I have two lines of BALDWIN ancestors. The earlier one produced Matilda, wife of William 'The Conqueror' and goes back to Liderie b. 750. For this earlier line, the spelling can be either BALDWIN or BAUDOUIN. The earliest known BALDWIN ancestor of the later line was Robert BALDWIN, born 1476. A Baldwin of Flanders was one of the leaders of the 4th crusade (1202-1204), but I'm unsure if he is connected to either of my lines or if there's any connection between these two BALDWIN lines. The duchy of Flanders was the Dutch-speaking [mainly Protestant, Calvinist] N region of today's Belgium (once part of a greater Netherlands), in contrast to Belgium's French-speaking S region of Wallonia, i.e. land of [mainly Catholic] Walloons (hmmm, interesting recent stories about Belgium being liquidated, having outlived its usefulness, the regions presumably being reabsorbed into Netherlands, France?).
... path to JCS and Rosena via Christiana MOWBRAY m. Wm PLUMPTON
32 1031-83 Matilda - KoE WmConq
33 1012-67 Baldwin V 'de Lille' 7 C F (& regent of France) - Alix dau of KoF Robt II
34 967-1036 Baudouin IV 'Barbatus' [handsome beard] 6 C F - Ogive De Luxembourg
35 941-987 Arnulf II 5 C F - Rosele of Italy
36 933-962 Baudouin III 4 C F - Mathilde of ?
37 889-965 Arnulf I 3 C F - VERMANDOIS, Adela De
38 863-918 Baudouin II 'the Bald' 2 C F - Elfrida, Princess of England
39 837-879 Baldwin I 'Iron Hand' - Judith, Princess of Franks
40 810-864 Odoscer 1st C of Flanders 862 - ?
41 780-8xx Engleran - ?
42 750-xxx Liderie - ?
33 1024-47 Eustace I ... p/u here
34 990-1033 Baldwin II 4 C B - Adeline of Holland
35 971-990 Arnulf III 3 C B - ?
36 965-971 Arnulf II 2 C B - ?
37 918-933 Adalulf 1st C of Boulogne - ?
42-38 same as above
Arnold (Arnulf) I, Count of Flanders (889-964)
Arnold (Arnulf) II, Count of Flanders (941-987)
Baldwin I, Count of Flanders (837-879, eloped w/Judith, wife of Charles the Bald of France)
Baldwin I (1070s?-1118, a 1rst crusade ldr, 1rst King of Jerusalem, bro of Godfrey of Bouillon, ancestor?)
Baldwin (I) of Flanders, (1rst) Latin Byzantine emperor (r1204-5), top ldr of 4th crusade
Baudouin II 'The Bald' Flanders (863-918)
Baldwin II b c950, ggfather of 1rst Crusade bros Godfrey of Bouillon, Baldwin I, Eustace
Baldwin II du Bourg, Prince of Edessa, cousin of Baldwin I (d1118), 2nd King of Jerusalem r1118-31
Baldwin II, (?th) Latin Byzantine emperor (r1228-61)
Baudouin III Count Flanders (933-962)
Baldwin III, ?th King of Jerusalem r1143-62 (lost Edessa)
Baudouin IV 'Barbatus' of Flanders (967-1036)
Baldwin IV, ?th King of Jerusalem r1174-83
Baldwin V, Count of Flanders (1012-1067)
Baldwin V? the Leper, ?th and last King of Jerusalem r1185-6
Baldwin VII (ggson of Baldwin V)
Engleran (780-8??)
Hannah (BOTSFORD) (1645-1???)
Hannah (1674-1726)
Liderie (750-???)
Matilda (1031-1083)
Nathaniel (161?-1658)
Nathaniel (1645-1???)
Odoscer (810-864)
Richard (1509-1553)
Richard (1530-1???)
Richard (1555-1633)
Robert (1476-15??)
Descent Charts
Earlier line (from smokykin?):
- 42 Liderie (750-???) m. ?
- 41 Engleran (780-8??) m. ?
