Clyde L MANSCHRECK's 1974 bk 'A History of Christianity in the World' (the source of this material) has a chapter (15) on 'Catholic Renewal and Counter-Reformation', listing the 4 developments dominating the RCC 16th scene; 1 renewal, 2 the Jesuits (fnd'd 27 Sep 1540), 3 the Council of Trent 1543-63, and 4 the appeal to force (wars and revival of Inquisition 1542). Other significant RCC (Jesuit) names Chas BORROMEO 1538-84, Robt BELLARMINE 1542-1621, Peter CANISIUS 1521-97 (in Germany), Francis XAVIER 1506-52 and Matteo RICCI 1552-1610 (China). The 5 'reform' popes were Pius IV 59-65, Pius V 66-72 (made Aquinas 'Dr' of RCC 1567, joined Spain/Venice at Lepanto 1571), Gregory XIII 72-85, Sixtus V 85-90 and Paul V 1605-21. In reaction to the huge success of the Jesuits, critics who pointed to their questionable beliefs and methods included Pascal 1623-62, Dostoyevski 1821-81 and Cornelius JANSEN 1585-1638. Huguenots (later aka 'Jansenists') in France increased greatly in the late 16C, and fear of their pol. force led to the infamous St Bartholomew's Day massacre on 24 Aug 1572 in and around Paris, k. ~30k. Of course thousands of others fled France to neighboring countries (esp. free Netherlands). K Henry IV issued Edict of Nantes in 1598. JANSEN battled the Jesuits over free-will and works-righteousness (fought over Augustine's doctrine of grace), but the Jesuits got Pope Innocent X to condemn Jansenism in 1653, re-sparking crisis in France. When K Louis XIV revoke the Edict of Nantes in 1685, as many as 250k more French Jansenists (Huguenots) fled to the Netherlands and elsewhere. Then in the 17C Cardinal RICHELIEU under K Louis XIII r1610-43 used the Jesuits to harass those Huguenots who remained. CLM says there were 3 (RCC/HRE) appeals to war; 1) Chas V's Schmalkaldic War 1546-7 to reunite HRE, Duke Maurice of Saxony's Lutherans fought back, Peace of Augsburg 1555; 2) Huguenots in France (described above); 3) Netherlands, after Philip II became ruler of Spain r1556-98, tried to crack down on Protestants there (by then ~1/2 pop.). K sent Duke of Alva in 1567 w/10k soldiers, Protestant ldrs Egmont and Hoorn taken by treachery and exec. at Brussels. Alva's 6yr 'reign of terror' led Holland to begin famous '80yrs War' of indep 1568-1648 from HRE, culminating in TDR (CLM also mention's 1588 Spanish Armada, ending RCC HRE assault on England).