The earliest known ancestor of (my line of) this line is Gijsbert in den BOOGAERTMAN b1535. This Dutch name appears to mean 'bow, arch[ery], paper ...' (like English Bowman or German Bogen).
9 1657-17xx BOGAERT, Catalyntje Teunis - MIDDLESWARD, Jan Teunise van
10 1625-1699 BOGAERT, Theunis Gysbertz - RAPELJE, Sarah Jorise
11 c1585-1647 BOGAERT, Gijsbert Theuniszen - COEYMANS, Aertje Kirkse (nee BASTIONS)
12 c1591-<1646 BOOGAERTMAN, Cornelius Theunis - CORNELISE, Beeltje m1612
13 156x-16xx BOGAERT, Theunis Gijsbertszn - WOUTERS, Neeltje (nee LAURENS) b1562
14 1535-15xx BOOGAERTMAN, Gijsbert in den - ?
Descent Chart
- 14 Gijsbert in den BOOGAERTMAN b1535 at Schoonrewoerd, S Holland, Netherlands m. ?
- 13 Theunis Gijsbertszn [Gijsbert's son] BOGAERT 1562-1647 85yo b/d Leerdam, Neth m1584 Neeltje (nee LAURENS) WOUTERS b1562 dau of ?
- 12 Cornelius Theunis BOOGAERTMAN b. c1591 at Sch, S H, Neth d. bef. 1646, m1612 Beeltje CORNELISE b. c1595 Sch., dau of ?
- 11 Gijsbert Theuniszen [Theunis' son] BOGAERT c1585-1647 ~62yo Sch. m. Aertje [or Aertjien] Kirkse (nee BASTIONS or BASTIAENS) COEYMANS b. 1-1-1597 at Heicop, Kockengen, Breukelen, Utrecht, Netherlands, d. 12-1-1646 at same (exc. Heicop), dau of ? BASTIAENS 1576-1600 m. ?
- 10 Theunis Gysbertz BOGAERT b1625 at Heicop, d1699 74yo at Kings Co., NY, m1 Sara[h] Jorise RAPELJE (or RAPALJE) dau of Joris Jansen R 1604-63 m. Catalyntje TRICO, Joris son of Jean RAPAREILLIET 1552-1606 m. Elizabet BAUDOIN, Jean son of Jacques de R 1525-68 m. Breckje ?, Jacques son of Jean COLET de la R b. c1492 in France, d1567 in England, Jean son of Gaspard COLET de R 1505-77 m. ?
- 9 Aertje Teunise T B
- 9 Catalyntje Teunis BOGAERT b1657 (or Catherine Teunis B b1660) m1 Jan Teunise NYSSEN, m2 Jan Teunise van MIDDLESWARD b. 12 Apr 1654 New Amsterdam, d1742 NJ, son of T Nyssen DENYCE b. c1620 Bunnick, d. Jul 1662 New Amsterdam (Brooklyn), son of Nys Nyssen DENYSE b. c1580 Binnick, Utrecht, Neth., d1618 New Amsterdam, m. Helena van BRUNT, Nys son of Nysen DENYSE (no dates or m.). T Nyssen DENYCE' b1620 m. Femmetje (Founetje) 'Phebe' Jans SALES (SEALS, FELIX) b. 1 May 1626 Suffolk, England, d. 13 Dec 1666 Flatbush, NY, dau of Jan SEALS/SALES/SAYLES b. c1594 Devon, d. Aug 1645 New Amsterdam, Jan son of John SAYLES b1565 Suffolk m1 Mary ?, m2 Philippa SOALES b. c1597 Devon, d1635 MA, dau of James SOALES b. 1 Jan 1570 Suffolk, d. 14 Sep 1595 Suffolk m. Ellyn BELL 1580-1601, James son of John SOALES c1544-70 Suffolk.