- 40 Odoscer (Odacer, 810-864) m. ?, named first Count of Flanders 862
- 39 Baldwin I 'of the Iron Hand' (KoE p385) 1rst Count of Flanders (837-879 r862-79) m. Judith (844-70 d@26yo!) Princess of Franks, Queen of England (ggdau of Charlemagne) (actually eloped w/Judith, dau (wife?) of Charles the Bald of France (see Louis I the Pious), in response Charles had Baldwin excommunicated (via Pope Formosus, see below), Baldwin successfully appealed to Rome, Charles reluctantly granted him the title of 1rst Duke of Flanders, one of 3 buffer areas set up by Charles to protect his kingdom, see aEWH).
- 38 Baudouin II the Bald 2nd Count of Flanders (863-918) m. Elfrida (Aelfthryth) Princess of England (i.e. dau of Alfred the Great). When Baldwin II d918, his son Arnulf became the next [3rd] Count of Flanders, while his other son Adalulf became the 1rst Count of Boulogne.
- 37 Arnold (Arnulf) I b889 3rd Count of Flanders 918-65 m. Adela De VERMANDOIS (Arnulf's bro Adalulf was 1rst Count of Boulogne, but from Arnulf descend the future Counts of FLANDERS)
- 36 Baudouin III, 4th Count of Flanders (933-962) m. Mathilde, Countess of Flanders
- 35 Arnold (Arnulf) II, 5th Count of Flanders (941-987) m. Rosele of Italy
- 34 Baudouin IV Barbatus ['of the Handsome Beard'] 6th Count of Flanders (967-1036) m. Ogive De Luxembourg
- 33 Baldwin V de Lille, 7th Count of Flanders (1012-1067) and regent in France during minority of Philip I, m. Adele (Alix) Princess of France (dau of KoF Robert II)
- 32 Matilda, Countess of Flanders (1031-1083) m. William I the Conqueror King of England
- 31 PoE Gundred 1063-85 22yo m. Wm De WARREN[NE] 1 E of Surrey 1055-88 33yo
- 30 Wm De W II 1081-1138 47yo 2 E S m. Isabel Eliz De VERMANDOIS
- 29 Ada De W 1120-78 58yo m. Henry of Huntingdon 1115-52 37yo, Prince of Scotland, E of H & Northumberland
- 28 KoS Wm I 'the Lion' 1143-1214 71yo m. Ermengarde d1233
- 27 PoS Isabella 1216-63 47yo m1191 Robert De ROOS
- 26 Wm De R 1203-58 55yo m. Lucy Fitz PIERS
- 25 Wm De R [II] 1244-1310 66yo m. Eustache GRESLEY
- 24 Lucy R 1270-1332 62yo m. Robt PLUMPTON
- 23 Wm De P 1294-1362 68yo m. Christiana MOWBRAY
- ... paths to both JCS and Rosena, cf Mowbray.html
- 32 Baldwin VI 8th C of F, d1070, had named Philip of France and [WmConq's great vassal] Wm Fitz Osbern as fellow guardians (w/his wife Richildis) of his heir (Linklater p248). When he d1070, a revolt rose and Richildis appealed to Philip and Wm, latter came quickly hoping to m. her, but was k. w/boy by revolt ldr Robert the Frisian, the boy's uncle.
- 32 Robert I 'the Frisian' (le Frison) [9th C of F?], gave asylum to Edgar the Atheling when WmConq forced him to leave Scotland m. Gertrude of Saxony
- 31 Robert II [10th C of F?] m. Clementia of Burgundy
- 32 Bertha of Hainault m. Philip of France
- 32 Adela m. Canute IV (Linklater p273)
- 37 Adalulf, 1rst Count of Boulogne 918-33 m. ?
- 36 Baldwin Balso d973, illegitimate, guardian of Arnulf II, C of F (son of ?)
- 36 Arnulf II 2nd Count of Boulogne 965-71 m. ?
- 35 Arnulf III 3rd Count of Boulogne 971-90 m. ?
