2C AD Characters
Born: AD 1xx
Father: various Spouses: ?
At right, pic? ===>> |
This file originated as a place-holder for a number of 2C figures and to provide a place to add 'Contemporary Events' from BN HT. Possible figures are:
1 Early British Celts aka Silurian kings (wiki map of Britain w/Siluria): Coel d150 #62 (and #59), King Marius of the Silures 50-125 S33 #60 (m. dau of Boudicca, parents of Coel, cf fabpedigree.com/s035/f000067.htm, which is titled Gwladys verch Eurgen of Siluria and includes Coel, Marius, Cymbeline, Arviragus, Cyllin, Genvissa, Pernardun and Boudicca, see also wiki ../Siluria, /Lucius_of_Britain, /King_Lucius, /Emperor_Lucius), King Lucius of Siluria 100-80 S38 #58 (AD 156 declared Britain Christian). Also connected: St Cyllin b100 #60 (KRGG line, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyllin, see also br-glas)
Note: The bk br-glas shows JoA et al arrive in Britain (Siluria) just before Caesar's AD 43 attack there. Eurgain (dau of Caradoc aka Caracticus) m. Josephes (son of Joseph of Arimathea) and have son Helias ... ancestor of King Lucius. JoA's dau Mary m. Cleon, son of Lazaris (uncle of St Lazaris) and new wife Salome. JoA's dau Ann(a) m. Eutropius. In contrast, KRGG shows Anna m. Bran the Blessed (gson of Beli, p139) and w/dau Penardun who m. (King) Marius. Their son is Coel, whose dau Athildis m. Marcomir IV, linking this line to #2. KRGG p144 shows linkages between #1, #2 and Grail Kings.
KRGG p136 shows how this line links w/French Pharamond one in St King Ethelbert 560-616 m. St Bertha 548-80 (p134).
2 Odomir d128 #62 or Marcomir IV d149 #61 (early Frankish line, pre-Pharamond). Also connected: Alphayne #57 (a Grail King, also in KRGG, also tied to Pharamond cf KRGG). See KRGG p137 w/#1 and #6 (and Zerah and Trojan lines). The KRGG Grail King line (p138) is Mathan, JudGAMLA c110-c30 BC, Joseph of Gamala 67 BC - AD 14, Bishop Josue 24 BC - AD 57, Alphayne 20-100, Aminadab 63-143, Catheloys 106-86, Emanuel 149-229, Titurel 192-272, Boaz 235-315, Frotmund 278-358, Faramund 321-401 m. Argotta (dau of Genebald, of the Frankish line), Cloduin 364-444, Merovee d458, Chilperic I 450-530, Clotaire II 493-573, St Bertha 548-80 (p134) m. St King Ethelbert 560-616 (15gens in 646yrs, 43yrs/gen).
3 Oumun [Omid p41] and/or Anguerit (1C Eugen [son of Salome (m. St Lazarus), sis of St Mary] to 6C Brychan line, cf KRGG, includes Beli Mawr, Llyr/Penardun, Bran the Blessed, ... so linked to #1). An alt Cunedda to Brychan line includes 2C chars Iumetel b180, Ritigern 155-215, Oudicant 130-190, Outigern 105-65 and Eliud 80-140 ... Amalech, Brychan, hmmm. See also KRGG p123 line from Eugen to St David (Dewi) via Abalach ... Dobun (alt name of Dyfwn) ... Dumn (Doli) ... Cunedda, Cheritic, King Sant (m. St Non, gdau of St Brychan c505-c65), then St David AD c600. KRGG p123 shows:
from KRGG from ahnen-sf 43 John Hyrcanus d104 BC 44 Antigonus d103 BC 45 Joiadah + Estha 46 Anna + Joachim Beli Mawr c120-60 BC 47 Salome (sis of St Mary) Caswallon 48 Eugen [I] Llyr-Penardun 49 Eudolen Bran the Blessed c45 BC - AD 15 50 Eugen [II] Beli 20 BC - AD 40 51 Abalach Amalech (Avaloch) c5-65 52 Iouguen Eugein c30-c90 53 Dobun Dyfwn I c80-140 54 Perum 55 Omid Oumun c105-65 56 Amguerit Anguerit c130-90 [2C] 57 Amguoil Amgualoyt c155-215 58 Guordumn Gurdumn c180-c240 Dyfwn II c205-65 Guordoli c230-90 [3C] 59 Dumn Doli c255-c315 60 Gurdeil Guorcein c280-c340 61 Doeil Cein c305-65 62 Peisrud Tacit c330-90 [4C] 63 Patern 'of the red cloak' MBKQ 92 Paternus c355-c415 a cmdr of Maximus 64 Etern Edern c430s 65 Cuneda Cunedda? c450s [5C] 66 Cheritic Ceretic? c480s 67 King Sant m. St Non (gdau of St Brychan c505-c65) 68 St David (Dewi)
So my theory for now (in ahnen-sf) is that Avalach's father is Beli, and his WIFE's father is Eugen [II].
