Ahnentafel (Rxxxx, by family)
"Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations:
ask thy father, and he will shew thee; thy elders, and they will tell thee."
(Deuteronomy 32:7)
Family Index : : : DAILEY
1 1980-20xx AWD - EIC
2 1961-20xx JWD - PBM
3 194x-xxxx E?H - HED
Family Index : : : CLEARY
1 1984-20xx EIC - AWD
2 1963-20xx RPC - SJT
3 194?-20xx RWC - MKP
4 192?-19xx CLEARY, Charles Michael - MINOR, Ruth
5 1881-1928 CLEARY, Charles Michael - KONLEY, Catherine
6 185x-19xx CLARY, ? (b. in Ireland?) - ?
2 1961-20xx PBM - JWD
3 193x-xxxx J?S - JGA
3 1930-20xx HED - E?H
4 1893-1991 DANNER, Owen - ?, Elsie
Family Index : : : Celtic (Irish) chieftains (from Hector Boece's 1527 The History and Chronicles of Scotland)
48 (041?-0474) Erc - ?
49 (03??-04??) Eochaid - ?
50 (03??-035?) Angus[iane], 37th chieftain, ruled c. 330s - ?
51 (029?-033?) Romaich, 36th chieftain, ruled c. 310s - ?
52 (02??-03??) Thrinklind (Craithlint), 34th chieftain, ruled c. 30? - ?
53 (02??-030?) Findacher (Findok, Fionn Feicce), 31st chieftain, ruled c. 300 - ?
54 (02??-027?) Athirco (Achir Cirre), 29th chieftain, ruled c. 275 - ?
55 (02??-0279) Eochaid Gunnat, 126th Irish High King, ruled 277-9 - ?
56 (01??-02??) Corbred (Cairbre Riata), 40th chieftain, ruled c. 220 (led settlers to Argyll) - ?
57 (01??-0220) Conaire Moglama, 121st Irish High King, ruled 212-20 - Saraid, dau of Conn 'of the 100 battles' 120th Irish High King
58 (01??-0???) Moglama - ?
Family Index : : : Irish High Kings (historically accepted)
57 (01??-0220) Saraid - Conaire Moglama, 121st King, ruled 212-20 (MBKQ T121)
58 (01??-0212) Conn Ceadchadhach 'of the Hundred Battles' 120th King, ruled 177-212, murdered - Eithue
59 (01??-0174) Fedlimid (Feidhlimhidh) Rechtmar 'the Law-Giver', 118th King, ruled 164-74 - Ughna (dau of King of Denmark)
60 (0???-0160) Tuathal Teachtmhair 'the Legitimate', 116th King, ruled 130-60 - Baine (dau of Sgaile Balbh, King of England)
61 (00??-0119) Fioraidhach Fionfachtnach (Fiatach Finn) 'of the White Oxen', 114th King, ruled 117-9 - Eighne (or Eithne, dau of King of Alba [Scotland])
62 (00??-0117) Feradach Finn Fachtnach 'the True or Sincere', 113th King, ruled 95-117 - ?
63 (0012-0090) Crimthann Nia Nair (Criomhthan Niadhnar) 'the Modest Warrior', 111th King, ruled 74-90 - Mar Tath Chabob
64 (c. 4 BC - AD 73) Lugaide Riab nDerg (Lughaidh Riebdearg) 'of the Red Stripes', 109th King, ruled 65-73, k. himself - Cloth Fionn (Dearborguill, dau of King of Denmark)
... son of Breas Nar Lothar, see below ...
Family Index : : : Irish High Kings (mythical? based on Druid oral history, later transcribed by 6-9C Christian monks)
65 (c. 040-001 BC) Breas Nar Lothar (Prince Bias Fineamhnas?)
