HS c1293-1326 b. Dundonald C d. 4/9 Bathgate C, W Lothian (pic, 5 kids - Jean S; KoS Robt II; Sir Kgt John S of Ralston; Egidia S and Andrew S) m1 Alice ERSKINE m2 Marjorie BRUCE d1326 (dau of 24 KoS Robt I 'the Bruce' 1284-1314 d. 'Red John' COMYN 1306, r1306-29 led Scots to victory over English at Bannockburn 1314 m1 Isabella of Mar [22 Marjorie's mom] m2 Eliz de BURGH of Ulster [mom of 22 KoS David II r1329-70 m. Joan PLANTAGENET, dau of KoE Edw II, sis of Edw III] m3 Isabel de GRAHAM of Abercorn
- 22 Jean
- 22 KoS Robert II b1371 r1371-90 (1st Scottish STUART king) m. Eliz MUIR (MURE) of Rowallen ...
- 21 Robt STEWART 1 D Albany c1340-1420 ~80yo (pic) m. Margaret GRAHAM b1334 dau of John G 9 E Menteith
- 20 Murdoch STEWART D Albany 1362-1425 63yo (grv pic) m. Isabella dau of Donnchadh 8 E Lennox
- 19 Sir Walter STEWART of Lennox, Master of Fife 1394-1425 31yo (pic) m. Janet ERSKINE
- 18 Walter STEWART of Morphie c1425-c88 ~63yo m. Eliz ARNOT
- 17 Alexander STEWART Laird of Avandale c1446-89 ~43yo m. ?
- 16 Andrew STEWART 1 L Avandale [S Lanarksh] 1470-1513 k. Flodden 43yo m. Margaret KENNEDY ...
- 15 Andrew S 1 L O c1504-48 b. Avondale, Ayrsh d. O Castle (red plaid) m. Margaret HAMILTON, dau of James 1 E Arran m. Beatrix DRUMMUND
- 14 Andrew S 2 L O 1521-1601 80yo b. Lanarksh d. 3/21 Ochiltree, Ayrsh (red plaid) m. Agnes CUNNINGHAM ...
- 13 Andrew STEWART c1535-78 ~43yo 3 L Ochiltree b. Atholl, Perthsh d. 9/10 Postcarrick, Wigtownsh (Gov of [pic] Edinburgh castle) m. (1c 1x) Margaret STEWART, dau of Lord Methven
- ... 0 JCS m. Rosena (cf below)
- 15 Henry 'Harry' STEWART Lord Methven c1495-1551 ~56yo ... lover then hubby of Margaret TUDOR, widow of KoS James IV d1513 Flodden ... (cf Hamilton.html)
- 21 KoS Robert III r1390-1406 m. Annabella DRUMMOND
- 20 KoS James I r1406-37 m. Joan BEAUFORT d1445 CGHB: James captured by English 1406, held til ransomed 1424, during his absence D of Albany til d1420, then son Murdoch served as regents. During regency grt nobles blt up pwr and indep; MacDONALD Lords of the Isles maintained total autonomy. Invading Islesmen sacked Aberdeen 1411, but retreated after bloddy battle w/Albany's allies at Harlaw. James' vigorous but vindictive reforming policies made him unpopular, and he was ass. by kinsmen
- 19 KoS James II r1437-60 (k. Su 8/3 by exploding cannon near Roxburgh Castle in N England) m. Mary of Guelders
- 18 Margaret 1450-1512 (coa) m. Wm CRICHTON 3 L C 1453-93
- 18 KoS James (D of Rothesay) III b1451 r1460-88 m. Margaret of Denmark
- 17 KoS James IV r1488-1513 m1502 Margaret TUDOR, dau of KoE Henry VII - Eliz of York