4 RE18 Commodus 115-192 r180-92 (cf movie 'Gladiator', nasty character, KRGG line from Brychan back to JCaesar via REConst ...). See KRGG p131 12gens before REConst, then further back p136.
5 ? c. AD 130-210 #67 parents of Njord, King of Swedes (Swedish royal line, ends here)
6 pre-Odin Norse line: Geat AD c50-1xx or 'Great' #65 17/24 'Kings of the Angles' 'whom the pagans long venerated as a god' father of Godwulf c80-1xx (father of Flocwald b100 #63, father of Finn b130 #62), said by Asser to have been a god (earliest Thor #81 b. c430 BC)
7 Irish line: Tuathal Techtmar d160 AD, Feradach Finn Fechtnach d117 AD #61 113th Irish High King, Crimmthan 12-90 AD ... (line goes back to c500 [or 1800? Milesius of Spain] BC, possibly ties into K David line via Tea Tephi ...). KRGG p88 line from Josiah, Zedikiah, Tamar (Tea Tephi m. Heberian aka Heremon), Irial Fiadh ... Tuathal Teachtmar ... Baine ... Conn of Munster (see KRGG p160).
8 Danish royal line: parents (AD c17x-c2xx) of Cadwalladr (can probably be tied back to Thor b. c430 BC)
9 2C Popes (or BoJs) descended from James bro-of-Jesus, St Joseph ... (cf ahnen-sf)
10 KRGG p43 (p155) line from St Joseph c65 BC - AD 15 (if 80yo), Salome 37 BC - AD 43, Abgar V 9 BC - AD 71, Mannos VI AD 19-99, Awde 47-127, Sanatroukes 75-155, Valarsh I 103-83, Valarsh II 131-211, Khosro I 159-239, Tiridates II 187-267, Khosrow II 215-95, Tiridates IV 243-323, Khusrow III 271-351, Bambism 299-379, St Narses I 327-407, St Isaac II 351-438 (p153, 15gens in 416yrs, so 28yrs/gen). Also KRGG p89 alt path from St Isaac back thru ... Tiridates ... Mithradates ... Ptolomey ... John ... Joazar ... Antigone ... Elias, Tobit ... Hashubah, Zerubbabel ... Adam.
11 KRGG p46 line from St Joseph c65 BC - AD 15, Simon (2nd BoJ) 37 BC - AD 43, Zacheaus (4th BoJ) 9 BC - AD 71, Mathias (8th BoJ) AD 19-99, Senena (10th BoJ) 47-127, Josephus (14th BoJ) 75-155 ...
12 KRGG p76 line from Ptolas (bro of St Joseph so also c65 BC - AD 15), Jacobus 37 BC - AD 43, Justus AD 4-84, El Kasai 45-125, Nashon 86-166, Celedoin 127-207 (m. Alexandria? p112), Nascien II 168-248, Zambord 209-89, Lambord 250-330, Taliesin 291-371, Ygerna 332-412, Morganna 373-453, Ywain 414-94, Withur 455-535, Ausoch 496-576, Pritelle 537-617, St Judicael AD c590-658 (615yrs / 15gens -> 41yrs/gen).
