Born: c110 BC in Gamala?
Ggfather: Eliud/b b. c253 BC m. Janna (dau of Maccabean patriarch Matthias d166 BC) Spouses: ?
At right, pic of Gamala ===>> |
Judas of Gamla, father of Joseph of Gamala and Tolmai, is mentioned on p46, p163. Hmmm, I think the Judas of Gamla mentioned on p44 [bro of Jacob (who m. Cleopatra of Jerusalem, dau of JCaesar and Cleopatra!? p54), father of St Joseph] must be a different one. But they're related, since our Judas' father is Eleazar, while the other one's [and Jacob's] father is Mathan, SON of [the same] Eleazar! No, wait, another p25 says our Judas was also son of Mathan son of Eleazar!? Hmmm. But remember the OTHER Judas of Gamala, son of Antigonus. Confusing!
Eliub's line continues back (via Achim b. c300 BC, Zadok b. c347 BC, Azor b. c394 BC, Eliakim b. c441 BC, Abiud b. c488 BC) to Zerubabel b. c535 BC son of Sheatial b. c582 BC (p76, hmmm, 1 Chr 3:1-19 says Zerubbabel was a son of Pedaiah [bro of Shealtiel, so also b. c582], son of Jeconiah, [J20 Zedekiah, J19 Jehoiachin, 20 Kings of Judah, only 8 good] son of J18 Jehoiakim [J17 Jehoahaz II], J16 Josiah [8th good, #47, last real king], J15 Amon, J14 Manasseh, J13 Hezekiah [7th good], J12 Ahaz, J11 Jotham (6th good), J10 Azariah [or Uzziah, 5th good, ass.], J9 Amaziah [4th good], J8 Joash [3rd good, J7 Athaliah], J6 Ahaziah, J5 J[eh]oram, J4 Jehoshaphat [2nd good], J3 Asa[ph, 1st good], J2 Abija[h/m], J1 Rehoboam, I3 Solomon, I2 David) ... Adam cf Bible.
KRGG p16: Here he discusses 3 Bible lines that leave the Holy Land and branch to other parts of the world; 1 the line from James the Just son of St Joseph which leads to Conan, who m. into the line from Anna of Arimathea in St Dareca. This line continues to St Judicael thru one branch and to St Brychan's wife Prawst thru another branch. But Brychan is also directly descended from Joseph Ha Rama Theo, the son of St Joseph thru Siaclotus who m. Eurgain, the descendant of St Joseph of Arimathea. These lines lead to the English Kings. 2 the line from Judas of Gamla that leads to Meroveous, father of the Merovingian Dynasty. This line is Judas of G, Joseph of G, Jesus of G m. Mary Magdalene, Jesus Justus, Joseph ... leads to Franks, whose line is joined by a long line from Joseph the Israelite and eventually to the 7-foot-tall HRE Charlemagne. 3 the line from Joseph Ha Rama Theo, son of St Joseph. Siaclotus m. Eurgen ... St Helen of the Cross, RE Constantine. Now Eurgen was of the lines of the British Kings (i.e. Beli the Druid King was an ancestor) and thru a female branch Numerius Julius Caesar can be found as well as Tiberius Nero Caesar as ancestors of Eurgen.
In the 5th generation before Jesus Christ, the Davidic line is represented by Eleazar (b. c206 BC) and the Levitical line by John Hyrcanus d106 BC (17). St Joseph is 4 gens from Eleazar and St Mary 4 from John Hyrcanus. Janna the sis of Judas Macabee (aka 'the Hammer' M1 r164-160 BC) and Simon Thassi (M3 r143-134 BC) m. Eliub and had Eleazar. This is the 1st marriage known to BDS (author of KRGG) between the Levitical line of Aaron and the Davidic line from Solomon. Eleazar m. Salome Maccabee and they had 1 son (Mathan) and 2 daughters (Rachel, Alexandra). Antigonus was 'of the line' [son?] of Simon Thassi (18) and had sons Judas of Gamla (apparently a different one from the one of this page?) and Joidiah (aka HP59 Jeshua III, p18, hmmm, HP59's dad is elsewhere shown as Phabet) ...
He says on p22 that the Gamala line (aka the 'Magadan' line, i.e. 'magadan' means 'the region of the Dan' tribe, which is NE of the Galilee, in the modern Golan Heights) was formed when the Aaronic (Levitical) and Davidic (via Hyrcanus) were joined in the marriage of Eliub and Janna in the 5th gen before Christ. Since Eliub was b. c206 BC (and d. at, let's say, 80yo in c126), we could estimate they were m. when he was 30yo in c176 BC? Judas of Gamala (of this page) appears in the 3rd gen before Christ.
Now this gets a little confusing, but Judas of Gamala's father Mathan m. Alexandra, dau of Hyrcanus II. But he also had a sister Alexandra who m. Mathat of the [Davidic] line of Nathan[iel] who was the father of Joachim, father of St Mary. Rachel the sis of Mathan (and Alexandra) was of Arimathea and was the mother of Joseph of Arimathea. And Joseph of A was the bro of Mathat (23, also cf chart p69)! Joseph of A had a bro Heli, both sons of Mathat, so apparently bros of Joachim who m. St Ann (dau of Alexandra). Rachel of A is aka Escha or Esmiralda (25).
