[middle] Coel
Born: AD c135 (ggson of Coel c45-c150, so 30yrs/gen -> +90yrs)
[... line leads back to Jude, Jose, St Joseph ...] [Coel had a sis Gwrfawr acc. to KRGG p149] Spouses: ?
At right, pic? ===>> |
This file originated as a place-holder for a number of 3C figures and to provide a place to add 'Contemporary Events' from BN HT. Possible figures are:
There are 3 'Coel' figures in ahnen-sg; #56, #59 and #62 (see also MBKQ p67 which shows all 3 and how they're related):
1 The earliest is #59 'Coilus d150 AD, 35th King of Britons (Silures, A35, P77 MBKQ) (acc. to Geoffrey Monmouth) r. c125-50, son of P76 King Marius and father of Athildis and also P78 King Lucius'. This Coel was probably b. c45 AD, since he was a young boy when taken to Rome in AD 51 after RE4 Claudius conquered Britain. If he ruled to c150 he thus lived to be 105yo, Wow. His father was King Marius and his mother ? dau of Queen Boudicca A31 and King Prasutagus A30. Coel's son was King Lucius A36 P78. Coel m. ? dau of Cyllin (son of Caratacus A26, MBKQ p67). Hmmm, KRGG p136 shows a Coel as father of Lucius (Llewfer Mawr) and son of Cyllin, Caradog, Ann m. Bran, Lweriadd, Beli. This Coel's ancestry is:
Gggggfather: Beli Mawr d. c100 BC (P67, Brutus P1)
Ggggfather: Llud Law P68
Gggfather: Tenuantius
Ggfather: King Cymbeline P71 (Cunobelin)
Gfather: King Arviragus d74 AD (Arfyrag, m. Genvissa dau of RE4 Claudius)
Father: King Marius A33 P76
Mother: Victoria (KRGG p136) dau of Queen Boudicca A31 and King Prasutagus A30
2 The middle one #56 is the subject of this page, and the ggson of Coilus as shown on MBKQ chart 1 on p67. He is 'Coel c2xx-c2xx father ('conjectural descent') of Cunedd and Eudaf, and son of Cadfan / Gwladys (latter dau of King Lucius, son of Coilus).
3 Latest in history is #62 'Old King Cole' or Coel Hen P84 DA1, reputed father of Helena, wife of Constantine the Great. This Coel m. Ystradwal, the gggdau (or at least 'conjectural descendant') of Coel #2 above. Her father was Cadfan, son of Cynan, son of Eudaf P87, son (or 'c d' of Coel #2). This Coel was said by Geoffrey to be father of Helena and fil of Constantine, a myth said to contain 'certainly no truth' by Ashley p98). Ashley says 'Old King Coel' aka Coel Hen is DA1, P84 and was a c450s AD warlord (1 of many, others were Ceretic, Cunedda, Vortigern and Arthur) trying to preserve 'Romanitas' after the Romans had left in 408. He is the 'Old King Cole' of the nursery rhyme. His main adversary were the Picts on the other side of Hadrian's Wall, so he lived in N Britain. Ashley shows DA1 Coel as the 1rst 'king' of N Britain (Yorkshire to the Clyde river) r. c410-c430 (others are DA4 Cunedda, DA6 Ceretic, DA17 Outigern, DA20 Elidyr, DA22 Cymbeline). Rulers of Early Britain are A1 Beli Mawr fl 100 BC, A2 Llud ... A22 Cymbeline ... A26 Caratacus AD 43-9 ... A29 Arviragus fl 44-74 ... A31 Boudicca 59-61 ... A33 Marius c74-c125 ... A35 Coel [I] fl c125-c150, A36 Lleirwg Mawr or Lucius fl c150-c180 and (last) A37 Argentocoxos fl 208. KRGG p131 shows this Coel w/father Tegfan (and back to Don Verch Mathonry) and child Ceneu (leading down via Mar, Einion, Run Ryfederfawr, Perweur m. Hoel I gggdad of St Judicael). Also Coel/Yst. dau Gwawl m. Cunedda.
For A35 P77 Coel, he says (MBKQ p79) 'Legendary ruler ID's by Geoffrey of Monmouth. The son of Marius and raised, probably educated, in Rome. This means he would've been taken there at the time the British chieftains Arviragus and Caratacus were captured by Claudius in AD 51, when he was probably a young boy, and would've returned w/his father (and gdad) c60 or soon after. Of these assumptions Coel, who respected and honored the Romans, paying his taxes when due, may've lived to the turn of the 1C. He was succeeded by his son Lucius. Its interesting to speculate whether this Coel is Geoffrey's version of Cogidubnus who was highly regarded by the Romans. He is not the same as 'Old King Cole' who was a post-Roman ruler.
Here are various 3C AD lines in ahnen-sg/f:
1 Early British Celts aka Silurian kings (wiki map of Britain w/Siluria): Cunedd #55, Coel #56, Cadfan #57 and Lucius #58. King Marius of the Silures 50-125 S33 #60 (m. dau of Boudicca, parents of Coel, cf fabpedigree.com/s035/f000067.htm, which is titled Gwladys verch Eurgen of Siluria and includes Coel, Marius, Cymbeline, Arviragus, Cyllin, Genvissa, Pernardun and Boudicca, see also wiki ../Siluria, /Lucius_of_Britain, /King_Lucius, /Emperor_Lucius), King Lucius of Siluria 100-80 S38 #58 (AD 156 declared Britain Christian). Also connected: St Cyllin b100 #60 (KRGG line, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyllin, see also br-glas)
Note: The bk br-glas shows JoA et al arrive in Britain (Siluria) just before Caesar's AD 43 attack there. Eurgain (dau of Caradoc aka Caracticus) m. Josephes (son of Joseph of Arimathea) and have son Helias ... ancestor of King Lucius. JoA's dau Mary m. Cleon, son of Lazaris (uncle of St Lazaris) and new wife Salome. JoA's dau Ann(a) m. Eutropius. In contrast, KRGG shows Anna m. Bran the Blessed (gson of Beli, p139) and w/dau Penardun who m. (King) Marius. Their son is Coel, whose dau Athildis m. Marcomir IV, linking this line to #2. KRGG p144 shows linkages between #1, #2 and Grail Kings.