- 8 Sarah Teunis van MIDDLESWARDT m. Jan BROUCARD 1680-1740
- 7 Isaac BROKAW 1723-89 66yo m. Antie Van NOSTRAND (parents of Jane V N)
- 6 Jane Van Nostrand BROKAW 1748-1823 75yo m. Caleb BROKAW 1746-1814
- 5 Abraham C BROKAW 1773-1826 53yo m. Mariah STRYKER
- 4 Henry F BROKAW 1814-97 83yo m. Louisa COFFING
- 3 Delmer E BROKAW 1862-1931 69yo m. Rosa BOLLINGER
- 2 'Margie' BROKAW m. Eldon GEARHART
- 1 Rosena m. JCS
- 9 Neeltje T B
- 9 Aeltje Kuyper
- 9 Annetje T B
- 9 Aalkien B
- 9 Abraham B
- 9 Adrian B
- 9 Joris
- 9 1 other
- 12 Louw Theunisz BOGAERT c1600-76 b/d Neth m. ?
- 11 Jan Laurensen BOGAERT c1630-c1708 ~78yo b. Neth d. NYC m. Cornelia Anna JANSEN
- 10 Claes Jansen Low BOGERT 1668-1727 59yo m. Belitje Van SCHAICK
- 9 John (Jan) BOGART 1697-1775 78yo b/d NYC m. Hannah PEECK
- 8 Annetje BOGERT 1728-73 45yo b/d NYC m. Jacobus ROOSEVELT
- 7 James Jacobus R 1759-1840 80yo m. Maria Helen Van SCHAACK
- 6 Cornelius Van Schaak R 1794-1871 77yo b. NYC d. Oyster Bay m. Margaret BARNHILL
- 5 TR Sr 1831-78 46yo b/d NYC m. Martha 'Mittie' STEWART
- 4 TR 26th US President b. 10-27-1858 NYC d. 1-6-1919 60yo Oyster Bay m2 Edith Kermit CAROW 1st Lady
- 4 Elliot Bulloch R Sr 1860-94 34yo b. Oyster Bay d. NYC m. Anna Rebecca HALL
- 3 Eleanor R 1884-1962 78yo b/d NYC bur. Hyde Pk m. FDR 32nd US President
So Rosena is 8th cousin, 3x removed to TR; and 9th cousin, 2x removed to Eleanor on this line.
Doris (SAWYER) JIMISON has concluded that there are 2 separate John DRAKEs, one the cousin of Magdelena BROUWER (my ancestor, married to Martha OLDFIELD) and the other her husband, Johannes DRAECK. The book "Early Germans of New Jersey" (meaning Dutch) lists (p 341) the family of John and Magdalena (BROUWER) DRAKE. It was concurrent with the family of John and Martha (OLDFIELD) DRAKE in Goshen, with many of the same given names, but with 12 children instead of 9. Their son John died at Mendham, NJ and that is likely why they are referred to as the DRAKEs of Mendham. Martha's son William was born 22 Nov 1727 and married Abigail, while Magdalena's son William was born 9 Nov 1730 and married Catherine BIERS. Our Esther (Hester) was Martha's daughter; the Grassets were in her family. While this can't be proven yet, it is the only explanation that makes sense. It is likely that the mixup came about because Anneke JANS had a considerable estate, plus descendancy from William of Orange, and some social-climbing woman wanted the prestige of being royalty, and muddied the water for all future genealogists. Here's the family of John and Magdalena:
9 John DRAECK (16??-17??) m. Magdalena BROUWER 24 Feb 1720 at Brooklyn
- 8 John d. at Mendham, NJ
- 8 William b. 9 Nov 1730 m. Catherine BIERS
- 8 10 other children (12 total)
The idea that Magdalena/Madelina BROUWER and John DRAKE (husband of Martha OLDFIELD) were cousins is based on the following. A section from a book called "Drake Genealogy in the line of Samuel Drake" by Lillian Drake Avery, privately printed, 1926 shows Madelina BROWER, b. 1704 (bapt. March 8), d/o Jacobus and Annette (BOGARDUS) BROWER of Gowanus, LI, NY; with Jacobus listed as son of Adam BROWER and brother of Aeltje Adams BROWER (John DRAKE's mother). It gives Annette BOGARDUS as d/o William and Wyntie (SYBRANT) BOGARDUS, son of Rev. Everardus BOGARDUS and Anneke JANS, "who was the daughter of Anneke WEBBER, said to be daughter of King William the 14th of Holland." I wonder if there is any relation between Anneke JANS and Marij JANS, wife of Lambert (or ? JANS, wife of Johannes ALTHUISIUS 1644-1708, see ALTHUIS)?