- 34 Baldwin II 4th Count of Boulogne 990-1033 m. Adelvie (Adeline of Holland, Adeliva) dau of ?, her 1st marriage, 2nd to Enguerrand I Count of Ponthieu occ. 1026, 1043, son of Hugh I Count of Ponthieu c980 and Gisla, dau of Hugh Capet KoF. Father of (976-1015) Eustace I Compte de BOULOGNE m. Matilda [Mahaut] de LOUVAIN?
- 33 Eustace I l'Oeil b. c1000 HBHG: Eustache I, [5th] Count of Boulogne, 1024-47 m. Matilda [Mahaut] de LOUVAIN [Matilde of Leuven, dau of Lambert I and Gerberga], Eustace was adopted by Ernicule 'Le Petit' of BOULOGNE d1041 who m. Adeline [Agnes] Comtesse de BOULOGNE, together they bore [another?] Eustace (hmmm, other Eustace dates 976-1015)
- 32 Lambert de [Count of] LENS of BOULOGNE d1054 m. 1053 Countess Adelaide (Adeliza), Princess of Normandy d1081/7, sis of Wm Conq, her 2nd marriage, 1st to Enguerrand II, Count of Pontheiu 1052-3, he descended from Hugh I and Gisla (dau of Hugh Capet) via ... Hugh II Count of Ponthieu d105 (bro of Guy, Bishop of Amiens author of 'song of the battle of Hastings' d1074/5 ... bros of Eng II were Guy I CoP 1053-110 (son Eng d. bef. 1100) and Hugh (see Ponthieu graph facing '1066' p1)
- 31 Judith De LENS of Normandy b1054 m. Waltheof II E of Huntington
- 30 Matilda 1072-1130 58yo m. KoS David I 'The Saint' E of H
- 29 PoS Henry of H m. Ada De WARREN[NE]
- ... p/u at line above
- 32 Godfrey Bishop of Paris 1061-95 (see Bishops of Paris
- 32 Eustace II b. c1020 6th Count of Boulogne 1047-c88 (82?), fought w/Wm the Conqueror in 1066 m2. Ida, Countess of Boillon d1113, sister of Godfrey the Hunchback (d1076) and dau of Godfrey II the Bearded, Duke of Lower Lorraine, and his wife Doda. HBHG: Eustache II d1081 m. Ide D'Ardennes "Saint Ide" d1113. This Ida of Lorraine was descended from Louis II 'the Stammerer'. Eustace II also m1. c1036 Godgifu d. bef. 1049 sis of King Edward the Confessor (no kids, too bad, else they may've become KoE)
Note: Andrew Bridgeford in his 2005 book 1066: The Hidden History of the Bayeux Tapestry argues that the tapestry secretly tells a pro-Saxon story in which Eustace II is prominent. He was a French, but NOT Norman, nobleman descended from Charlemagne, whose claim to the English throne was at least as strong as WmConq's.
Ida of Lorraine's lineage:
- dau of Godrey III, Duke of Lower Lorraine aka 'the Bearded' m. ?
- son of Gothelo I, Duke of Lorraine m. ?
- son of Godfrey I, Count of Verdun m. Matilda Billung, dau of Herman Duke of Saxony and widow of Baldwin III of Flanders d962
- son of Gozlin Count of Bidgau m. ?
... ?
