Born: 3058 BC (NASB) near Ur? (Ussher: 2948)
Father: Lamech (182yo at Noah's birth, Gen. 5:29) Spouse: ?
Children (b. after 2558 BC): Image from WWIB p229 (SuperStock) ===>> |
![]() Noah and his sons build the ark |
The name Noah occurs in the OT ? times (see BibHeb1K) and he was 10 generations from Adam (i.e. Adam's 9gson). WWB2: "Revered w/Daniel, Job as 1 of ancient Israel's 3 righteous men [Ez 14:20], Noah plays 2 important roles in history. 1rst, he is virtually the 2nd father of humankind ... 2nd, he is the discoverer of viniculture" (324). The Ark took 120yrs to build and was 450 feet long, 75 wide, 45 high (1 cubit = 18"). After the Flood, God allowed meat to be eaten in addition to plants. Jewish tradition refers to the "7 Noachide laws"; 6 proscriptions - against idolatry, bloodshed, blasphemy, theft, sexual sins, and eating the flesh of a living animal - and the charge to set up a legal system ... Noah discovered not only the process of making wine, but also the hazards of overindulgence" (326). There are many parallels between Noah and Jesus (flood/baptism, doves, began new epochs, ignored warnings, etc.).
Dates by Ussher:
2469, God gives mankind 120yrs to repent (1 Pe 3:20, 2 Pe 2:5, Ge 6:3)
2448, Noah 500yo, 1rst son Japheth born (Ge 5:32, 10:21)
2353, Lamech dies at 777yo
2349, Noah 599yo, Methuselah (Lamech's father) dies at 969yo, Sunday 30 Nov God tells Noah to prepare to
enter Ark that week, others ignore warning, Noah enters Sunday 7 Dec, rains 40 days, 40 nights, earth flooded
for 150 days, Ark comes to rest on Ararat Wednesday 6 May, mtn tops seen Sunday 19 Jul, Noah sends forth a
raven Friday 28 Aug, then a dove Friday 4 Sep, which returned Friday 11 Sep, 2nd time same day, 3rd time
Friday 18 Sep but dove never returned
2348, Noah 601yo, Friday 23 Oct 1rst day of post-flood world, Noah removed Ark covering, left Ark Thu 18 Dec
[exactly 155 28yr cycles before Sa 18 Dec 1993, hmmm (10/23 is Ussher's already-corrected Gregorian date)],
man's lifespan now half that before flood
2242, Tower of Babel, man's lifespan now 1/4 pre-Flood
2234, 1903 yrs before Alexander the Great captured Babylon, as calculated by early Babylonians, who devoted
themselves to the study of astronomy from the days of Nimrod, who built Babylon and instigated the Tower of
2188, Mizraim, son of Ham, founds Egypt
2126, Terah born (10th from Noah, Abram's father)
2084, Hyksos invade Egypt
1998, Noah dies, 950yo, 350yrs after Flood
1996, Abram born (11th from Noah)
Noah is a key reference figure in the formula: Adam to Noah [#10] in 10 generations, Noah to Abraham [#21] 10g, Abraham to David [#33] 14g, David to Josiah [#49, i.e. Babylonian capitivity] 14g, Josiah to Jesus [#63/75] 14g, for a total of 62 generations from Adam to Jesus in around 4K yrs (see Bible.html, Matt 1:17).
The 8 covenants: Edenic, Adamic, Noahic, Abrahamic, Mosaic, Palestinian, Davidic, New [same as ? ZPEB v1] (Scofield Bible p1)
The 4 OT themes: election, covenant, law, exodus (EHB p122).
The 6 dispensations: infancy (creation to Noah), childhood (Noah to Moses), adolescence (Moses to Prophets) and youth (Prophets to Christ), manhood and old age (Christian era), renovation (millenium), 'fullness of time' (eternity) (ZPEB v2 p145).
From ahnen-sf:
Traditionally, Ham "has been associated with Africa, Japheth with Europe [the West] and Shem with the East" [i.e. "Semites"]. This from Tudor Parfitt's The Lost Tribes of Israel, citing Rabinus Maurus' famous work De Universo or De rerum naturis, compiled 842-6 AD, published 10C AD."World leadership, which after the Flood was first held by the Hamitic races, and from them passed on to the Semitic nations, was from now on [starting w/Persia] to become concentrated in the hands of the Japhethic, or Aryan, peoples" (241). History has played out acc. to Gen. 9:24-7; "All the greatest empires of the earliest antiquity were Hamitic: the mighty and long-continued kingdom of [Mizraim] Egypt; the great empire of Nimrod [early Babylon] ... all the 7 nations of Canaan; and above all ... the Hittites ... Next ... were the Semites ... Assyria and [later] Babylon ... under Nebuchadnezzar it became a world empire ... finally overthrown by the Persians [the first Aryan world power p243] ... The destruction of the Semitic Babylonian empire in 538 BC by Cyrus the Persian was the beginning of Japhethic world rule ... [then] Alexander the Great, also an Aryan ... [then after defeating Hamitic Carthage at decisive Zama 202 BC] Rome [later Europe [w/India, Russia], Britain, America]" (244-5, The Rebirth of the State of Israel, Arthur W. Kac, 1958, Moody Press, SBC). Kac draws from H. Grattan Guinness' 1889 book The Divine Programme of the World's History (Hodder and Stoughton, London). It would be interesting to look that book over.
![]() Noah sees the olive leaf as a sign that he can soon leave the ark (WWIB p230, Bridgeman Art Library, London) |
![]() Noah's sons Shem, Ham and Japheth (WWIB p279, Jewish Museum, NYC) |
from CD in FHL book Eyewitness Mesopotamia (DK 2007)