The Capet Dynasty

"After the death of Louis V, the throne was assumed by the cousin of Louis IV, Hugh Capet, son of Hugh, count of Paris and his wife Edhilda, dau of Edward the Elder" (MBBKQ p725, see also France Facts file). In later years, the weakening Carolingian kings led to formation of so-called "stem" (German stamm) duchies in the eastern (i.e. later German) part of the Frankish kingdom, including Franconia, Lorraine, Swabia, Bavaria, Saxony and Frisia. When the last of the Carolingian kings, Louis 'the Child,' died, German magnates elected Conrad, duke of Franconia, to be their new leader. Conrad fought continuously with Magyars from the east and other challengers, eventually nominating his strongest foe, Henry 'the Fowler' (so-called because, when the announcement was delivered, he was found bird-hunting), Duke of Saxony, to succeed him. Henry was later elected by the magnates, thus beginning his royal line (see brits). For Holy Roman Emperors, see Roman. Meanwhile, in France, Hugh Capet was enthroned.

from EMA p111

R35 Hugh or Hugo Capet b. c939 r987-96
R36 Robert II the Pious (or the Sage) b970 r996-1031
R37 Henry (I) b1008 r1031-60
R38 Philippe (I) b1052 r1060-1108
R39 Louis VI the Fat b1081 r1108-37
R40 Louis VII the Young b1121 r1137-80 first husband of Eleanor of Aquitaine; his dau, Margaret, m. 1160 Henry the Young, King of England
R41 Philippe II Augustus b1165 r1180-1223
R42 Louis VIII the Lion b1187 r1223-6 m. Blanche, niece of John of England
When still heir, Louis was offered the throne of England in 1215 (Magna Carta year) and was recognized as king by many of the barons.
R43 Louis IX St. Louis b1214 r1226-70 d. of plague
R44 Philippe III the Bold (or the Rash) b1245 r1270-85 his dau Margaret m. 1299 Edward I of England
R45 Philippe IV the Fair b1268 r1285-1314 his dau Isabella m. 1308 Edward II of England
R46 Louis X the Stubborn b1289 r1314-6
R47 Jean (I) b1316 rNov 18-22 1316 b. posthumously, d. after 7 days
R48 Philippe V the Tall b1293 r1316-22 uncle of Jean I, regent until Jean's death
R49 Charles IV the Fair b1294 r1322-8


22 1314-1369 Philippe of Hainault - KoE Edw III
23 1294-1342 Jeanne de Valois 48yo - Wm III of Holland
24 1245-1285 KoF Philip(pe) III the Bold (or the Rash) R44 - Isabella of Aragon
25 1214-1270 KoF Louis IX St. Louis R43 - Margaret of Provence
26 1187-1226 KoF Louis VIII the Lion R42 - Blanca of Castile
27 1165-1223 KoF Philip(pe) II Augustus R41 - Elizabeth of Hainault
28 1121-1180 KoF Louis VII the Young R40 - Eleanor of Aquitaine
29 1081-1137 KoF Louis VI the Fat R39 - Adelaide of Maurienne
30 1052-1108 KoF Philip(pe) (I) R38 - Bertha of Holland
31 1008-1060 KoF Henry (I) R37 - Anna of Kiev
32 970-1031 KoF Robert II the Pious (or the Sage) R36 - Constance of Arles
33 ... cf below

30 (1050-1102) De CREPI, Hugh 'the Great' Magnus - VERMANDOIS, Adelaide Countess of
31 (1008-1060) Henry I, King of France - Anna of Kiev (m1051)
32 (0970-1031) Robert II the Pious, King of France - Constance of Arles (Toulouse, m1003, 986-1032)
33 (0939-0996) Hugh Capet, King of France - Adelaise of Normandy (Aquitaine)
34 (0900-0956) Hughes the Great, Count of Paris - Hedwige, Princess of Germany, dau of HRE12 Henry 'the Fowler' (919-36) and wife Matilda, and sis of HRE13 Otto I, who m930s Edhilda [St. Edith], dau of Edward the Elder of England and sis of Athelstan (another sis of Athelstan m. Charles 'the Simple' of France)
35 (0865-0923) Robert [I], (Carolingian) King of France (bro Odo saved Paris) - Beatrice de VERMANDOIS
36 (0820-0866) Robert 'Fortis' [the Strong] - Adelaide b824 (dau of Carolingian Louis I the Pious and Ermengarde)
37 (0795-08xx) Witithin - Geva b799 (dau of Gorm, hmmm, same as Danish king?)