'Middle' Coel is a 2C link in this line (cf MBKQ p67), i.e.:
KRGG p137 shows Marius m. Victoria (dau of Boudicca) and had son Eurgen, father of Gwladys who m. Lucius, then Cadalladr b193, Frigg m. Woden (Odin, hmmm, good 3C candidate) b215, Wecta, Witta, Wihgils, Hengest, Oisc, Octa, Eormenric, St King [of Kent] Ethelbert 560-616 m. St Bertha 548-80 (of Frankish line)
line 2 to Eudaf, 3 kids Elen, Erbin, Cynan, 1rst to Maximus, Vortigern, 2nd to Erb and Welsh chart 3, 3rd to Cadfan, Ystradwal/Coel Hen, N Celts chart 2
Note: See MBKQ p67 chart linking this Silure line to #3 line (Amalech to Cunedda, Eudelen to Coel Hen)
2 Dagobert I 230-317 #55 (early Frankish line, pre-Pharamond). Also connected: Catheloys #55 (a Grail King, also in KRGG, also tied to Pharamond cf KRGG).
3 Dyfwn II, Guordoli, Doli, Guorcein (1C Eugen to 6C Brychan line, cf KRGG, includes Beli Mawr, Llyr/Penardun, Bran the Blessed, ... so linked to #1). An alt Cunedda to Brychan line includes 3C chars [before 5-4C Cunedda, Coel Hen, Guotepauc, Tegfan] Gratus, Erb (Urbanus), Telpuil and Teuhvant ... Amalech, Brychan, hmmm.
Note: See MBKQ p67 chart linking this line to Silurian line (e.g. Marius, Lucius, ...)
4 Chlorus, REConst (KRGG line from Brychan back to JCaesar via REConst ... RE17 Commodus)
5 descendants of Njord, King of Swedes (Swedish royal line)
6 pre-Odin Norse line: descendants of Geat, Godwulf, Flocwald and Finn ('Kings of the Angles' (earliest Thor #81 b. c430 BC)
7 Irish High Kings line ... (line goes back to c500 [or 1800? Milesius of Spain] BC, possibly ties into K David line via Tea Tephi ...)
8 Danish royal line
9 3C Popes (or BoJs) descended from James bro-of-Jesus, St Joseph ... (cf ahnen-sf)
'In the 1C 'elder' (or 'presbyter') and 'overseer' (or 'bishop') referred to the same role. A group of elders guided each church. Christians gathered in homes. People were baptized whenever they trusted Christ. [But] by the 3C, Christians were organizing themselves above the local level. In most cities, one elder - the overseer - directed the others. Congregations owned their own buildings. New believers rcv'd 3yrs of training before baptism' (CHME p17). Why the change? In the face of the 2C challenge of Gnosticism, they developed ways of preserving the truth about Jesus e.g. powerful overseers, central mtg-places and careful training. Also perhaps, they realized Jesus may not come right away as thot earlier and they must 'dig in' for the longer haul. [And unfortunately possibly also motivated by human power-seeking? Or at least allowed that inadvertently].
'When [RE37] Aurelian came to power in 270, most of Gaul, Spain and Germany had been ruled from the Rhineland for over a decade, and the monarchs of the caravan city of Palmyra in Syria controlled much of the Near East, even including Alexandria. Usurpations had been attempted [in many areas, some successful]' (RES p216). An interesting map on p211 (scan?) shows the 'Gallic Empire' in the W (border TDR in N to S France) and the 'Palmyrene Empire' in the E (includes most of Turkey, ME W of Palmyra, and all of Egypt).
According the Roman calender, the spring equinox fell on 25 Mar. Today its 21 Mar and has meteorological significance [sunrise due E at equator]. In the ancient world it symbolized the rebirth or recreation of the earth, the anniversary of the very day when God said 'Let there be light'. A Roman writer named Hippolytus (c170-235) calculated 25 Mar as both the anniversary of the creation and the date of Christ's death, linking His creation with His redemptive death, which effectively caused the sin-laden world to be born again' (OoC p59) ... An important influence was the Mal. 4:2 reference to Christ as 'the sun of righteousness' ... A later 3C Christian named Sextus Julius Africanus [added] that 25 Mar wasn't Christ's birth, but His CONCEPTION by the Holy Spirit, leading to his birth 9mos later on 25 Dec (60).
The 'Goths' were a Germanic people, originally from Scandanavia. In the 3C they split into the 'Ostrogoths' (E Goths) living between the Don and Dniester rivers, and the 'Visigoths' (Valiant or W Goths) living in what is now Ukraine. The 'Vandals', also a Germanic people, lived between the Oder and Vistula rivers. The 'Huns' were nomadic Mongols from Asia who arrived in Europe c370 (BN HT p45).