[King] Cerdic
Founder of Wessex
Born: 450s? in Britain?
Died: 534 (or 554), believed bur. Cerdicesbeorg in N Hampshire, England
Father: [Saxon] Elesa (Ashe in DoKA disputes this, see below)
Mother: ?
Spouse: ?
Cynric b470s? d560?
Picture from www.chard.ic24.net/chfront.html ===>>

MBKQ: Cerdic is considered the first of the kings of Wessex, founder of that dynasty, reigning either 494-516, 519-34 or 538-54. Said by ASC to have come to Britain 494 (with his father Elesa and grown son Cynric) with 5 ships of soldiers, landing at Cerdiceford [N Hampshire], fighting [Welsh] Britons and establishing his [Saxon] kingdom. Curiously, the name Cerdic (like Ceredig, Caradoc) is Welsh, not Saxon! No independent record (besides ASC) establishes his existence.
DoKA: After fall of Rome, Saxon invasions made headway. Later, Arthur was able to fend them off for a 'breather' time, but Saxons (by then Christianized, civilized) eventually triumphed. Between fall of Rome and rise of Arthur, Cerdic was one of the early Saxon leaders to establish a beachhead, possibly coming from N France, landing near the Isle of Wight in 495 (ASC). At this time the Welsh (Roman) champion was Ambrosius. "As a country united under one sovereign, England grew from the early kingdom of Wessex, the realm of the West Saxons. The Wessex dynasty's founder was Cerdic, who dominated a few Saxon settlements near the Hampshire coast" (165). Both Cerdic and his son Cynric are called ealdormen, or 'princes,' implying Cynric was an adult, meaning Cerdic was at least in his 40s. Yet ASC shows Cerdic chief conqueror of Isle of Wight in 530, still an active warrior, living to 534. Cynric is still fighting in 556, dying 560. These dates are theoretically possible, but "under early Saxon conditions they are beyond reasonable belief. The motive may have been to forge genealogical links, or to associate the first chiefs with famous victories" (208).
In his Appendix (The Blood Royal: A Fancy), Ashe says: "The ASC gives Cerdic a Saxon pedigree which is clearly bogus. It comes down to a father called Elesa. A real 5C Saxon father would never have given his son a British [Welsh] name, so Elesa can be discounted; he and his forebears have been grafted on to Cerdic to give him desirable [Saxon] ancestors. Cerdic's actual parentage is an open question" (198). Ashe suggests the scheme below:
- Maximus
- Severa, 1rst wife of Vortigern (2nd was a Saxon wife, m. c430)
- ? (dau of Vortigern and 2nd [Saxon] wife) m. Arthur-Riothamus
Here's his line of reasoning: "Vortigern's sons were apparently by his first marriage, and nothing suggests that any of them fathered a Cerdic. But Nennius also has a ... story about a dau ... who 'bore a son to the High King' ... [which] could have meant Arthur-Riothamus ... In the 450s Arthur married her. This was part of whatever arrangement made him High King, just as Vortigern's first marriage, to a dau of the Emperor Maximus, had been ... Cerdic, born in the 450s, was ... 3/4 British and 1/4 Saxon. Celtic custom allowed him to inherit ... [a] title from Vortigern via his mother. He went to Armorica [NW France] and became the father of Cynric in the 470s. Planning a return to Britain, he exploited his fractional Saxon blood to attract Saxons to his cause. In 495, when Cynric was an adult ... he led his expedition across and established a little domain on the Hampshire coast" (198). A younger son of Riothamus, Daniel, is said to have been "king of the Alamanni' [Germans], so possibly this family "dominated Germanic groups on the Continent, exactly as Cerdic would have had to do. Obviously, if Cerdic was Arthur's true heir, this was a matter which the Welsh would have preferred to forget. From their point of view Vortigern was an arch-villain, his dau the product of a traitorous marriage, Arthur should have known better than to marry her, and their son was a renegade" (199). An interesting possibility (modern English royalty [and I myself] would be descended from Arthur-Riothamus).