66 (c. 160-130 BC) Eochaidh Feidhlioch, 104th, ruled ?-130
67 (c. 190-150 BC) Fionn 'Fair Haired' (Prince Finn) - Benta (Benia, dau of Criomthan)
68 (c. 220-180 BC) Fionnlogh (Prince Finlogha, Fionnloach)
69 (c. 240-200 BC) Roighen Ruadh (Prince Roighneaim Ruadh, Rioghean Rudah)
70 (c. 260-230 BC) Assaman Eamhna (Prince Easamhuin Eamhna, Asaman Eamhnadh)
71 (c. 280-250 BC) Prince Blathachta Eamhna - ? (1md only)
72 (c. 300-270 BC) Prince Labhra Luire - ? (1md only)
73 (c. 330-292 BC) Eanda Aighnach (Enda Agneach), 95th, ruled ?-292
74 (c. 400-324 BC) Angus Tuirimheach (Aongus Turmeach-Teamrach), 92nd, ruled ?-324
75 (c. 420-395 BC) Eochaid Foltleathan, 90th, ruled ?-395
76 (c. 450-417 BC) Oiliolla Caisfhiaclach, 88th, ruled ?-417
77 (c. 480-442 BC) Conla Caomb here, 87th, ruled ?-442
78 (c. 525-473 BC) Jaran Gleofathach (Iarn Gleo Fhathach), 85th, ruled ?-473
79 (c. 560-522 BC) Prince Meilage (Melog Molghfhach, Meig Molbhthach), 82nd, ruled ?-522
80 (c. 600-541 BC) Cobhthach Caolbreag (Cobt Caol Breagh, Colethach Caol-Bhreagh), 80th
81 (c. 665-593 BC) Ugaine Mor 'the elder' 77th (contemp w/Alexander the Great) - Caesair (dau of King of Gauls)
82 (c. 740-660 BC) Prince Eochaidh Buillaig (Buidhaigh, Buadhach)
83 (c. 800-737 BC) Duach Laighrach (Ladhrach), 70th
84 (c. 893-795 BC) Fiachadh Tolgrach, 66th
85 (c. 930-892 BC) Muriadhach Bolgrach, 57th
86 (c. 960-903 BC) Simeon Breac, 55th
87 (c. 990-940 BC) Aedan Glas
88 (c. 1030-961 BC) Nuadha Fionn Fail, 50th, ruled 1001-961
89 (c. 1xxx-1013 BC) Giallchadh, 48th
90 (c. 1140-1020 BC) Prince Olioll Aolcheoin
91 (c. 1xxx-1130 BC) Iorna Saoghalach (Siorna), 45th
92 (c. 1xxx-1xxx BC) Prince Dein
93 (c. 1xxx-1357 BC) Rotheachtach (Rotheachta), 33rd
94 (c. 1xxx-1xxx BC) Prince Maoin (Main)
95 (c. 1xxx-1409 BC) Angus (Aongus Olmucach), 31st (k. at Battle of Carman)
96 (c. 1xxx-1448 BC) Fiacha Labhrainn (Labhruine), 29th
97 (c. 1xxx-1xxx BC) Prince Smiomghall
98 (c. 1xxx-1xxx BC) Prince Eanbotha (Enboath)
99 (c. 16xx-1543 BC) Tigernmas, 24th, ruled 50 yrs 1593-1543
100 (c. 1xxx-1xxx BC) Prince Follain (Foll-Aich)
101 (c. 1xxx-1650 BC) Eithrial, 22nd
102 (c. 1xxx-1670 BC) Irial Faidh, 21st
103 (c. 17xx-16xx BC) Heremon, ruled 1699-? - Tamar (Tea) Tephi
104 (c. 1xxx-1xxx BC) Milesius of Spain (Gaul, or Mile Easpain), contemp. w/Solomon [hmmm, Ussher 1034-975]
According to British-Israel theory (i.e. Jewish Princess Tephi, dau of King Zedekiah, the last King of Judah, traveled to Ireland by boat with the prophet Jeremiah shortly after the start of the Babylonian captivity by King Nebuchadnezzar (her father and brothers had been killed by Nebuchadnezzar), and there married King Heremon of Ireland, thus continuing the line of Davidic kings as God promised (2 Sam 7:12-6), see book One Man's Destiny)
Family Index : : : Judah-to-Ireland link (? if British-Israel theory is correct)
103 (17xx-16xx) Tamar (Tea) Tephi - Heremon, Irish High King, ruled 1699-?