Now Antigonus the son of John Hyrcanus was the father of a Judas of Gamala (? diff. from this one?) who was [also] an ancestor of Mary Magdalene (23). Antigonus was also the father of Joidiah who was father of St Ann, mother of St Mary!
In the 3rd gen before Christ, Mathan was father of Jacob, Judas of Gamala, Hizikiah and [a girl] Don [aka Donna Verch Mathonry p138]. Jacob m. Cleopatra of Jerusalem, the mother of St Joseph. Jacob also had a wife Eucharia who was mother of Miriam (who m. King Herod). Judas of Gamala was father of Joseph of Gamala. Hizikiah was father of Judas the Zealot and another Jacob. Hizikiah's line continued only another 4-5 gens (chart p109). Don the sis of Jacob m. the British King Beli [Mawr d100 BC] and was the mother of Caswallon, Lldwiath, Affalach and Llud. These lines continue to the present, respectively, to Wales, to Bran who m. Anna of Arimathea, to Brychienog, and to Julia of the Iceni and then to the Romans and beyond (24).
Judas of Gamala (son of Antigonus d103 BC, p119) was the father of Judas Zebedee, whose sons were the apostles James and John (24, 35). This Judas of G was also father of Menehem (father of Eucharia) and Menechem (father of Matthew Syrus, p77).
St Joseph had many sons and daughters w/his 1st wife. After she died, he later m. St Mary. He had a bro Cleopus who m. Mary Alphaeus, and they had many sons and daughters, 3 of whom became Apostles; Simon the Zealot, James [the lesser p54], Jude/Thaddeus (112, 'Judas Thaddeus' p26). Other kids were Miriam mother of John Mark (33), Joseph [Barsabbas p57] (35), JoAnne, Salome, Lillian, Susan, Cyrian, Dinah (37), Simeon (57). Now Cleopus and St Joseph had a bro Ptolas, a twin of Cleopas, who may've been the Apostle [doubting] Thomas (24).
He says Jesus of Gamala m. Mary Magdalene, again joining the Levitical and Davidic (MM) lines, and that the line from this union continues to Wales, Spain and France (25). Eucharia was the father [? mother?] of St Lazarus, St Martha and St Mary Magdalene and these 3 were the kids of Matthew Cyrus, son of Menechem (hmmm, so apparently Eucharia was a woman who m. Matthew Cyrus, 25).
The kids of Jesus of Gamala and Mary Magdalene were Justus who m. Marcella, dau of 'a son who was the son of Rabbi Nicodemus the Pharisee mentioned' in the Scriptures. So this Nicodemus was in the 2nd or 3rd gen before Christ (since Justus/Marcella were in the 1st). St Lazarus m. Salome the sis of St Mary and had kids Ann and Eurgen whose line continues to Wales (26).
I found some interesting pics of the old abandoned town of Gam[a]la, perhaps 10-20 miles NE of the Sea of Galilee in the Golan Heights. One shows the Sea of Galilee in the far distance looking SW. BAR featured 'The Rebellion of Gamla' in its Jan/Feb 1992 issue, which I'd like to see (that issue is NOT available for order on their website The word 'Gamla' means 'Camel' and refers to the small mountain the town was built upon that resembles a camel. The settlement was founded c150 BC and was destroyed by the Romans in 67 AD (i.e. at the beginning of the 1st Jewish uprising, it was never inhabited again after that). Josephus famously described the battle, as the Romans surrounded the town and undermined its main round tower (which was at the right [North] end of the East wall, only side unprotected by mountain), which then collapsed and allowed them access. Modern excavations began in 1976, and one pic shows the digger's camp (same pic that shows Sea of Galilee in distance). Also still visible are the remnants of the synagogue. A waterfall, the Dolmens, Nimrod Fortress, Hammat Gader (4C Roman hot springs, nearby Alligater park), Kursi (where Jesus sent the demons into the swine), Caesaria Phillipi (Banias Springs, a corruption of the Greek name Paneas, named for their mythical shepherd god Pan), Mt Hermon and the Huleh Valley are also in the region i.e. the foothills of Mt Hermon. See also the wiki pages for Gamla (w/2 pics) and Judas of Gamala (or 'of Galilee'). See also 'Holyland Journey', Ed. Reuven Dorot, DOKO, 1997 (own), pp57-61. This book says 'Gamala was a Zealot city near the Sea of Galilee that was encircled by Romans in 67 AD. Thousands fell fighting the Romans, and when the 5k remaining Zealots saw that they couldn't win, they leaped to their deaths [off 'Camel' mtn] rather than become Roman slaves' (58). There's a pic of Gamla and an inset of the partially restored synagogue. 'Tho we have no record of Jesus ministering at Gamala, we do know that at least 1 of his followers, Simon [the Zealot], had once been a Zealot'.
Andrew Marr in HoW says in the 1C AD, the RE's ~60M pop. was about 1/4 of the world's pop. i.e. so ~240M [v. my 125M in 300 AD using 1B in 1800, then halving each 500yrs going backward], (Han) China had another 1/4, (Gupta and successors) India another 1/4, and other 1/4 in the Americas, HGs (Hunter-Gatherers) worldwide, Arabs, Africans, tribes ... (HoW p164). Hmmm.
cf ahnen-sg