- w/Lady Margaret DRUMMUND 1476-1502
- 16 Margaret S 1497-1578 m. John GORDON 4 1477-1517
- w/Isabel STUART of Buchan
- 16 Janet STEWART 1502-62 (pic) m. Malcolm FLEMING 3 L F 1494-1547 b. Cumbernauld, Lanarksh d. B of Pinkie Cleugh 9/10 (B pic)
- w/Margaret TUDOR
- 16 KoS James V r1513-42 m1 Madeleine, dau of KoF Francis I m2 Mary of Guise
- 15 (bastard son w/Margaret ERSKINE) James S, E of Moray c1531-70 ~39yo half-bro of Mary QoS, nephew of MD, pwrfl Scot ldr, Protestant reformer and Regent of Scotland 1567-70 (murdered) m. Agnes KEITH c1540-88
- w/Mary
- 15 Mary QoS r1542-67 ex1587 (by QoE Eliz I) m1 KoF Francis II m2 Henry, Lord DARNLEY (mur) m3 James, E of BOTHWELL
- w/Henry STUART, E of DARNLEY, king consort 1565-7
- 14 KoS James VI r1567-1625 (r1603-25 as KoE James I, 1st STUART KoE) m. Anne of Denmark 1574-1619 45yo
- 13 PoW Henry 1594-1612 11/6 18yo typhoid, unlike dad loved warcraft, helped arrange sis Eliz' m. to Frederick, hoped to lead English army to help Protestant F t/o Bohemia from RCC HRE, 'strong, handsome, budding warrior and statesman' so a huge loss to family, country and Prot. cause
- 13 Elizabeth 1596-1662 66yo m. Frederick V 1596-1632 36yo his attempt to t/o Bohemia sparked 30yrs War (aka 'Winter K/Q')
- cf DoWQ
- 12 Frederick Henry 1614-29 15yo
- 12 Karl Ludwig [Charles Lodowicke p154] Elector Palatine 1616-80 64yo m. Charlotte of Hesse-Cassel 1627-86 59yo
- 11 Karl Elector Palatine 1651-85 34yo
- 11 Eliz Charlotte 'Liselotte' 1652-1722 70yo m. Philippe 'Monsieur' D of Orleans 1640-1701 61yo
- 12 Princess Eliz 1618-80 62yo Abbess of Herford
- 12 Prince (Palatine) Rupert 1619-82 63yo
- 12 Maurice 1621-51 30yo ... sent to Paris early 1638 w/bros Edw, Phil for educ (tho M really to avoid scandal p163) ... returned to Hague Jan 1640 p172 ...
- 12 Louise Hollandine 4/17 1622-1709 87yo Abbess of Maubuisson
- 12 Edw 1624-63 39yo m. Anna de Gonzaga 1616-85 69yo
- 12 Henrietta Maria 7/7 1626-51 25yo m. Siegmund Rakoczy 1622-52 30yo Prince of Transylvania
- 12 Philip 1627-51 24yo ... sent to Paris for educ early 1638 w/Maurice, Edw ... returned Mar 1640 ...
- 12 Sophia 1630-1714 84yo m. Ernst Augustus 1629-98 69yo Elector of Hanover
- 11 KoE George I b1660 r1714-27 m. Sophia Dorothea of Celle (div. 1694)
[11 sibs ...]
- 10 KoE George II b1683 r1727-60 m. Caroline of Ansbach
[10 sis Sophia Dorothea m. Frederick Wm I of Prussia, p of Fred. the Grt]
- 9 Fred PoW m. ? p of KoE George III
[9 sibs Geo Wm DY, Wm Augustus, 5 girls]
- 8 KoE George III b1738 r1760-1820 'a gifted, educated, artistic profligate' m. Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz
[8 sibs ...]