- 12 Anneke JANS 1605-63 58yo
- 12 Marij JANS (wife of Lambert DOUWESZ b. c1610)
- 11 ? JANS (wife of Johannes ALTHUISIUS 1644-1708 64yo)
- other JANS? ...
The website has a page for Anneke JANS, including a long essay on issues related to her e.g. how she was one of the most notorious early New Amsterdam residents and was reputed to have inherited a large tract of land (82 acres?) on Long Island via her connection to Wm 'the Silent' of Orange. The page shows her b. 15 Jan 1605, d. 19 Feb 1663 Albany, New Netherlands, immig. 24 May 1630 on the ship 'de Eendracht' w/her husband Roelof JANS and 2 daus. It says she was the dau of Johan JONAS 1570-1621 and Trijntje ? c1585-1645. Anneke had a sister Marritje JANS. One theory is that she was NOT from Maasterland in the Netherlands as commonly thought, but from Maesterland (aka Marstrand), a small island off the coast of Sweden, so either Swedish or Norwegian (Norway cntl'd Sweden at that time)!? The essay also refers to a Kieft-Bogardus feud after she'd m2 the Rev. It also discusses the theory that she was a gdau of Wm WEBBER 'the Silent', the 15th Prince of Orange (see list).
The page shows 4 legit wives for Wm I (1st of the House of Orange-Nassau 1544-84, #15 overall) 1533-84 the Silent; m1 Anna van EGMONT, m2 Anna of Saxony, m3 Charlotte de BOURBON and m4 Louise de COLIGNY (no legit kids named Anneke from any of those 4). Wm's dad was Count Wm of Nassau m. Countess STALLBERG. Count Wm's dad was Wm III of Holland m1 ? of Saxony, m2 ? of Leipsic [Leipzig?] 1575 who was the mom of Count Wm (?!). Anyway, the story is told that Wm the Silent had a 5th secret marriage (to ?) which produced 2 kids; Sarah WEBBER b1580 m. ? SYBRANT (kids?), and Wolfert b1582 m1600 Catherine JONAS which produced 3 kids; Wolfert II b1602, Maritje b1603 and Anneke WEBBER b1605 m. Roelof JANS.
I need to read that entire essay more carefully and sort this out. Sounds like there's been a steady stream of people claiming land rights based on an erroneous linkage of Anneke to Wm the Silent and his supposed gifting of land to her.
The famous actor Humphry (Deforest) BOGART 1899-1957 was the son of Belmont Deforest B and Maude H Humphrey ... (more details online).
Also, here's the line of Rev. Everardus BOGARDUS 1607-47 (drowned off Wales!?) m. Anneke (WEBBER?) JANS (frmr wife of Roelof JANS). I'm hoping this can eventually be linked to my line above (and to others) to form an overall BOGART family descent chart.
- 21 Immo WTENBOGAERT c1300-40 m. ?
- 20 Wouter W b. bef. 1340 m. ?
- 19 Peter W 1350-1400 m. ?
