The earliest COFFING ancestor is William C II b. bef. 1750 d. bef. 1820 (so ~70yo) m. Abigail POTTS, presumably with family origins in England. Also included for now in this file are lines for DAVIS, POTTS, ASHE, CLAY, SMITH, JODRELL and KNOTSFORD (later create separate files for those).
4 1816-1875 COFFING, Louisa [Louise A] - BROKAW, Henry F
5 1788-1850 COFFING, Joshua POTTS - DAVIS, Mary (14 kids)
6 1750-1820 COFFING, William II - POTTS, Abigail
Descent Chart
- 6 William COFFING II <1750-<1820 ~70yo m. 23 Mar 1771 in 2nd Presb. Church, Philadelphia, PA, Abigail POTTS b1752 (Jan 2019 found a geni page; c1747-c1820 b. Philly, Bucks, PA d. Fayette, PA [son of ?])
- 5 No Name b. bef. 1772
- 5 William C b. bef. 1776 d. bef. 1850
- 5 Ann C b. bef. 1784
- 5 Ruth C b. bef. 1784
- 5 Mary C b. bef. 1784
- 5 Joshua Potts (C) b. 9 Aug 1788 Fayette Co., PA d. 29 Aug 1850 Morrow Co., PA m. 31 Dec 1809 Knox Co. OH Mary DAVIS b. 25 Sep 1791 Ireland d. 23 Aug 1850
- 4 Joanna C 1810-87 77yo
- 4 Lavina C 1811-64 53yo
- 4 Elijah C 1813-14 DY
- 4 William (Courtney) C 1814-96 82yo
- 4 Louisa C 1816-75 59yo m. Henry F BROKAW 1814-97 83yo
- 3 Delmar B 1862-1931 69yo m. Rosa BOLLINGER
- 2 Margie B 1906-99 92yo m. Eldon GEARHART
- 1 Rosena G 1930-2014 m. JCS 1929-2015
- 4 Alfred C 1818-76 58yo
- 4 Charlotte C 1820-36 16yo
- 4 Joshua Potts C 1822-55 33yo
- 4 Jackson Green C 1824-62 38yo
- 4 Emaline C 1826-65 39yo
- 4 Thomas Davis C 1828-1907 79yo
- 4 William Sharpen (Sharples) C 1829-30 DY
- 4 Mary Ann C 1833-1908 75yo
- 4 Harriet C. C 1834-99 65yo
- 5 Elijah C b1790
29 May 2006 I stumbled onto a trove of new info at 2 websites (did a simple yahoo search on Louisa COFFING, which I've done before?! Must be new info). Here's the new info:
5 1791-1850 DAVIS, Mary (b. Ireland) - COFFING, Joshua POTTS
6 176x-18xx DAVIS, Benjamin - COURTNEY, Mary (Ireland, no more info)
- 6 Benjamin DAVIS b176x m. Mary COURTNEY
- 5 Mary DAVIS 1791-1850 59yo b. Ireland m. Joshua Potts COFFING
- 4 Louisa C 1816-75 59yo m. Henry F BROKAW
- 3 Delmar B 1862-1931 69yo m. Rosa BOLLINGER
- 2 Margie B 1906-98 92yo m. Eldon GEARHART
- 1 Rosena G m. JCS
Hmmm, how about Nancy D (wife of RR) and Bette D and ...
6 1752-1xxx POTTS, Abigail - COFFING, William II
7 1719-1761 POTTS, Joshua - BORDEN, Ann (b1720)
8 1647-1726 POTTS, Thomas (b. England, d. PA) - PLATTO, Joani
9 1610-1650 POTTS, Richard - ASHE, Ann
10 1567-1613 POTTS, John - SMITH, Walburge
11 c1537-1580 POTTS, John - JODRELL, Bridgett
12 15xx-15xx POTT, Roger - SUTTON, Anne
13 1486-15xx POTT, John - ?
14 1462-1xxx POTT, William - ?
15 1432-1xxx POTT, John - ?
16 1405-1xxx POTT, John - ?