- 7 KoE George IV b1762 r1820-30 m. Caroline of Brunswick ((1 dau Charlotte m. KoB Leopold)
[7 sibs Fred DoY, Wm IV, Edw D of Kent (Vic's dad), Ernest, Augustus, Adolphus, Octavius DY, Alfred DY, 6 girls]
7 KoE Wm IV b1765 r1830-7 'well-meaning, courageous naval ofcr, but inept and timid pol' m. Adelaide of S-M (2 kids DY)
- 6 QoE Victoria b1819 r1837-1901 m. Albert of S-C-G (4 sons Edw VII, Alfred, Arthur, Leopold, 5 daus)
- 5 KoE Edw VII b1841 r1901-10 m. Alexandra of Denmark (2 sons, 3 daus)
- 4 KoE Geo V b1865 r1910-36 m. Mary of Teck (5 sons, 1 dau)
- 3 KoE Edw VIII b1894 r1936 m. Wallace SIMPSON (1st abdicated)
- 3 KoE Geo VI b1895 r1936-52 m. Eliz Bowes-Lyon (2 daus)
- 2 QoE Eliz II b1926 r1952-now m. HRH Prince Philip DoE (3 sons, 1 dau)
- 12 Gustavus Adolphus 1632-41 9yo sickly from b., became ill at Christmas 1640, infection type not known but in 'acute pain' and d. soon after NY w/'terrible suffering' p174, prompting mom to close Leyden nursury and bring Sophia early to Hague
- 13 KoS Chas I r1625-49 sickly as child (ex) m. Henrietta Maria of France (dau of KoF Henri IV)
- 12 KoS Chas II r1660-85 m. Catherine of Braganza (no legit kids, but at least 16 illeg ones! eldest James D of Monmouth [Protestant] who led 1685 rebellion against his uncle, ex., cf MBKQ p659)
- 12 KoS James II b1633 r1685-8 d1701 near Paris m1 Anne HYDE (daus Mary, Anne and 6 others) m2 Mary of Modena (son James, the Old Pretender and 11 others). James II also had at least 7 illeg kids by 2 mistresses
- 11 Mary 1662-94 m. Wm III of Orange 1650-1702 no kids
- 11 Anne 1665-1714 m. Prince George of Denmark, a happy m. but marred by many miscarriages and infant deaths
- 11 James [III] Edw 'the Old Pretender' 1688-1766 78yo led 1715 Jacobite rising
- 10 Chas [III] Edw 'the Young Pretender' 'Bonnie Prince Charlie' 1720-88 68yo led 1745 Jacobite rising (i.e. 'My Bonnie lies over the ocean ...')
- 12 Mary m. PoO Wm II
- 11 Wm III PoO 1650-1702 later KoE Wm III 1689- m. Mary II d1694 dau of KoE James II - Mary of Modena)
- 12 James II r1685-8 m1 Anne HYDE (commoner dau of Edw, later raised to E of Clarendon cf br-agm pic w/scarred nose) m2 Mary of Modena (dau of D Alfonso IV of Modena)
- 11 Mary II d1694 m. KoE Wm III r1689-1702
- 11 Anne r1702-14 m. Prince Geo of Denmark
- 10 Wm D of Gloucester d1700
- 11 James m. Mary SOBIESKA
- 10 Chas Edw d1788
- 10 Henry Cardinal of York d1807
- 12 Henry D of Gloucester d1660
- 12 Henrietta Maria m. Philip D of Orleans
- 11 Anna Maria m. Victor Amadeus II D of Savoy
- 16 Alexander S, D of Ross 1514-5 youngest son of James IV - Marg TUDOR (half-bro of MD)
- 18 Mary m. James, Lord Hamilton (anc. of 27 Henry, Lord DARNLEY (mur.) m. Mary QoS, parents of KoS/E James VI/I and 5th E of Lennox 1566-1625 ...)
- 17 James, 1st E of Arran c1475-1529 ~54yo (cf Hamilton.html) m1 Eliz HOME m2 Janet BETHUNE (other wives NN, NN, Christian STEWART, Margaret LIVINGSTON [geni])
- w/NN
- 16 John H of Clydesdale b150x d. < 2-16-1558 Scotland m. Janet HOME
- 15 Lady Margaret H 153x-96 d. 5/25 Edinburgh m. James JOHNSTONE of Johnstone, David DOUGLAS 7 E Angus, Sir Patrick WHITELAW of that Ilk
- w/James J of J
- 14 John J, Marquis Annandale c1544-1587 b/d Dumfriessh m. Lady Margaret SCOTT (...)