13 KRGG p77 line from St Joseph, James (1rst BoJ) ... [then John, Benjamin, Jude, Pope Pius the 1rst, 10th Pope, p113] ... to present day (1). Alt line p131 St Joseph, James, Jude, Elzarus (Lazerus?), Nashon, Cyleddon, Narpus, Nascien, Gallienus Quiriacus, Helyas, Ysayes, Ionas, Gerentounus, Agripanus, Conan m. Darerca (desc. from Jose, Jasna, ... cf #14), Gradlon Maw, St Salomon, Aldroenus, Budig II m. Elaine, Hoel I m. Perweur, Hoel II m. Rimo, Alain, King (of Bretons) Hoel III m. Pritelle, St Judicael d658 AD m. Morone ...
14 KRGG p77 line from St Joseph, Jose, [Jude to Conan, Cadfan p149 or] Jasna, Sarclotus m. Eurgain, Emanuel Erise, Enclede, Othrac, Maxime, Llebryn, Karnot, Meuric, Otta, Marchudd, Gwrthryw, Gwraldeg, Morfudd m. Teitfall, Teuduric, Marchell m. Anlach, St Brychan ... [see p131] to present day (2)
15 KRGG p77 line from Mathan, JudGAMLA 'the younger' (cf file), Joseph of Gamala, Jesus of Gamala (m. Mary Magdalene) [then Jesus Justus of Rome, p110; then Joseph ('bar Jesus' p139), John of Emesa [Homs], Pope St Anicetus 11th Pope, p113], (p139) Hilarius, Eustathius, Athanasius (church father?), Severianus, Constantinus, Lucinianus, Johannes, son, RE59 Johannes r423-5 ... to present day (3) [see related Grail line p138]
Note: alt line p139 ... Joseph bar Jesus, Amestras Spentas, Theophilus, Narcissus, Ipromorus, Flammutus, Tytatus, Pamphilus, Maximus (RE?), Patricius Quirtacus, Magnus Cyricus Ignis, Quintus Tarus m. Argotta (also wife of Pharamund) ...
16 KRGG p77 line from Antigonus, JudGAMLA 'the elder', Menechem, Matthew Syrus (dad of Mary Magdalene), St Lazaris (m. Salome, sis of St Mary) [then Eugen, p110 (so #3 above)] ... to present day (4) [see p131]
17 KRGG p77 line from Herod the Great, Salampsio ... to present day (5)
18 KRGG p77 line from Miriamne d29 BC (wife of Herod the Great), (p161) Aristobulus IV d6 BC (m. Berenice), Mariamne Arria d. c25 AD m. Marcus Titus Flavius Sabinus, Mariamne Caecina Arria Sabinus d. c55 AD m. Gaius Sillius Calpurnius Domitius Piso (descended from Julius Caesar), A A C P d. c85 AD, M A V d. c115 AD, L A V d. c145 AD, A G F d. c175 AD, A G F II d. c205 AD m. RE16 Marcus Aurelius (kid RE17 Commodus, and also), A A G L d. c235 AD, A V d. c265 AD, C P d. c295 AD, A P d. c325 AD m. F C, Claudia d. c355, Constantius I d306 m. Ystradwal (desc. from Ann, dau of JoA), St Helen of the Cross, St REConst d337, Constantius II d361, Uther Pendragon d. c400, King Arthur c450-518 AD ... [see p136 via REConst ... Pharamond] to present day (6)
19 KRGG p107 line from Joseph of Arimathea, Ann the Prophetess (m. Bran), (p138) Caradog, St? Cyllin, Coel, King Lucius (Llewfer Mawr) m. Gwladys, Cadwalladir, Frigg m. Odin, Wecta, Witta, Wihgils, Hengest, Oisc, Octa, Eormenric, St King Ethelbert m. St Bertha ... [also see p131-2] 3 lines to present day. Yes, looks like it is St Cyllin, since p159 shows JoA, Ann m. Bran, Eurgain m. Caractus (Caradog), St Cyllin, Baine m. Tuathal Teachtmar d160 AD ...
20 KRGG p111 shows 4 lines from Bible times to St Judicael (#12), Kent (Beli Mawr, #1), Wales (St Brychan, #3) and Spain/France (Pharamond, #2).