Imaginative depiction of Cerdic from
John Speed's 1611 "Saxon Heptarchy" (cf wiki)
KA ack's that Cerdic is an anomaly. Here's their take. The ASC shows a significant Saxon presence starting in 477 in S Britain (Portsmouth). In 485 this group led by Aelle defeated the Britons at the River Mearcredesburna (Alun?) and then in 491 at fort Anderida. Now Aelle's forces were bumping up against Octha's Kent to the E. Tho Aelle was now called bretwalda (wide ruler) in S Britain, his kingdom didn't last long, and arch. evidence clearly shows the virtual annihilation of Saxon Sussex (82). The ASC makes no further reference to Sussex. The explanation seems to be a major British offensive c490s, probably led by Arthur. Cerdic now appears as an anomaly, arriving 495 near Southampton, and by 508 defeating British king Natanleod. In 519 a final battle was fought to est. Wessex (under Cerdic) at Certiceford ('Cerdic's ford') a few miles S of Salisbury on the River Avon (i.e. modern Charford). KA's theory goes like this (see ScotKngs for a bigger summary of this book): Arthur (Owain Ddantgywn, bro of Cadwallon Lawhir, both sons of Enniaun Girt and gsons of Cunedda, Owain father of Cuneglasus, Lawhir father of Maglocunus = Maelgwn = Modred p162). Arthur fights Angles in Gododdin, eventually fighting alongside Ambrosius, later promoted to battle ldr in E Brtiain, winning a series of battles in Lincolnshire and around the Wash (1st few of famous 12). After the Brits go on offense against Kent/Sussex, Hengist sends his son Octha N to ally w/Picts. Arthur is sent N to counter them and faces several more fierce battles N of Hadrian's Wall. In 488 Hengist d. and Octha returns S to become king of Kent. The Pict threat over, Arthur also returns S but has to fight for ldrship (Ambrosius gone). Arthur possibly has to put down a grab for power in S Wales by the Vortigern family, and thereby becomes Brit ldr (tho not Welsh). After Anderida 491, Aelle joins w/Octha for a western push, which is repulsed by Arthur's forces at Badon 493. Arthur now leaves his relative Cunomorus (aka king Mark or Constantine or Cynfawr, father of Drustanus [Tristan] p146) in charge in Dumnonia (Cornwall) and heads N. Meanwhile, Cunomorus traiterously allies w/Cerdic to allow latter to push aside Natanleod, controlling Hampshire by 508, and provide a buffer between Dumnonia and Kent. These 2 allies continue to build their strength til 519. Arthur has led a united Gwynedd/Powys Brit entity, but Cunomorus' treachery breaks it up. Arthur heads S to defeat Cunomorus and drive a wedge between Dumnonia and Wessex at Cerdiceford 519. Soon after, probably on his way home, he is confronted and k. by Maglocunus at Camlann in W C Wales. Maglocunus now seizes the Gwynned throne, while Cuneglasus holds Powys, but is forced to abandon its capital Viroconium (the last urban city in brit-controlled Briton) for a nearby hillfort. Civil war amongst Brits now leads to a dark age for them.
Cerdic's son Cynric has a hybrid name, half Saxon and half Celtic. This suggests that Cerdic m. a Celt who became Cynric's mom (149). Cynric probably also m. a Celt, naming their son Ceawlin, an entirely Brit name. They speculate that the pact between Cunomorus and Cerdic was sealed by Cerdic m. Cunomorus' dau. If true, this means "the Wessex kings who eventually became the Saxon kings of all England were directly descended, via Cunomorus' dau, from the family that also included Arthur, the greatest hero of their sworn enemies, the Britons" (151). They see the 'cun' in his name (latin version of welsh 'cyn') as indicating Cunomorus' descend from Cunedda (hmmm, how about Cunobelin A22, descended from Beli Mawr? [look up Cunomorus o/l, who was his father?]). Referring to MBKQ p67 and assuming Cunomorus is descended from earlier Dumnonian Kings, the common 'Early Celt' ancestor of he and Cunedda would be either Beli Mawr or his son Caswallon (depending on whether Tasciovanus' (A10) father was Llud or Caswallon).