somehow ties to Louis II the Stammerer 6 generations back
- 31 brothers/leaders in First Crusade
- 31 Godfrey [1rst Count?] of Bouillon, Defender of the Holy Sepulchre 1099-1100 ("descendant of Charlemagne" and 1 of 4 main leaders of 1rst Crusade, w/Raymond IV, Count of Toulouse, Bohemund of Tarent, Tancred of Hauteville, WB, other ldrs were Hugh the Great, Count of Vermandois, bro of King Philip of France, Baldwin of Hainault, Stephen of Blois, (quiet) Robert, Count of Flanders, Robert 'Curthose' Short Breeches, Duke of Normandy and son of Wm the Conq) HBHG: Godfroi 1061-1100
- 31 Baldwin I [7th Count] of Boulogne, 1rst King of Jerusalem r1100-18 HBHG: Baudoin
- 31 Eustace III Count of Boulogne c1088-1125 (HBHG: Eustache III, Count of Boulogne m. Marie, dau of Malcolm III of Scotland, dau Mathilde m. Stephen of England)
- 30 Matilda, Heiress of Boulogne m. Stephen of BLOIS, desc. of Pepin, King of Italy, King of England 1135-54, 8th Count of Boulogne 1125-46
- 29 Eustace IV 9th Count of Boulogne 1146-53
- 29 William 10th Count of Boulogne 1153-9
- 31 Gertrude (HBHG)
- 31 Alex m. Emperor Henry IV (HBHG)
- 31 Godefrey de BOULOGNE (b10xx) and of Carshalton, half bro of 1rst crusaders Godfrey de Bouillon, Eustace III and Baldwin I KoJ (hmmm, maybe ties in w/'the Hunchback'?) m. Beatrix de MANDEVILLE
- 30 William de BOULOGNE (d. before 1130)
- 29 Rohese de BOULOGNE (possibly sis of Faramus of Boulogne) m. (Sir) Richard de LUCY of Chipping Ongar, Chief Justiciar of England
- 28 Alice de L m. Odinel de UMPFREVILLE b115x
- 27 Richard de U b118x m. ?
- 26 Gilber de U b121x m. Maud, Countess of Angus [ancient Gaelic mormaerdom of Angus passed to Norman-French U's 1243]
- 25 Gilbert de U 1244-96 52yo m. Eliz COMYN
- 24 Robt de U, E of Angus d1325 m. Elinor ? d1368
- 23 Th de U of Hessle d1387 m. Joan de RODDAM
- 22 Th de U of Harbottle MP 1387-90 m. Agnes ?
- 21 Margaret U 1397-1444 47yo m. Sir John CONSTABLE
- 20 Sir John C [II] d1473 m. Lora FitzHUGH
- 19 Joan C b145x m. Sir Wm MALLORY
- 18 John M 1474-1528 54yo m. Margaret THWAITES
- 17 Wm M 1500-47 m. Jane NORTON
- 16 Sir Wm M 1525-1603 78yo m. Ursula GALE
- 15 Rafe M 1582-1634 52yo m. Grace NEAL
- 14 Peter M 1627-98 72yo m. Sarah WEEDEN
- 13 Peter M 1653-91 38yo m. Eliz TROWBRIDGE
- 12 Zaccheus M b1699 m. Sarah RISE
- 11 Nathaniel M 1742-1808 66yo m. Abiah BEARDSLEY
- 10 Andrew M b1780 m. Mary WHITNEY
- 9 Belinda M 1812-74 62yo m. Edmund M DUNSMORE
- 8 Edm David D 1830-74 44yo m. Electa Martha HAVENS
- 7 Alice Flora D 1873-1947 74yo m. Dervin GEARHART
- 6 Eldon G m. Margie BROKAW
- 5 Rosena G m. JCS

Baldwin II the Bald d918
- 01 Baldwin II, Count of Boulogne (b. c950?, could this be same as Baldwin of Flanders d918?, HBHG: shows parents of Eustache I as Hugues d1015 m. Agnes, dau of Eustache, Count of Jumiege, and descendent of Agnes, dau of Sigisbert VII, m. Hugues II de Lusignan, when Hugues d1015, Agnes m2. Ernicule, Count of Boulogne d1041, who adopted Agnes/Hugues son Eustache I. Parents of Hugues d1015 were Jean I d1020 m. Isabel, brother of Hugues was Jean II d1054 m. Anne and had a son Jean III d1068/72, who m. Beatrix de Lorraine, from which Plantard line continues, Beatrix dau of Gozelon d1044, Duke of Upper Lorraine, and sister of Frederick aka Pope Stephen IX and Godfroi, Duke of Lorraine, who m. Beatrix de Bar, latter also m. Boniface, Marquis of Tuscany and had