- 16 John POTT b1405
- 15 John POTT b1432
- 14 William POTT b1462
- 13 John POTT b1486
- 12 Roger POTT m. Anne SUTTON
- 11 John POTTS b. c1537 Dunge, Cheshire, England d. c1580 same place m. 1566 Stancliffe, Derby, England, Bridgett JODRELL b. c1540 Erswick, Cheshire, England d. 1607 England (her 2nd m., 1rst was to Leonard SHALCROSS)
- 10 John POTTS b. 1567 Derbyshire, England d. 16 Oct 1613 Darley, Derbyshire, England m1 Elizabeth NEWSAM m2 29 Aug 1598 at Darley to Walburge SMITH b. 1574 Warmingham, Cheshire, England (Old Haugh) d. 2 Apr 1643 Darley (her 2nd m., 1rst was George COLUMBELL)
- 9 Edward P
- 9 John P b1607
- 9 Thomas P b1609
- 9 Richard POTTS b1610 Chesterfield d. 12 Sep 1650 40yo same place m. 15 May 1636 Chesterfield Ann ASHE b. 8 Feb 1616/7 Chesterfield, Derbyshire, England d. 2 Sep 1673 same place
- 8 Elizabeth P 1637-8 DY
- 8 Richard P 1638-8 DY
- 8 Edmund P 1639->59 20yo+
- 8 Thomas P 1639-9 DY
- 8 Thomas P 1641-1 DY
- 8 Elizabeth P 1641->57 16yo+
- 8 Maria P b1642
- 8 Mary P 1642->82 40yo+
- 8 Samuel P 1643-3 DY
- 8 Joshua P 1645-53 8yo
- 8 Thomas P b. 12 Jul 1647 Chesterfield d. 4 Sep 1726 79yo Germantown, Philadelphia, PA m1 Joan PLATTS m2 Joani PLATTO m3 Alice ? m4 Joni PRATTS 1653-1714 61yo m5 1699 Ann ? 1655-1714 59yo m6 1715 Grace FARMER 1699-1715 16yo m7 1716 Alice PUSSER 1705-26 21yo
- m1 w/Joan
- 7 Anne P 1675-6 DY
- 7 Thomas P 1677-1754 77yo
- m2 w/Joani
- 7 Thomas P 1677-1754 77yo
- 7 Joshua P b1719 d. 18 Jun 1761 42yo m. Ann BORDEN b. 1720 Middletown, Monmouth, NJ
- 6 Mary P b1743
- 6 Amy L P 1744-88 44yo
- 6 Thomas P b1746
- 6 Abigail P b1748 DY
- 6 Rebecca P 1750-86 36yo
- 6 Anne P b1752
- 6 Abigail P b1752 m. 16 Aug 1742 Burlington Co., NJ William COFFING II
- 5 Joshua Potts C 1788-1850 62yo m. Mary DAVIS
- 4 Louisa C 1816-75 59yo m. Henry F BROKAW
- 3 Delmar B 1862-1931 69yo m. Rosa BOLLINGER
- 2 Margie B 1906-99 92yo m. Eldon GEARHART
- 1 Rosena G 1930-2014 m. JCS 1929-2015
- 6 Hannah (b1755)
- 6 Joshua (1757-1828)
- m4 w/Joni
- 7 Anna (1675-6)
- 7 Thomas (1677-1754)
- m5 w/Ann
- 7 Anne (b1701)
- 8 Anne (b1649)
- 8 Anna (1649-77)
- 9 Edward b1611
- 10 Bridget
- 10 Grace
- 10 Leonard
9 1617-1673 ASHE, Ann - POTTS, Richard
10 1589-16xx ASHE, Godfrey - CLAY, Alice
11 1563-1xxx ASHE, Ralph - ?, Gertrude
12 153x-1xxx ASHE, Ralph - ? (1 child; Ralph)
- 12 Ralph ASHE b153x m. ?
- 11 Ralph ASHE b. 12 Jun 1563 Chesterfield m. Gertrude ? b. Chesterfield
- 10 Godfrey ASHE b. 12 Jun 1589 Chesterfield, Derbyshire, England m. 15 Jan 1615/6 Alice CLAY b. 30 May 1595 Chesterfield d. 14 May 1641
- 9 Ann ASHE 1617-73 56yo m. Richard POTTS
- 8 Thomas P 1647-1726 79yo m2 Joani PLATTO
- 7 Joshua P 1719-61 m. Ann BORDEN b1720
- 6 Abigail P b1752 m1742 Wm COFFING II
- 5 Joshua Potts C 1788-1850 62yo m. Mary DAVIS
- 4 Louisa C 1816-75 59yo m. Henry F BROKAW
- 3 Delmar B 1862-1931 69yo m. Rosa BOLLINGER
- 2 Margie B 1906-98 92yo m. Eldon GEARHART
- 1 Rosena G m. JCS
- 9 Helen ASHE b1620
- 9 Joan ASHE 1625-5 DY
- 9 Godfrey ASHE b1629
- 9 Elizabeth ASHE b1631
- 9 Joanna ASHE 1633-3 DY
- 10 Richard ASHE b1596?