104 (xxxx-xxxx) Zedekiah - ?
... see Kings of Judah below
Family Index : : : Additional generations (before Milesius), added by Christian Scribes to Irish lore (from Erin's Royal Blood, Adam1)
xxx Beouman
xxx Heber Scutt
xxx Sruth
xxx Easruth
xxx Gaodhal Glas (father of Gaels, Celts, provisioned Israelites at camp c1290 BC [1452 Ussher p47], bit by snake, cured by "rod of Moses" see Num. 21:9)
xxx Niul (b. near Babel Tower, highly educated, invited to Egypt by Pharaoh Cingeris as scholar, m. Pharaoh's dau Scota)
xxx Feinius Farsaidh (Phoniusa, at Tower of Babel [2242 Ussher], devised Gaelic language, progenitor of Gaels, King of Scythians, sent men out to learn languages of the world)
xxx Baath (Baoth, rcv'd Scythia as his portion in division of land)
(c2500-xxxx) Magog (son of Japheth [b2558 Ussher], gson of Noah)
Family Index : : : Here's another list from Adam to Milesius (from http://members.aol.com/lochlan2/legends.htm) showing the 36-generation linkage from Adam to Milesius claimed by many medieval royal genealogies: 1. Adam 2. Seth 3. Enos 4. Cainan 5. Mahalaleel 6. Jared 7. Enoch 8. Methuselah 9. Lamech 10. Noah 11. Japhet 12. Gomer 13. Baath
14. Feinius Farsaid, King of Scythia 15. Nel (m. Scota, d. of Pharoah) 16. Gaedel Glas 17. Esru 18. Sru (returned to Scythia) 19. Heber Scot 20. Boamain 21. Ogamain 22. Tat 23. Agnomain (driven from Scythia; settled in the Macotic Marshes) 24. Lamfhind 25. Eber Glunfhind 26. Agni 27. Febri Glas 28. Nenual 29. Nuada 30. Allot 31. Ercha 32. Death 33. Brath (Led the Gaedel from the Macotic Marshes to Spain) 34. Breogain (Built the city of Brigantia) 35. Bille 36. King Milesius of Spain
Family Index : : : acc. to British-Israel theory (One Man's Destiny)
104 (c. 1xxx-1xxx BC) Milesius of Spain (Gaul, or Mile Easpain, or Gallam)
105 Bille
106 Broegan
107 Bratha
108 Deagfatha
109 Earchada
110 Alloid
111 Nuaghadh
112 Neanuail
113 Feabla Glas
114 Aghenoin
115 Tait
116 Ayhaimhain
117 Boamhain (Beouman)
118 Heber Scot (Scutt, Crete to Scythia, Egypt)
119 Sru (Prince Sruth, in Egypt when Pharaoh attacked Capacirunt, then sailed to Crete)
120 Easru (Easruth, Egypt)
121 Gadhol
122 Calcol
123 Mahol
124 Ethan
125 Zarah (then Judah, Jacob, Isaac, Abraham, Terah, Nahor, Serug, Reu, Peleg, Eber, Shelah, Arpachshad, Shem, Noah ... [148] Adam, from Bible)
When Josiah died in 610, his son Jehoahaz, or Shallum, b. 633, r. 610 (bad) took over, but had reigned for only 3 months when Pharaoh Neco of Egypt overran Jerusalem. When Jehoahaz wouldn't cooperate, Neco imprisoned him (in Egypt) and installed Eliakim, another son of Josiah, onto the throne (as a puppet ruler), changing his name to Jehoiakim, where he "ruled" 11 years (bad), until 599, when Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon attacked Jerusalem, looting the Temple, exiling Eliakim and about 3K other Jews (incl. Ezekial) to Babylon, and installing Eliakim's 8 year old son Jehoiachin as (puppet) King of Judah (lasted 3 months, bad). Nebuchadnezzar then exiled him to Babylon and installed Mattaniah (renamed Zedekiah), another son of Josiah, as puppet king, lasting 11 years (bad) until 588, when Jerusalem was sacked by Nebuchadnezzar (zenith of Babylon), beginning 70 years of captivity for the Jews, until the foundation of Persia, as fortold by the prophet Jeremiah. As an interesting genealogical sidenote, the line to Jesus continues from Josiah thru Jechoniah, Salathiel, Zerubbabel, Abiud, Eliakim, Azor, Zadok, Achim, Eliud, Eleazar, Matthan, Jacob, Joseph who m. Mary (also descended from King David), parents of Jesus the Messiah/Christ
Family Index : : : Kings of Judah (dates from Ussher)
104 (0620-0xxx BC) Zedekiah (Mattaniah, King of Judah, installed by Nebuchadnezzar) - ?
