Born: 395 BC (if 80yo)
Ggggfather: Joshua HP32, who returned to Jerusalem w/Zerubbabel c520 BC Spouses: ?
At right, pic of Jaddua ===>> |
See also wiki page; Jaddua was the 6th HP after the rebuilding of the Temple.
SSM JTB p54: In about 520 BC, Prince Zerubbabel, gson of the last king of Judah [Josiah?], and his priest, [HP32] Joshua, son of the last priest of the old Temple [HP31 Jehozadak, ggson of HP28 Hilkiah, Josiah's HP], set off from Babylonia to rescue Jerusalem.
SSM JTB: Nebuchadnezzar conquered Jerusalem in 586 BC. Cyrus the Persian conquered Babylon in 539 BC. It was c520 when Zerubbabel and Joshua returned to Jerusalem w/Cyrus' blessing to rebuild the city and Temple. Tho the nearby people of Samaria wanted to help rebuild, Zerubbabel rejected them as 'half-breeds' and 'heretics' (55). The 2nd Temple was dedicated in March of 515 BC (55). Hmmm, p53 says Cyrus appointed Sheshbazzar [= Zerubbabel?], son of the last king, to govern the region, and the latter soon led 42,360 exiles back to refound Judah, now as the Persian provice of 'Yehud'. But compared to Solomon's Temple, it was very modest, causing the older men who remembered the earlier one 'burst into tears' (56). It was 'over 50yrs later' (56, so c460 BC) that Nehemiah, cup-bearer to [Cyrus' son] Darius gson Artaxerxes I, was allowed to lead a 3nd return (hmmm, SSM doesn't mention the 2nd one, led by Ezra). But tho Nehemiah was granted governorship of the region, the Samaritans N of Jerusalem distrusted the Jerusalemites and were led by 'their own hereditary governor, Sanballat' (56), who plotted against Nehemiah. Nehemiah insisted on strict Torah-ruled, Temple-based, and Zadokite priests and NO intermarriage w/'people of the land' (also see Josiah.html for this date sequence). ... more from SSM JTB ...
Moved here from ahnen-sg: Jaddua HP37 d315 c371-20 BC (father of Onias I, Aaronic line, 'the latest historical figure mentioned in the OT' d. sometime between AlexGrt's d323 and Battle of Ipsus 301, he 'was a man of spotless integrity, and his name is held in veneration to the present time ... is said to have met AlexGrt outside Jerusalem, recognizing the conqueror as foretold by Daniel, i.e. the silver #3 defeating the brass/bronze #2. AlexGrt hastened to meet the HP, prostrated himself on the ground before Jaddua, declaring he had but recently beheld him in a vision, and recognized him as the representative of the God of heaven, who would show him what would be greatly to his advantage. Jaddua opened the prophetic roll, and had one of the scribes in his company read the visions of Daniel and their interpretation. AlexGrt saw the undoubted reference to himself, and declared he would never permit Jerusalem to be touched nor its temple polluted, and sent the high-priest back laden with gifts. Scholars don't know whether this really happened [400sy], KRGG pp72,75,80) Eliub's line continues back (via Achim b. c300 BC, Zadok b. c347 BC, Azor b. c394 BC, Eliakim b. c441 BC, Abiud b. c488 BC) to Zerubabel b. c535 BC son of Sheatial b. c582 BC (p76, hmmm, 1 Chr 3:1-19 says Zerubbabel was a son of Pedaiah [bro of Shealtiel, so also b. c582], son of Jeconiah, [J20 Zedekiah, J19 Jehoiachin, 20 Kings of Judah, only 8 good] son of J18 Jehoiakim [J17 Jehoahaz II], J16 Josiah [8th good, #47, last real king], J15 Amon, J14 Manasseh, J13 Hezekiah [7th good], J12 Ahaz, J11 Jotham (6th good), J10 Azariah [or Uzziah, 5th good, ass.], J9 Amaziah [4th good], J8 Joash [3rd good, J7 Athaliah], J6 Ahaziah, J5 J[eh]oram, J4 Jehoshaphat [2nd good], J3 Asa[ph, 1st good], J2 Abija[h/m], J1 Rehoboam, I3 Solomon, I2 David) ... Adam cf Bible.
cf ahnen-sg