dau Mathilde, Countess of Tuscany, founder of Abbey of Orval 1070. Parents of Jean I were Hugues I 951-71 m. (Greek) Anna, this Hugues I bro of Agnes and son of Sigisbert VII d978/82. Sigisbert VII bro of Arnaud, branch of the "Plant-Amor" and Bernard, all 3 sons of Bera VI d975, an 'architect' in England and his descendants practiced the 'Art of Building.' Bera VI son of Arnaud d952, who returned to Brittany 939, Arnaud son of Guillaume III 874-936, who fled to England 914 as a result of Viking raids on Brittany (and death of father by those raids?), son of Guillaume II d914 m. Idoine, son of Merovingian Sigisbert VI "Prince Ursus" d884/5 m. Rotilde. Sibs of Guillaume III were Bera "the Young," whose branch stayed in England, and Gemege m. Arnaud, Count of Poher, whose son Mathuedoi 897-? (also returned to Brittany 939), Count of Poher, m. 916 Havoire and had son Alan IV "Strong Bear" 917-52, Duke of Brittany 937. Havoire dau of celtic Alain "the Great" d907, from HBHG chart pp266-7)
- 02 Eustace I (b. c1000, HBHG: Eustache I, Count of Boulogne, 1010-1???, adopted by Ernicule m. Mahaut de Louvain)
- 03 Eustace II, Count of Boulogne, fought w/Wm the Conqueror in 1066 (b. c1040?) m. Ida, Countess of Boillon, sister of Godfrey the Hunchback (d1076) and dau of Godfrey II the Bearded, Duke of Lower Lorraine, and his wife Doda (HBHG: Eustache II d1081 m. Ide D'Ardennes "Saint Ide" d1113)
- brothers/leaders in First Crusade
- 04 Godfrey of Bouillon ("descendant of Charlemagne" and 1 of 4 main leaders of 1rst Crusade, w/Raymond IV, Count of Toulouse, Bohemund of Tarent, Tancred of Hauteville, WB, other ldrs were Hugh the Great, Count of Vermandois, bro of King Philip of France, Baldwin of Hainault, Stephen of Blois, (quiet) Robert, Count of Flanders, Robert Short Breeches, Duke of Normandy and son of Wm the Conq) HBHG: Godfroi 1061-1100
- 04 Baldwin I of Boulogne (1070s?-1118), 1rst King of Jerusalem r1100-18 HBHG: Baudoin
- 04 Eustace of Boulogne (HBHG: Eustache III, Count of Boulogne m. Marie, dau of Malcolm of Scotland, dau Mathilde m. Stephen of England)
- 04 Gertrude (HBHG)
- 04 Alex m. Emperor Henry IV (HBHG)
"Kings of Jerusalem" (aEWH chart 24)
- 01 Hugh of Rethel m. Melisande
- 02 Baldwin II, cousin of Baldwin I, 2nd King of Jerusalem r1118-31 m. Morphia of Melitin
- 03 Melisande m. Fulk of Anjou, 3rd King of Jerusalem r1131-43
- 04 Baldwin III, 4th King of Jerusalem r1143-62 m. Theodora Comnena
- 04 Amalric I, 5th King of Jerusalem r1162-74 m1. Agnes of Courtenay m2. Maria Comnena
- w/Agnes
- 05 Baldwin IV, 6th King of Jerusalem r1174-83
- 05 Sybilla m1. William of Montferrat m2. Guy of Lusignan, ?th King of Jerusalem r1186-92
- w/William
- 06 Baldwin V, ?th King of Jerusalem r1185-6
- w/Maria
- 05 Isabella m1. ? m2. Conrad of Montferrat, ?th King of Jerusalem r1190-2 m3. Henry of Champagne, ?th King of Jerusalem r1192-7 m4. Amalric II, ?th King of Jerusalem r1197-1205 (he had m1. Eschiva of Ibelin)
- w/Conrad (2)
- 06 Maria (regent 1205-12) m. John of Brienne (r1210-25)
- 07 Yolande m. Emperor Frederick II r1225-43
- 07 Marie, Latin co-Emp 1231-7 m. Baldwin II, 5th Latin Emp r1228-61 d1273 (see aEWH chart 26)
- w/Henry (3)
- 06 Alice
- 06 Isabella
- w/Amalric II (4)
- 06 Melisande
- 03 Alice m. Bohemund II of Antioch
- 03 Hodierna m. Raymond of Tripoli
"Latin Emperors of Constantinople 1204-1373" (aEWH chart 26)
- 01 ?