- 13 Sir James J Sr, Lord of J 1567-1608 b/d " m. Sarah MAXWELL (...)
- 12 James J 1 E Hartfell 1602-53 51yo m. Marg DOUGLAS (also m. Eliz J, Marg HAMILTON)
- 11 Mary J 1627-75 48yo b. Dumfries d. Netherby, Cumbria m. Sir Geo GRAHAM of Esk/Netherby, 2nd Baronet (& Sir Geo FLETCHER, 2nd B)
- 10-1 to US evangelist Billy GRAHAM
- 17 Eliz m. [18-25-17 6c 1x rem, cf above] Matthew STEWART, 2nd E of Lennox (likely son of 1 E L John S <1430-93 m. Marg MONTGOMERIE, parents of Eliz S b. c1464 m. Gillespie Archibald CAMPBELL 2 E Argyll 1466-1513, parents of Janet CAMPBELL 1468-c1546 m. John STEWART >1475-1521 2 E Atholl, ancestors of JCS, cf above, so how does Lennox line tie into this DC?)
- 16 John STEWART, 3rd E of Lennox [Lennachs, Lennax] 1490-1526 36yo
- 15 Matthew STUART (French spelling, 1st adopted by Mary QoS while living in France), 4th E of Lennox 1516-71 55yo m. Margaret DOUGLAS 1515-78 (subject of tLTP)
- 14 Henry S, Lord Darnley 1546-67 21yo (ass. by ?) m. Mary QoS, parents of KoS/E James VI/I 1566-1625
- 14 Chas S, 6 E L 1557-76 19yo m. Eliz CAVENDISH 1555-82 27yo, parents of Arbella S 1575-1615 40yo (pic in tLTP) m. ?
- 15 John STUART, 5th Seigneur d'Aubigny c1519-67 ~48yo - Anne de la QUEUILLE 1520-79
- 14 Esme S 1 D Lennox 1542-83 b/d France (pic) - Kath de BALSAC
- 13 Henrietta S (pic) - Geo GORDON 1 M Huntly
- 12 Mary G (pic) - Wm DOUGLAS 1 M D
- 11 Lady Anne D 1630 - Sir John MURRAY of Philiphaugh
- 10 John M of Bowhill 1650 b/d Scotland lawyer/pol (FDR relative) - Jean (Marg) SCOTT
- 9 John M II of Unthank 1677 FDR rel. - Isobel ?