- 10 Margaret ASHE b1603?
- 10 Thomas ASHE b1612 twin
- 10 Anna ASHE b1612 twin
10 1595-1641 CLAY, Alice - ASHE, Godfrey
11 156x-1xxx CLAY, William - ? (2 kids; Richard b1592, Alice)
- 11 William CLAY b156x m. ?
- 10 Richard CLAY c1592
- 10 Alice CLAY b. 30 May 1595 Chesterfield, Derbyshire, England d. 14 May 1641 m. 15 Jan 1615/6 Godfrey ASHE b. 12 Jun 1589 Chesterfield
- 9 Ann ASHE 1617-73 56yo m. Richard POTTS
- 8 Thomas P 1647-1726 79yo m2 Joani PLATTO
- 7 Joshua P 1719-61 m. Ann BORDEN b1720
- 6 Abigail P b1752 m1742 Wm COFFING II
- 5 Joshua Potts C 1788-1850 62yo m. Mary DAVIS
- 4 Louisa C 1816-75 59yo m. Henry F BROKAW
- 3 Delmar B 1862-1931 69yo m. Rosa BOLLINGER
- 2 Margie B 1906-98 92yo m. Eldon GEARHART
- 1 Rosena G m. JCS
Perhaps related to Henry CLAY, the famous GOP DR-KY (later Whig) representative and Spkr of the House on/off during the admins of #4 James MADISON (DR) 1809-16, #5 James MONROE (DR) 1817-24 and #6 John Quincy ADAMS (DR) 1825-8, #7 Andrew JACKSON (D), #11 James POLK (D) 1845-8. CLAY was a key foe of Andrew JACKSON in both frmr's southern racist strategy (AJ fnd'd Dem party) and interventionism (AJ's attack on Spanish New Orleans). Fellow Dem John C CALHOUN also opposed interventionism. Fellow DR Daniel WEBSTER of MA fnd'd the Whig party to oppose JACKSON's Dems (forerunner of GOP, fnd'd 1860s w/Abe LINCOLN).
10 1574-1643 SMITH, Walburge - POTTS, John
11 154x-1xxx SMITH, Randall (Ralph) - SHAWCROSS, Alice (no more info)
- 11 Randall (Ralph) SMITH b154x m. Alice SHAWCROSS
- 10 Walburge SMITH b1574 Warmingham, Cheshire, England (Old Haugh) d. 2 Apr 1643 69yo Darley m1 George COLUMBELL m2 John POTTS
- 9 Richard P 1610-50 40yo m. Ann ASHE 1617-73 56yo
- 8 Thomas P 1647-1726 79yo m2 Joani PLATTO
- 7 Joshua P 1719-61 m. Ann BORDEN b1720
- 6 Abigail P b1752 m1742 Wm COFFING II
- 5 Joshua Potts C 1788-1850 62yo m. Mary DAVIS
- 4 Louisa C 1816-75 59yo m. Henry F BROKAW
- 3 Delmar B 1862-1931 69yo m. Rosa BOLLINGER
- 2 Margie B 1906-98 92yo m. Eldon GEARHART
- 1 Rosena G m. JCS
11 1540-1607 JODRELL, Bridgett - POTTS, John
12 1482-1548) JODRELL, Roger - KNOTSFORD, Ellen
13 145x-1xxx) JODRELL, Nicholas - WORTHINGTON, Margaret (b. c1450)
14 1420-14xx) JODRELL, Roger - DAVENPORT, Cecily
15 139x-14xx) JODRELL, George - SUTTON, Matilda (dau of ?)