Contemporary (6C) Events (mostly from BN HT and CHME):
- cf Childrc1 for earlier events
- c500 Dionysius Exiguus ('Denis the Little') comes to Rome from the Balkans (see note below); height of Teotihuacan culture in C Mexico (100-700, cf note below, Hyby p89)
- 503 Britons under war ldr Arthur defeat Saxons at Mt Badon, war between Byz/Persia to 505 2yrs
- 507 Franks (led by King Clovis) conquer Visigoths in S France
- 511 King Clovis dies (converted 496), Frankish Empire divided among his 4 sons
- 519 King Arthur's legendary last battle at Cammlan (Camelot)
- 523 Hilderic, Vandal King of N Africa to 530 7yrs
- 524 War between Byz/Persia to 531 7yrs
- 525 Boethius' execution (b470 55yo acc. to Runes, CoP 480-524 44yo)
- 527 RE59 BE23 Justinian to 565 38yrs (succeeding his uncle Justin I r518-27)
- 529-65 Justinian Law Code compiled, 3vols
- c529 St Benedict (480-550 70yo, twin sis Scholastica) founds Monte Cassino in Italy, developed Benedictine rule which, unlike others, avoided extremes i.e. balanced Bible reading, prayer and work (it and others like it became cntrs of learning across Europe)
- 530 Gelimer, Vandal King of N Africa to 534 4yrs
- 532 Justinian crushes huge Constaninople riot (Grn v. Blu), 30k k. (Hyby p86)
- 533 So-called 'Eternal Peace' signed between Byz/Persia
- 534 (Byzantine General) Belisarius conquers N African Vandals, reabsorbs into Byzantine Empire, Franks conquer Burgundy (land of later Bourgon Broucard)
- 535 Byz forces begin to reconquer Italy, takes til 554 19yrs
- 540 New war between Byz/Persia to 562 22yrs; 540s Brit monk Gildas writes 'The Ruin and Conquest of Britain' (br-doka p65, includes Arthurian legends)
- 542 Epidemic of Plague in Byz Empire to 546 4yrs (cf bk 'Justinian's Flea')
- 544 Merw (Merv) becomes a Metropolitan see, 'for several centuries 1 of the greatest Christian centers in the world' (cf br-lhc)
- 545 Clotilde dies (b474 71yo) Christian wife of Clovis (converted him)
- 550 St David takes Christianity to Wales
- 552 Buddhism introduced into Japan
- 553 BE Justinian reforms Egypt's administration, he also convenes the 2nd Council of Constantinople (5th general council) to denounce One-Nature theology, condemn the '3 Chapters' i.e. the writings of 3 [dead] Nestorians, and declare that St Mary remained a virgin thruout her life; Ostrogoths of Italy finally conquered by Byz (Hyby p86)
- 554 Byz armies conquer SE Spain (seeking to reunite old RE)
- 562 End of effective Japanese power in Korea
- 563 Irish monk St Columba (521-97 76yo) founds monastery on Iona island, begins conversion of Picts
- 565 RE60 BE24 Justin II to 578 13yrs, nephew of Justinian, empire weakening, many incursions
- 568 Lombards (Long Beards) conquer N Italy, kingdom fnd'd by Alcuin
- 570 Muhammad born at Mecca (d632 62yo)
- 572 Persians dominate Arabia to 628 56yrs, war between Byz/Persia to 591 19yrs
- 578 RE61 BE25 Tiberius II Constantine to 582 4yrs
- 581 Wen Ti (Wendi), frmr chf minister of Chou Dynasty, fnds Sui Dynasty in China (reunites China after 300yrs of division, instability, his successor Yangdi started 1240mi Grand Canal linking S and N, still longest canal in world, Hyby p87)
- 582 RE62 BE26 Maurice to 602 20yrs
- 584 Anglo-Saxon Kingdom of Mercia founded in England (1rst King ?)
- 587 Visigoths in Spain converted to Christianity
- 589 Wen Ti reunites China by conquering S Ch'en; Arabs, Khazars and Turks invade Persia but are defeated; Monte Cassino burned by barbarians, monks flee to Rome, bringing Rule to Pope Gregory
- 590 Gregory I (540-604 64yo), the Great, Pope to 604 14yrs, rampant chaos in W, so Gregory (and RCC) basically WAS govt and civilization, such as it was. Born in Rome, pwrfl politician, but in 573 became a monk, served the sick, later impressed by Benedictine Rule, in 599 sent 41 B monks to England, by Christmas 10k incl. King Aethelbert baptized, making (Kent capital) Canterbury cntr of English Christianity. Gregory promoted purgatory, penance, chants.