- 8 Wm M 1704 - Jean ARMSTRONG
- 7 John M Sr 1735 b. Eskdale, Dumfries-sh, Scotland d. Brunswick, Canada - Mary Ann KENNEDY
- 6 David M 1765 b. Scotland d. PEI farmer and schooner owner - Eliz PENMAN
- 5 Ann M 1809 - 'Big' Donald MONTGOMERY 2nd
- 4 Hugh John M - Clara Woolner McNEILL 1853
- 3 Lucy Maud M 1874 famous author of 'Anne of Green Gables' cf Townsend.html
- 11 Isabel D 1642 - Wm D 1 D Queensbury
- 10 Wm D 1 E March 1670-1745 b. Scotland d. USA (coa) - Grishield McKEARD
- 9 Marg Campbell D b/d VA - Anthony HADEN
- 8 Ruth H - Jacob FERRIS
- 7 Frances F - Col Wm MARTIN Sr
- 6 Nancy M - James M McKINNEY
- 5 John David M - Mary McCLURE b. Irel d. US
- 4 Alex M Sr - Esther CAMPBELL
- 3 David M - Marg WALLACE
- 2 to -3 Ralph STANLEY 'father of bluegrass' ... cf Monroe.txt
- 13 Esme S [Jr] 3 D L 1579-1624 b/d L, Scotland - Hon Kath CLIFTON
- 12 Geo S 9 Sr d'Aubigny 1618-42 (pic) - Lady Kath HOWARD
- 11 Chas S 3 D Richmond, 6 D L 1639-72 b. London d. Denmark (pic) m1 Marg BANASTRE d1667 m2 Eliz ROGERS m3 FTS 1647-1702 frmr mistress of KoS Chas II cf above (pic)
- 15 Robt STEWART, Bishop of Caithness, 6 E Lennox, 1 E March c1522-86 ~64yo
- 18 Alexander S, D of Albany b1454
- 18 John S, E of Mar b1457
Joan BEAUFORT ancestors:
23 KoE Edw III r1327-77 m. Philippa of Hainault
22 John of Gaunt 1340-99 m1 Blanche of Lancaster m2 Constance of Castile m3 Kath SWYNFORD (kids of KS -> BEAUFORTs)
21 John B E of Somerset c1371-1410 M of Somerset m. Margaret HOLLAND c1381-1439
20 Joan B d1445 m1 KoS James I 1394-1437 d. battle m2 ...
- more kids of KoS James I m. Joan BEAUFORT
- 19 Princess Joan m. Wm GORDON of Stitchill 1 of L 1430-c55 b. Stichill, Roxburghsh d. Lochinvar (coa)
NOTE: last year (2019) showed this but has since updated the Joan that m. Wm GORDON as NOT the dau (Joan Countess of Morton) of KoS James I/Joan B, but Joan ? (pic, dau of ?) ... but I'll leave this line here for now for reference. The connections below still exist but with an extra 2 gens to JCS i.e. instead of 20 KoS James I ... 3 JCS, its 20 KoS James I ... 1 JCS
- 18 Sir John G 2 of L 1455-1517 b. Balmangan, Dumfriessh d. Cream o'Galloway, Castle Douglas, Kirkcudbrightsh (coa) m. Annabella BOYD of Kilmarnock
- 17 Sir Robt G 3 of L 1475-1525 b/d L (wht cross on blu b/g) m. Mariota (Marion) ACARSANE dau of John ...
- 16 Sir Kgt James G of L 1501-47 b. L k. B of Pinkie Cleugh aka Blk Su (map drawing) m. Margaret CHRICHTON dau of Robt C 2 L C of Sanquhar m. Marion MAXWELL ...
- 15 Sir John G 1530-1604 b/d Lochinvar of L m. Eliz MAXWELL
- 14 Grizel GORDON 1582-16xx b. Lochinvar, Kirkcudbrightsh m. Alex STEWART 1 E G
- 13 James S 1610-71 61yo 2 E G m. Nicola GRIERSON
- 12 Alexander S 1643-90 47yo 3 E Galloway b/d Scotland m. Lady Mary DOUGLAS 1655-94
- 11 Alexander S 1675-1742 67yo b. Antrim d. CT m. Margaret DIXON
- 10 Capt Alexander S 1713-70 57yo m. Amy SPAULDING
- 9 John A S 1737-75 38yo m. Lois STORY
- 8 John C S 1763-1848 85yo m. Phebe CASTLE
- 7 Lucinda S 1808-42 34yo m. Jacob KAYNER
- 6 Mariett K m. Henry Allen RACE
- 5 Carrie Eliz R m. JDS
- 4 CBS m. Mabel
- 3 JCS m. Rosena
3 JCS 15g gson of 20 KoS James I m. Joan BEAUFORT
3 JCS 18g gson of 23 KoE Edw III m. Philippa of Hainault