- 15 George JODRELL b139x m. Matilda SUTTON
- 14 Roger JODRELL b1420 m. Cecily DAVENPORT b. Cheshire, England
- 13 Nicholas JODRELL b. c1450 Yourdesley, England m. Margaret WORTHINGTON b. c1450 England
- 12 Roger JODRELL b1482 d. 3 May 1548 66yo m. England Ellen KNOTSFORD d1548 England
- 11 Grace JODRELL
- 11 Ame JODRELL
- 11 Ottewell JODRELL
- 11 Martha JODRELL
- 11 Barbara JODRELL
- 11 Edmund JODRELL (d1630)
- 11 Bridgett JODRELL b. c1540 Erswick, Cheshire, England d. 1607 ~67yo England m1 Leonard SHALCROSS m2 John POTTS
- 10 Walburge SMITH 1574-1643 69yo m2 John POTTS
- 9 Richard P 1610-50 40yo m. Ann ASHE 1617-73 56yo
- 8 Thomas P 1647-1726 79yo m2 Joani PLATTO
- 7 Joshua P 1719-61 m. Ann BORDEN b1720
- 6 Abigail P b1752 m1742 Wm COFFING II
- 5 Joshua Potts C 1788-1850 62yo m. Mary DAVIS
- 4 Louisa C 1816-75 59yo m. Henry F BROKAW
- 3 Delmar B 1862-1931 69yo m. Rosa BOLLINGER
- 2 Margie B 1906-98 92yo m. Eldon GEARHART
- 1 Rosena G m. JCS
12 148x-1548 KNOTSFORD, Ellen - JODRELL, Roger 1482-1548
13 145x-1xxx KNOTSFORD, Roger - DAVENPORT, Ales (no more info)
- 13 Roger KNOTSFORD b145x m. Ales DAVENPORT
- 12 Ellen KNOTSFORD 148x-1548 60s England m. England Roger JODRELL
- 11 Bridgett J c1540-1607 ~67yo England m2 John POTTS
- 10 Walburge SMITH 1574-1643 69yo m2 John POTTS
- 9 Richard P 1610-50 40yo m. Ann ASHE 1617-73 56yo
- 8 Thomas P 1647-1726 79yo m2 Joani PLATTO
- 7 Joshua P 1719-61 m. Ann BORDEN b1720
- 6 Abigail P b1752 m1742 Wm COFFING II
- 5 Joshua Potts C 1788-1850 62yo m. Mary DAVIS
- 4 Louisa C 1816-75 59yo m. Henry F BROKAW
- 3 Delmar B 1862-1931 69yo m. Rosa BOLLINGER
- 2 Margie B 1906-98 92yo m. Eldon GEARHART
- 1 Rosena G m. JCS
12 1497-1608 SUTTON, Anne b. Northampton - 1520-1601 POTT, Roger
- 1 Rosena and 2 JA (ca 13) are 10c 1x rem
- 11-2 2nd US Pres John ADAMS ... cf Beauchamp.html
- 12 John S 3 B D (twr) - Cicely GREY
13 1457-1532 SUTTON, Sir Edw 2 B Dudley b. London d. Dudley, W-sh (coa) - Cicely WILLOUGHBY 1463-1539 b/d Worc-sh eol
- 1 Rosena and 9 Kath (ca 14) are 4c 8x removed
- 10-9 Kath MORE - 3c Sam MORE both Mayf Pass, she had 4 kids w/lover ALSO Mayf Pass ... cf Cromwell and MayfComp
- 11 Marg C b150x U C - Th MORE of Larden
- 12 Jane W 1475-1513 b. W, Staff-sh d. Upton Cresset, Shropsh - Rich CRESSET
- 13 Dorothy S 1455-1517 b. D C d. Staff-sh (coa) - Rich WROTTESLEY (Wriothesley) Esq
- Edm w/Maud de CLIFFORD
14 1425-83 Sir Kgt Edm S of D b/d D C minster of KoE Henry VII, Dep Lt of Irel (coa) - Joyce TIPTOFT
- 14-0 'Jack' NORTHRUP ... cf Ferrers.html
15 1400-87 Sir John de S VI 1 B D b/d D C (C art) - Eliz de BERKELEY
16 1380-1406 Sir John de S V b. Warwicksh d. Essex (coa) - Constance de (BLOUNT) HASTINGS
17 1361-96 Sir John de S IV b/d W-sh (C art) - Alice le DESPENSER
18 1329-69 Sir Kgt John de S III (coa) - Cath de STAFFORD (cf Pole.html)
19 1304-59 John de S II Mstr of D C b/d D C (grv) - Isabella de CHERLETON 1311-97 (")
20 1286-1338 Sir Kgt John S b/d D C (ruins) - Margery de SOMERY (cf HREs)
21 1266-1318 Rich S b/d Warsop, Nott-sh (coa) - Isabella PATRICK
22 1241-72 L Robt S b. W d. D C, Worc-sh (coa) - Joanna (Jane) BARTRAM
23 1217-68 Sir Wm S - Matilda of Brabant 1216-50 dau of Henry II DoB cf HREs
24 ... cf Normans.html
- Our Brokaw-Bragaw Heritage
- Trudy M. Sullivan's website (, email