21 KRGG p113 line from Cleopus (bro of St Joseph), Apostle James the Lesser, Jude, Pope Evaristus (5th Pope), Pope Hyginus (9th Pope) ...
22 KRGG p113 line Mathan/Alexanda, Don Verch Mathonry, Lweriadd, Bran, Eurgen (bro St Linus was 2nd Pope), St Cyllin or Cletus (3rd Pope) ... (related to #1 and #3)
From MBKQ: Ptolemy (AD 150) said there were over 30 tribes in Britain, and another 15-20 in Ireland, and each would've had a war ldr and chf priest, and some even sub-kings, likely coming together to nominate a 'high king' from time to time for major occasions (43). The 1rst of these we know by name is Cassivelaunos, ldr of the Catuvellauni tribe, which Caesar said dominated S Britain (in 55 BC). Other strong tribes were the Brigantes in Yorkshire and the Silures in Wales. Tho Rome conquered what we now call England, they had little impact on the Celts of Wales or Scotland. Its likely that ldrs of the Silures, Demetae and Ordovices in Wales, and the Caledonii of Scotland (aka Picts) continued to rule thruout the period of Roman occupation, tho we know almost nothing about them. The Romans built their own civitates or cities, est. a few client kings, best known are Cogidubnus of the Regnii, Prasutagus of the Iceni and Q Cartimandua of the Brigantes. By Agricola's time AD 78, the ruling hierarchy of military, judicial and civic admin was est. MBKQ has a list of Governors (senatorial rank), w/the only likely native Brit Gov. being Marcus Statius Priscus r160-1 b. Colchester. Not many REs came to Britain; Hadrian was an exception. Later Britain became notorious for having local Roman soldiers name new REs in opposition to Rome's choice e.g. 1rst was Gov. Clodius Albinus in 193, then Carausius 286 and Allectus 293. Most famous was REConst in 306. Magnus Maximus 'passed into Welsh tradition as being descended from the kings of the Silures in Gwent' (44). One tradition says the later Dal Riata migration from N Ireland began in AD 220 (46). 2C Brit ldrs include:
- A33 Marius r. c74-c125 AD (Silures, but also P76) ... (78)
- A34 Calgacus fl 80 (Caledonii) ... (78)
- A35 Coel (I) fl c125-c150 (Silures, but also P77) ... (79)
- A36 Lleirwg Mawr or Lucius fl c150-c180 (Silures, but also P78) ... (79)
From 'Atlas of the Celts' (Clint Twist, Firefly, 2001, 224pp, FHL): 'When Prasutagus, client-king of the Iceni, d60 w/no heir, he left his wealth to his 2 daus and to RE5 Nero r37-68, seeking to gain imperial protection for his family. But instead the Romans seized the chance to annex his kingdom, rape his daus and plunder the Iceni chiefs. Incensed, P's wife Q Boudicca (d60) led a full-scale revolt (99) ... once the Romans defeated it and restored order, Roman expansion resumed its earlier rapid pace. During the 70s they est. military cntrs at Eburacum (York) in NE, Deva (Chester) in NW and Isca (Caerleon) in W, marking the perimeter of what would become the most Romanized region of Britain (other garrisons were Lindum [Lincoln, 2nd Roman capital], Camuladonum [1rst Roman capital, Colchester], Verulamium [St Albans], Londinium [London] and Glevum [Gloucester]). They built the palace at Fishbourne (near Chichester) for client-king Cogidubnus (made a Roman citizen by Nero). Then in AD 84 Agricola advanced across the Forth, defeating the assembled Caledonians and Britons at Mons Graupius (likely near modern Inverness in N Scotland), the last time Roman legions faced chariots in the field. Tho they cntl'd all of Britain except the Scottish Highlands, they never conquered the Scots or Welsh completely and those areas remained only marginally 'romanized' and essentially under 'military occupation' w/no civil development. The Romanized area had been subdued by AD 80. The Romans almost completely ignored the Irish, other than building W forts to protect against Irish sea-raiders. Most of Britain remained rural, w/perhaps 5% of pop. urbanized in the SE in the 'villa' or estate system (100, great map of Roman Britain p101). By the 4C there were >1k villas, tho even in the SE there were ~100 native-style small farmsteads for every villa. In AD 119 the garrison at Eburacum was massacred by the Brigantes, after which Hadrian built the 1rst wall in the early 120s. Then in the 140s a more northerly (wooden palisade) 'Antonine' wall was built across the Forth/Clyde, requiring 50k troops to defend (~10% of RE total!), and was abandoned in the 160s.