- 02 Baldwin I, 1rst Latin Emperor r1204-5
- 02 Henry I, 2nd Latin Emperor r1205-16
- 02 Yolanda (regent 1217-9) m. Peter I of Courtenay, 3rd Latin Emperor r1216-7
- 03 Marie m. Theodore Lascaris (see Lascarian Dynasty [apparently 1261-73, 1285-1301], aEWH chart 25)
- 03 Robert I, 4th Latin Emperor r1219-28
- 03 Baldwin II, 5th Latin Emperor r1228-61 d1273 m. Marie, dau of John Brienne, co-Emp 1231-7
- 04 Philip I r1273-85 m. Beatrice, sis of Charles II, dau of Charles I of Anjou and Naples
- 05 Catherine of Courtenay m. Charles of Valois r1301-13
- 06 Catherine of Valois r1313-46 m. Philip II of Tarento r1313-31 (son of Charles II)
- 07 Louis of Tarento
- 07 Robert II r1346-64 (unclear on chart, bro or another line?)
- 07 Philip III r1364-73
Hmmm. An Encyclopedia of World History, Ed. Wm. L. Langer, Houghton Mifflin, 1940/48/52/68/72 (at FHL) shows Baldwins I-V, Kings of Jerusalem (crusades). Their reigns there were 1100-18 (I), 1118-31 (II), 1143-62 (III), 1174-83 (IV) and 1185-6 (V). This Baldwin I (1070s?-1118) was the brother of Godfrey of Bouillon and Eustace ("descendants of Charlemagne" and sons of Eustace II, Count of Boulogne, who had fought w/Wm the Conqueror in 1066, see chart above) and served as King of Jerusalem after the death of Godfrey, the top leader of the 1rst crusade (began 1096) and first Christian leader of Jerusalem (refused to call himself "king," prefered "Baron of Jerusalem and Defender of the Sepulcher" Lamb p. 237). This Baldwin established Edessa (later lost in 1144). Lamb says [at the time of this Baldwin's death in 1117/8] "Godfrey, Raymond of Toulouse, and Baldwin lay in their tombs in Golgotha. With Baldwin, the men of Jerusalem buried the last leader of the great crusade. While he lived, the indomitable spirit of the crusade lived also. After his death, it passed, and it did not return again" p. 303). Before his death, Baldwin sent for his bro Eustace to succeed him, and specified that his cousin Baldwin of Edessa should act as regent in the interval (Lamb, 302). There were nearly 60 yrs between the death of Baldwin in 1117/8 and the coming of Saladin. What of the Jerusalem kings? "They did not measure up to Godfrey, or to the great Baldwin. Eustace, the 3rd bro, did not succeed to the throne. He was on his way ... when he heard the barons and prelates had chosen the younger Baldwin du Bourg, prince of Edessa [instead] ... Eustace turned back ... Baldwin III saw Edessa lost. The spirit of the great crusade was leaving Outremer [the Holy Land] ... The last king of Jerusalem had been Baldwin (V?) the Leper" (Lamb, 311-4).
Also, there were 2 Latin Byzantine emporers; Baldwin (I) of Flanders (r1204-5) and Baldwin II (r1228-61). This Baldwin I was the top leader of the 4th crusade, which set out for the Holy Land, but never made it that far. Stopping at Venice to seek transport across the Mediterranean, but lacking sufficient funds, the Venetians convinced these crusaders to first attack Byzantium at Constantinople as part of their payment, which they did, overthrowing the Byzantine rulers and causing Byzantium to break into many sub-kingdoms (to "balkanize," forming what we now call "The Balkans:" Greece, Serbia, Croatia, Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova, Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia, Herzigovina ...), one over which Baldwin I (Count of Flanders) was chosen (by his fellow crusaders) to rule (the first Latin ruler of a Byzantine domain) (sources: WorldBook, Lamb, aEWH, online wikipedia). Connections?