Descent Chart

So JCS and Alexis de Tocqueville are (1 JCS to 31 KoF Henry I (R37) to 6 AdT) 24th cousins, 5x removed.

From, the following lines:

1036-1076 Anna Agnesa Yaroslavna of Kiev - Henry I of France
0980-1054 Yaroslav I the Wise of Kiev - Ingrid, Princess of Sweden 1001-50
0960-xxxx Vladimir I the Great of Kiev - Rogneda, Princess of Polotsk 962-?
0xxx-xxxx Svyatoslav I Grand Kiev - Malusha of Lubech

1001-1050 Ingrid, Princess of Sweden - Yaroslav I of Kiev
0950-1xxx Olaf III King of Sweden - Astrid (Inegrid) 979-?
0xxx-xxxx Eric VIII Seiersal of Sweden - Sigrid Storrada the Proud Skoglar-Testedot Queen of Sweden

0962-xxxx Rogneda, Princess of Polotsk - Vladimir I of Kiev
0xxx-xxxx Rogvolod, Prince of Polotsk - ?

0974-1032 Constance de Toulouse - Robert II the Pious
0947-xxxx William III Taillefer, Count - Arsinde (Blanche) de Anjou, Countess 948-?
0xxx-xxxx Raimonde III Count of Toulouse - Garsinde

0948-xxxx Arsinde de Anjou - William III Taillefer
0xxx-xxxx Foulques II 'le bon' Anjou - Gerberge du Maine

0952-xxxx Adelaide - Hugh Capet
0xxx-xxxx William I of Aquitaine - Adele, Princess of Normandy

0939-0996 Hugh Capet - Adelaide
0900-0956 Hughes the Great, Count of Paris - Hedwige (Hartwige), Princess of Germany (? or Edhilda, dau of Edw Elder MBBKQ)
0865-0923 Robert, King of France (Carolingian R30) - Beatrice de Vermandois
0820-0866 Robert 'Fortis' - Adelaide b824
0795-08xx Witithin - Geva b799 (dau of Gorm)

0824-0xxx Adelaide - Robert 'Fortis'
0778-0840 Louis I the Pious (Carolingian R23 and HRE) - Ermengarde

08xx-09xx Beatrice de Vermandois - Robert R30
0848-0880 Herbert I - ?, Countess of Vermandois b862
0818-0xxx Pepin Quentin, Count of Vermandois - ?

0862-0xxx ?, Countess of Vermandois - Herbert I
0820-0866 Robert 'Fortis' - Adelaide b824

09xx-09xx Hedwige (Hartwige) - Hughes the Great
0875-0936 Henry the Fowler - Matilda (her line continues)
0851-0912 Otto - Hedwige 856-903
0826-08xx Ludolph - Hedwige 826-? (dau of Billung)
0xxx-0xxx Bruno - ?

0856-0903 Hedwige - Otto
0820-08xx Arnulph I - Oda b820 (dau of Theodore)
0xxx-0xxx Carloman - Litwinde

- Holy Blood, Holy Grail, Michael Baigent, Henry Lincoln, Richard Leigh, 1983
- Who's Who in the Middle Ages, ?, 19xx, B&N
- Worldbook Encyclopedia
- The Mammoth Book of British Kings and Queens, Mike Ashley, 1999 (Carroll & Graf Publishers)
- An Encyclopedia of World History, Ed. Wm. L. Langer, Houghton Mifflin, 1940/48/52/68/72 (5th [House of Pepin] and 6th [Carolingian Dynasty] of 104 Genealogy Tables, pp. 163, 171)
- EMA = The Early Middle Ages, James A Corrick, Lucent, 1995, 128pp, FHL.