105 (0649-0610 BC) Josiah r. 641-10 31 yrs (good) (k. at battle of Megiddo c607, BN HTL)
106 (0665-0641 BC) Amon r. 643-1 2 yrs (bad)
107 (0710-0643 BC) Manasseh r. 698-643 55 yrs (bad)
108 (0752-0698 BC) Hezekiah r. 726-698 29 yrs (good)
-> 794 BC: Kingdom of Macedonia set up by Caranus of ? (Ussher p. 74)
-> 748 BC: Rome founded (Ussher p. 76)
109 (0762-0726 BC) Ahaz r. 742-726 16 yrs (bad)
110 (0783-0742 BC) Jotham r. 758-742 16 yrs (good)
111 (0826-0758 BC) Azariah (Uzziah) r. 810-758 52 yrs (good)
112 (0864-0810 BC) Amaziah r. 839-10 29 yrs (started good, ended bad)
113 (0885-0839 BC) J(eh)oash r. 878-839 39 yrs (started good, ended bad)
114 (09xx-0884 BC) Ahaziah r. 885-4 1 yr (bad) (mother Athaliah seized throne 884-78, bad)
115 (0924-0885 BC) J(eh)oram r. 889-5 4 yrs (bad) - ? dau of (very bad) King Ahab of Israel
116 (0949-0889 BC) Jehoshaphat r. 914-889 25 yrs (good)
117 (09xx-0914 BC) Asa(ph) r. 955-14 41 yrs (bad)
118 (09xx-0955 BC) Abija(h/m) r. 958-5 3 yrs (bad)
119 (1016-0958 BC) Rehoboam r. 975-58 17 yrs (good)
-> 975 BC: begin 400 yrs divided kingdom; north (Israel, 10 tribes) and south (Judah, 2 tribes Judah, Benjamin)
120 (1034-0975 BC) Solomon r. 1015-975 40 yrs (good, "wisest man who ever lived")
121 (1085-1015 BC) David r. 1055-1015 40 yrs (good, "beloved of God")
...then Jesse, Obed, Boaz-Ruth, Salmon, Nahshon, Aminadab, Aram, Hezron, Perez, Judah, Jacob, Isaac, Abraham, Terah, Nahor, Serug, Reu, Peleg, Eber, Shelah, Arpachshad, Shem)
...see Shem to Adam at 143
Traditionally, Ham "has been associated with Africa, Japheth with Europe [the West] and Shem with the East" [i.e. "Semites"]. This from Tudor Parfitt's The Lost Tribes of Israel, citing Rabinus Maurus' famous work De Universo or De rerum naturis, compiled 842-6 AD, published 10C AD.
Family Index : : : Shem to Adam (Biblical genealogy, Ussher dates)
143 (2558-xxxx BC) Shem, Ham or Japheth - ?
1?? (3058-2108 BC) Noah - ?
1?? (3240-2463 BC) Lamech - ?
1?? (3427-2458 BC) Methuselah - ? (d. in year of flood)
1?? (3492-3127 BC) Enoch - ?
1?? (3654-2692 BC) Jared - ?
1?? (3719-2824 BC) Mahalalel - ?
1?? (3789-2879 BC) Kenan - ?
1?? (3879-2974 BC) Enosh - ?
1?? (3984-3072 BC) Seth - ?
153 (4114-3184 BC) Adam - Eve