AEWH also shows 3 entries for "Baldwin Iron-Hand of Flanders" as follows: 1) Charles the Bald in 862 granted 3 duchies or fiefs to provide buffer areas for his Frankish kingdom; the county of Flanders to his son-in-law Baldwin Iron Arm (WB/WWMA says Baldwin stole Charles' wife Judith, eloping, Charles got Baldwin excommunicated, Baldwin appealed to Pope and won, so Charles had to reluctantly grant Baldwin the title [1rst] Count of Flanders), Neustria (later split into Anjou, Champagne, Aquitaine, Gascony) to Robert the Strong and Burgundy to Richard, Count of Autun; 2) a Baldwin of Flanders led a revolt in 1006-7 against ? (apparently then-Frankish King Robert II), which was put down in 1007 3) Godfrey the Bearded (father of Ida, gfather of Godfrey of Bouillon) in 1047 joined a revolt led by Baldwin of Flanders against Henry (then Frankish king).
Later line:
(extra info from Mar 2017)
- 18 Richard BALDEWYNE c1350s-1410s
- 17 John BALDEWYNE c1380s-c1440s
- 16 John BALDEWYNE c1410-c70 ~60yo
- 15 Robt BALDWIN b. c. 8-11-1475 Chesham, Buckinghamshire, yeoman, d. 4-16-1536 60yo Aston Clinton, Buck. m. Agnes ?
- 15 Robert 1476-1536 60yo m. ?
- 14 Richard 1509-53 44yo m. Ellen APUKE
- 13 Richard b1530 m. ?
- 12 Richard 1555-1633 78yo m. Isabel HARDING?
- 11 Timothy 1615-65 50yo m1 Mary WELLS m2 Mary MEPHAM
- 11 Nathaniel 161x-58 m1 Abigail CAMP m2 Joann WESTCOTT
- 10 Nathaniel b1645 m1 Hannah BOTSFORD m2 Martha MITCHELL
- 9 Elizabeth b1672 m. Stephen PARMALEE
- 9 Hannah 1674-1726 52yo m. Samuel SANFORD
- 8 Jonathan S 1704-88 84yo m. Phebe PLATT
- 7 Phebe S 1729-1820 91yo m. David CASTLE
- 6 Phebe C 1766-1842 76yo m. John C STEWART
- 5 Lucinda Emaline S 1808-42 34yo m. Jacob KAYNER
- 4 Mariett K 1830-1928 98yo m. Henry Allen RACE
- 3 Carrie R 1858-1926 m. John Decker SAWYER
- 2 CBS m. Mabel
- 1 JCS m. Rosena
- 9 Esther 1676-1676 DY
- 9 Esther b1683 m. Samuel SANFORD
- 9 Samuel b1684
- 11 Joseph d1684 m1 Hannah WHITLOCK m2 Isabel NORTHAM m3. Elizabeth HITCHCOCK
- 13 Henry 1531-1602 71yo
- 13 John b1532
- 13 Alice b153x
- 13 Agnes b153x
- 13 Cecily b153x
- 13 Letise b153x m. ? FOSTER
- 14 Robert b151x
- 14 John "of the Hale" b151x
Much BALDWIN information (later line) was received in the form of a GEDCOM file from Richard N. PLATT, Jr. ( whom I met on the NYSUFFOL rootsweb group (PLATT, BALDWIN and SANFORD GEDCOMs). The source for the earlier line is Other sources are Worldbook (WB), Who's Who in the Middle Ages (WWMA), online and Harold Lamb's 1930/1 book The Crusades, (HBHG) and An Encyclopedia of World History (aEoWH, genealogy charts 24 and 26 [of 104?] "Kings of Jerusalem" and "Latin Emperors of Constantinople 1204-1373").