- 593 Suiko, Empress of Japan to 628 35yrs (neph Prince Shotoku rules as regent, becomes cultural hero, devout Buddhist, spread it, made it ofcl state religion, set out principles to govern Japanese society, Hyby p87)
- 597 St Augustine [of Canterbury d605] lands in England (w/others, sent by Pope Gregory), converts Kingdom Kent to Christianity, rebuilt barbarian-destroyed works
- c600 Christianity introduced to China (cf br-lhc); 'Gododdin' written (ASA p51)
- cf Pepin2 for later events
'About the year [AD] 500 a monk named Dionysius Exiguus ('the Little') came to Rome from the Balkans. He was a fine scholar whom the popes employed [to edit, organize, translate] ... by the 6C the Latin- v. Greek-speaking parts of the RE were drifting apart culturally. Eventually the RCC asked [him] to take on an enduring problem, the tables used to calculate the date of Easter. This got him interested in calender making in general, and he decided to prepare a new calender based upon the birth of Christ v. pagan history ... history would [now] lead to [His] birth (BC) and then away from it (AD 'anno Domini') ... [he calculated that] Jesus had been b. 754yrs after the fnd'ing of Rome [i.e. end of 1 BC, beginning of AD 1] ... [unfortunately] he'd miscalculated ... later scholars realized Herod had d. 4 BC [and the Bible indicates Jesus was b. before that]' (OoC p54-5).
After the fall of the W RE and resulting lack of centrally imposed order (and before due to inneffective same), W Europe adapted by developing 'feudalism' i.e. indep areas varying greatly in size and run mostly autonomously by kinglets, dukes, warlords who hired knights and other warriors to defend their domain, subjecting serfs and workers to their authority (safety in exchange for feudal service).
Norman Davies' 'Europe' cited 3 'grand historical processes' at work in the early centuries AD RE; 1 W migration of barbarians, 2 E/W rift growing, and 3 steady export of Christianity to barbarian tribes. Interestingly, Steven Ozment's book 'A Mighty Fortress' echoes the 1st and 3rd with his 'big 2' of 'barbarization of RE' (1) and 'Romanization of barbarians' (3).
Boethius' 'Consolation of Philosophy' has been called 'the last document of Classical Antiquity' (CoP p. v). Born in 480, he gained the favor of Theodoric the Great (King of Ostrogoths and RE 493-?) and was named consol at 34yo, later becoming effectively the RE's PM ('Magister Officiorum'). But then suddenly his fortunes crashed, he was arrested for treason, imprisoned, condemned w/o trial, and tortured to death! Why is unknown; perhaps his orthodox RCC faith v. Theodoric's Arianism or maybe Boethius' support for the Senate in a dispute w/the Emperor? He managed to write CoP in prison. He translated some Greek classics into Latin (mainly on Logic), but his efforts there were cut short by his death. HRW: While 'Theodoric had merely intended to rid himself of a traitor, he [ended up] rid[ding] the West of Aristotelian philosophy. No one else undertook the project, so for the next 500yrs' (6) it remained dormant. SWB says Aristotle's rediscovery in the 12C sparked the Renaissance.
S American cultures (Hyby p89):
- Olmec 1500-400 BC, Mexican Gulf Coast region, known for colossal stone heads
- Zapotecs 1500 BC - 700 AD, centered at Monte Alban in Oaxaca valley of S Mexico
- Teotihuacans 200 BC - 700 AD, mysterious people from N Mexico blt largest city in ancient America (~100k pop ~11 sq mi)
- Mayans 250-869 AD, forests of Guatemala, cities e.g. Tikal (height 450 #1) ruled by god-kings, e.g. Pakal at Palenque d683 (80yo r68yrs), fought each other, height of warring 750
- Mixtecs 900-1400 AD, rose to pwr after Zapotecs declined, took over Monte Alban
- Toltecs 900-1187 AD, from N Mexico, captured Mayan city of Chichen Itza 987, ruled it 200yrs
- Aztecs 1325-1521 AD, migrated into Mexico in 12C, ruled last grt civ of anc Mex
- Inca yrs? mtns of Peru/Chile, capital Cuzco, Macchu Piccu
See also Roman
- ASC = Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
- ASA = The Anglo-Saxon Age c400-1042, D J V Fisher, B&N, 1973/92, own.
- MBKQ = Mammouth Book of British Kings and Queens
- DoKA = The Discovery of King Arthur
- KA = King Arthur: The True Story, Graham Phillips and Martin Keatman, Arrow, 1992, own.
- CHME = Christian History Made Easy, Dr Timothy Paul Jones, Rose, 2005, 165pp, own.
- BN HT = History's Timeline, Barnes & Noble, 1981, own.
- CoP = The Consolation of Philosophy, Boethius, 1525 (1957/70), Ungar, own.
- HRW = The History of the Renaissance World, Susan Wise Bauer, Norton, 2013, Mustang.
- Hyby = History Year by Year, DK, 2013, FHL.
- OoC = The Origin of Christmas, Joseph F Kelly b1945, Liturgical Press (RCC St Benedict), 2004, own.