A Britain travel bk in FHL also said that in AD 206 the N Scot tribes attacked Hadrian's Wall, but by 209 Septimus Severus arrived w/Roman reinforcements and pushed them back N of the Wall. It remained the N border of the RE til the 5C. In 254 St Alban was beheaded, becoming Britain's 1rst Christian martyr. In 197 the Romans defeated local Franks at the Battle of Lyon (Lugdunum), which had been est. by Romans in AD 43 along a key N/S route.
From SSM's JtB p138ff: After the AD 70 destruction of Jerusalem by Rome, 'for 40ys a tense exhaustion reigned over blighted Jerusalem before Judea again exploded in a final and disastrous spasm of rage [in AD 132] ... Vespasian allowed the rabbi Yohanan ben Zakkai, who'd escaped Jerusalem in a coffin [in AD 70], to teach the Law at Yavneh (Jamnia) on the Mediterranean [near Jaffa] ... Jewish pilgrims bitterly mourned the Temple, praying next to the tomb of Zechariah in the Kidron Valley ... [tho they cried 'Woe to us'] the rabbi replied (acc. to the Talmud, compiled several centuries later) [don't worry] we have another atonement i.e. acts of loving-kindness [chesed]. No one realized it at this time, but this was the beginning of modern Judaism - w/o the Temple ... In 106 Trajan ordered the d. of Simon BoJ because, like Jesus, he claimed descent from King David (Trajan saw himself as a conqueror of new lands and a restorer of old values [i.e. Orbis restitutor]). There ended the Jesus Dynasty ... '. Trajan was anti-Jewish and grew moreso as Asian Jews resisted his efforts to conquer Babylon and Parthia. Trajan responded by attempting to destroy the Jewish race. His adopted heir 54yo Hadrian continued this effort, visiting the city in 130 w/his young lover Antinous and deciding to abolish and rebuilt it as 'Aelia Capitolina' (and Judea 'Palaestina' after the Jews' ancient enemies, the Philistines, p143, i.e. to wipe out its heritage, as in br-tle cf Josephus). The new city included 2 main streets aka 'Cardines' or axes. In trying to eradicate Jerusalem's Jewishness, he'd studied 'that other Philhellenic showman, Antiochus Epipanes' (141, who'd incited the Maccabees) and revived some of his ideas for the city. And also like AE, Hadrian incited a new Jewish revolt led by Simon bar Kochba. He was a Zealot, killing Christians who refused to help him fight the Romans, 'a murderous bandit' (142 i.e. warlord). Hadrian responded to Kochba's early successes by recalling his best cmdr Julius Severus all the way from Britain to lead 7 to 12 legions to crush the revolt. Thousands of Jews were k. or enslaved, and 'tho Jews continued to live in the countryside, Judea never recovered from Hadrian's ravages' (143). CHristians were now fully separated from the Jews, and tho Hadrian's successor Antoninus Pius relaxed the persecution of Jews somewhat, he retained the new city and made it clear the Temple would NOT be rebuilt. 'Unfortunately for the Jews, the settled politics of the RE for the rest of the [2nd] century discouraged any [substantive] change in Hadrian's policy' (144). The city was now 'a minor Roman colony of 10k, just 40% of its frmr [land] size' (144). It remained a backwater. 'When the peaceful succession in Rome ended in civil war in 193, the Jews, who now lived mainly in Galilee and around the Mediterranean coast, began to stir, either fighting local enemies [Samaritans] or even rising in support of the ultimate Roman winner Septimus Severus' (145) who then showed more favor toward them, even visiting in AD 201.
cf ahnen-sg