- 18 Wouter W 1375-1438 m. Margaretha Mattheusdr (Matthew's dau) de VROEDE b. c1381
- 17 Johan W 1408-82 74yo m. Duve Tymensdr (Tymen's dau) D'EDEL c1389-1489 dau of Tymen Lambertsz (Lambert's son) D'EDEL m. Wendelmoot Claes van OOSTRUM b. c1324
- 16 Wouter Jansz (Jan's son) BOGAERT 1465-1548 83yo m. Eermgard DIBBOUT b1470
- 15 Jan B 1500-92 m. Maria de CONICK c1500-75 dau of Frederick de C m. Alid HENDRICKS
- 14 Jan B 1540-1613 73yo m. Beertjen Willemsdr [Wm's dau] BLOM 1540-95
- 13 Willem Jansz [Jan's son] B 1563-1647 84yo m. Susanna Adriaensdr van RUYTEVELD
- 12 Rev. Everardus BOGARDUS b1607 Woerden, Utrecht, Netherlands, d1647 40yo (drowned) off the coast of Wales !? m. Anneke (WEBBER?) JANS (frmr wife of Roelof JANS), Rev. B arrived in New Amsterdam 1633 and became pastor of the Dutch Reformed Church there
- 15 Frans B [pic] 1502-55 53yo m. Adriana Luytsdr [Luyt's dau] de VROEDE
- 14 Gerard B 1531-96 65yo m. ?
- 17 Willem W dates? (c1410?) m. ?
- 16 Peter W b. c1540 (? c1435?) m. ?
- 15 Wouter W b. c1540 (? c1460?) m. ?
- 14 Petrus W b. c1540 (? c1485?) m. ?
- 13 Johannes W c1510? m. ? (son Petrus, no kids)
- 13 Augustijn W [pic] 1482 (? c1512?) m. Heylwig HAMEL
- 12 Johannes W [pic] 1557-1644 m1 Anna van den BROEK 1527-1605 (no kids), m2 Maria PETITPAS 1566-1640 (no kids)
- 12 Petrus W 1540-1620 organist m1 Grietje J v d KELDER (no kids?), m2 Elsche H v REENEN (kids Johanne, Augustinus 1570-1601 no kids, Maria)
In the Green BROKAW bk by Elsie FOSTER, the 1st BOGART ref is on p15 in the section describing Bergon BROKAW b1711 (son of John and Sarah (Teunis Van MIDDLESWART) BROKAW, cf Nijs.html, John son of Bourgon/Catherine). Bergon m. Metje Van WICKELEN b. c1738 d. bef. 1785. Bergon's will, proved 1799, mentions his gson Jacob BOGART, son of his dau Metje bp 1746 (so son b. c1760s). Jacob was to rcv 1/5 of Bergon's 'residue' (what's left of his estate) when he turned 21yo. Witnesses included Frederick Freylinghuysen, who I think is mentioned in Jacobus.html file as being the 1st minister to the Dutch Church in the area. Does this BOGART family fit into above?
From Jacobus.html: Teunis BRINCKERHOFF 1757-90 33yo m1780 Jane BRAGAW 1757-1842, dau of Jan (John) BRAGAW b. c1721 (younger bro of Bergon and Peter, cf below), Teunis/Jane kids Joris, Jane, Cath. Teunis B b. Jamaica, LI, NY, son of George (Joris?) and Cath. (HERRING) B. Jane m2 1792 Cornelius WILTSIE, dau Elsje (Elsie) W m1816 James BOGARDUS at Hopewell, NY. Also Geo B of Newtown (Elmhurst, Queens) a witness in Jan's will
Also from Jacobus.html: Samuel BRAGAW (234-1 p25) b1783 m. Ann COVENHOVEN (CONOVER), dau of Adrian C, a Rev War soldier under Col. Abraham BRINCKERHOFF. Samuel's bro Isaac B Jr (241-8 p25) b1794 served in the War of 1812 under Col. Robt SWARTOUT and rcv'd 40 acres of Bounty Land. He m1822 Catherine YERRYS (TERRY) at 1st Ref Ch of Poughkeepsie, NY. Isaac d1854. His widow Cath. d1877 and next of kin incl. Clarissa BRAGAW (dau?) of E Fishkill ... who m. Adrian BOGARDUS of same place.