4 CBS and 4 Kaiser Wilhelm II r1888-1918 are 15th cousins, i.e. both 16 gens from [14g gsons of] KoS James I m. Joan BEAUFORT. CBS is also, of course, 15th cousins with Q Vic's other 41 gkids [32 survived to adulthood] incl 6 other royals besides Wilhelm (cf Spencer.html):
2 Tsarina Alexandra [m. Nicholas] r1894-1917
3 Q Maud [m. K Haakon VII] of Norway r1905-38
4 Q Ena [m. K Alphonso] of Spain r1906-31
5 KoE George V [m. May of Teck] r1910-36
6 Q Sophie [m. K Constantine] of Greece r1913-7 20-2
7 Q Marie 'Missy' [m. K Ferdinand] of Romania r1914-27
Or [w/ca 17 KoS James IV] 4 Carrie RACE and 4 Kaiser 'Bill' et al are 12th cousins
- 21 (KoS Robt II's 3rd son) Robert S created 1st Duke of Albany, creating another STEWART branch ... gson (of only son of ?th DoA) Wm S was fndr of Balq. branch of STEWARTs, arrived in Highlands c1490 fleeing from persecution of KoS James I
- 21 (" 4th son) Alexander S created 1st Earl of Buchan aka famous Wolf of Badenoch, fndr of Atholl branch of STEWARTs
- 21 (younger son) John S fndr of Bute branch of STEWARTs
- more kids of Walter 6 HS and his 5 wives
- 22 Sir Kgt John S of Ralston
- 22 Egidia
- 22 Andrew
An online message on the STEWART ( list said the STEWARTs fought at the AD 1296 Battle of Dunbar (v. K Edw I 'Hammer of the Scots') which occurred not long after the 1296 Battle of Berwick i.e. both part of K Edw I's successful effort to reduce Scotland to a British vassal state ('deliberately set[ting] out to destroy all symbols of Scottish sovereignty ... burning all the national records' HKV p0). The earlier 1138 Battle of the Standard was during the Scottish civil war and had forces loyal to Matilda defeating those loyal to Scot King David I 'The Saint' (cf David1St, Uhtred kinsmen Dolfin and Gospatric II both d. in that battle, and possibly some STEWARTs as well, cf Bamburgh). An even earlier 1045 Battle of the Standard (aka Battle of Dunkeld) involved a Scot challenge of KoS Macbeth (Uhtred kinsmen Crinan and his son Maldred were both k., and possibly some STEWARTs as well, cf Bamburgh.html). Another such message indicates that, much later, a Sir William STEWART went to Ireland (from Scotland) in 1608 with others as part of the Scot settlement of N Ireland. I wonder if he was perhaps an ancestor of my Capt. Alexander STEWART b. c1700?
The wiki site for 'List of London Lord Mayors', they show the 1st was named 1189, with subsequent interesting names Sir Robt de ROS, Baron Kendall 1321, Simon de MONTFORT 1368, Sir Wm CAPELL 1510 (ACB? no, that was 17C), Sir Thomas MIRFYN 1519 (skinner livery), Sir Thomas SEYMOUR 1526, Sir Ralph WARREN 1536 (mercer livery), Sir Richard MALLORY 1564 (mercer livery, fit into above line?), Sir John GERARD 1601 (haberdasher livery), Wm STEWART 1721, James TOWNSEND 1772 (mercer livery) and #688 The Lord Mountevans 2015. No 2016 name is listed, but if there were it would be #689. See MargSAW for SAWYER as AG of London, i.e. different wiki list.
See ScotKngs.html for more info.
- MM Scot = Magnus MAGNUSSON's 'Scotland: The Story of a Nation', Grove (HarperCollins), 2000, 734pp, own
- tLTP = The Lost Tudor Princess, Alison WEIR, Ballantine (RandomHouse), 2015, 537pp, FHL
- DoWQ = Daughters of the Winter Queen: 4 Remarkable Sisters, the Crown of Bomemia, and the Enduring Legacy of Mary QoS, Nancy Goldstone, Little, Brown & Co (Hachette), 2018, 480pp, FHL
